The majestic qualities of your 3P’s and how to accomplish your dreams

The majestic qualities of your 3P’s and how to accomplish your dreams

Time and time again, I see people young and old, big and small continually have problems reaching their goals and their dreams.  They live lives of quiet desperation, working a dead end job or doing something that absolutely hate.  It’s a sickening sight to see, when the majority of Americans are in this “middle ground” with no knowledge of figuring out how to rise up.  I guess that the problem lies in their lack of direction, lack of passion, lack of motivation, and lack of trying.

We all have a feeling inside ourselves of, “What If”, yet our rational mind drills this thought down deeper and deeper, so that way we’re sure of never finding it.  Humans in America very seldom look within themselves to find the answer, but we pay millions of dollars in pursuit of somebody to provide what we’re looking for.  As I studied the reasons behind why people do not achieve their objectives, I’ve come to find out it all comes back to the same type of thing:  

The 3P’S

When your 3P’s are aligned the decisions you make are for the greater good of your life.  You have intent and you focus your concentration on the things that actually matter.  It’s said that “Knowledge is Power”, yet that’s only halfway true...Knowledge is only potential power, because without taking the appropriate actions, your knowledge means nothing.

  • What if you could feel so grounded to your goals and dreams that nothing could stand in your way?
  • What if you had a purpose for life that got you jumping out of bed every morning tap dancing to work?
  • What if you had everything you needed to live happily and with joy forever?

Knowing your 3P’s will give you that clarity that you’re looking for.  Ok, ok...So enough of my blah blah blah stuff.  Here’s the 3P’s:

  1. Purpose - Who am I and what am I here for? What is the ONE Thing I am supposed to accomplish in my life, and what does that mean for me right now? (i.e., what is today’s ONE Thing connected to my big ONE Thing?)
  2. Passion - What am I PASSIONATE about and how can I do more of that?
  3. Priciples - What do I value, and how can I develop these PRINCIPLES so they define my character for the rest of my life?

Mastery over the self is somewhat difficult if you don’t have clarity on these questions. The answer to these questions is what gives you direction in life. If you don’t know yourself, what are you are supposed to do besides just get by? Lack of meaning and purpose is a major cause of despair and despondency in the world. Some will stumble upon a vague sense of purpose in their professional lives.

Others have their purpose shown to them early in life and are well into fulfilling it into their twenties. I have found that the vast majority of my students cannot clearly articulate their purpose at first and are deeply moved when they uncover it.


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