Maize protection
Dr. Valery Patskan
Head of sunflower seed production in Russia and CIS. PhD in Agricultural Sciences. Full member of independent experts in crop production under the Ministry of Agriculture of the Russian Federation
In the conditions of modern farming the cultivation of corn is impossible without effective control of weeds. As practice shows, agro-technological methods are't able enough solve this problem.
Therefore, we are increasingly, and conceived, always use hebrbicides to solve this problem. Today there are over a hundred drugs offered by various companies. Lonely, almost all of them are similar to each other.
1) The species composition of weeds in the field, the degree of weediness;
2) Spectrum of action of the herbicide;
3) Meteorological conditions during the period of herbicide application;
4) Methods of using herbicides:
4.1) Before sowing with incorporation into the soil;
4.2) Immediately after sowing before emergence;
4.3) After emergence in the 3-5 leaf phase in maize.
Important to remember:
????????From the phase of 2-3 leaves to the appearance of 8-10 leaves, weediness of crops can cause a sharp decrease in yield up to 50%. During this period (20-30 days) crops should be free of weeds.