Maintaining public confidence, ensuring integrity and safeguarding animal welfare
Queensland Racing Integrity Commission
Independent statutory body overseeing integrity and welfare standards of QLD racing animals and industry participants.
Monday 11 September, 2023
The Queensland Racing and Integrity Commission (QRIC) has an important role in maintaining public confidence in racing, ensuring the integrity of all persons involved with racing or betting, and safeguarding the welfare of animals involved in racing.?
The receiving of bribes for the purpose of manipulating the outcome of a race is conduct that strikes at the very heart of the integrity of the sport of racing. This type of conduct brings the industry into disrepute, and significantly damages the reputation of the industry and those who participate in it.
QRIC actively monitors compliance and integrity of participants and practices in the racing industry. Conduct of this type will be detected and addressed.?
The Racing Appeals Panel recently upheld the racing decision of QRIC to impose a significant penalty on an industry participant found to have engaged in corrupt conduct in connection with greyhound racing.
The Panel accepted that receiving bribes to alter a race outcome is conduct that warrants a significant penalty for the purposes of both specific and general deterrence and to protect the reputation and integrity of the sport.?
The decision is accessible on the Racing Appeals Panel website here.
Most licensed participants operate within the rules of racing. Those who breach the rules put themselves and others at risk and cause members of the community to view the racing industry in a negative light. ?
We encourage anyone with information about integrity matters involving wrongdoing in the industry to make a report to the Commission. The easiest way to make a report is via our?Report Something web form?on our website (either anonymously or identified).?
Media Contact: Nicole Rowles 0467 955 412