Maintaining Consumer Confidence in ABF Poultry Production

Maintaining Consumer Confidence in ABF Poultry Production

For the past 20 years, the livestock industry has moved away from using growth-promoting antibiotics. Shifting to antibiotic-free (ABF) or reduced usage in poultry production has been driven by changes in public perception, consumer demands and increased awareness of antibiotic resistance.?

Antibiotic-free poultry production signifies a significant transformation that involves embracing new technologies, stricter disease risk management, and improved management across all levels of live production.

Key initiatives driving ABF include:

Impact on Poultry Health:

Antibiotics were previously used in poultry for growth promotion and to enhance nutrient utilization. However, their use also led to antibiotic resistance of pathogens related to human health, such as Salmonella, Staphylococcus and E. coli, leading to concerns about long-term health implications.

Market Demand and Labeling:

Companies in the poultry industry are responding to market demands by labeling their products as “antibiotic-free” or “no antibiotics ever”. The labeling of such products has increased significantly over the years, indicating a growing consumer preference for ABF.

Upgrading Industry Practices:

The shift towards antibiotic-free poultry production requires a comprehensive upgrade of industry practices. This includes cleaner hatchery conditions, improved brooding methods, and the prevention of excess bacteria into the production system.

Focus on Feed Quality:

Feed quality plays a crucial role in antibiotic-free poultry production. Contamination of feed can introduce bacterial and viral pathogens, hindering performance and possibly leading to disease outbreaks.

Emphasis on Preventive Measures:

In the absence of antibiotics, preventive measures such as vaccination, products to stimulate immune response and gut health and enhanced biosecurity protocols have become the focus of ABF production. These measures help maintain bird health and reduce the risk of disease outbreaks.

Overall Industry Transformation:

The move towards antibiotic-free poultry production represents a significant transformation in the industry. It involves reevaluating traditional practices, adopting new technologies, and looking at new ways to manage bird welfare and health to meet the evolving demands of consumers for safer and more sustainable poultry products.

The commitment of the poultry industry to meet consumer demands for ABF not only reflects a shift towards more sustainable practices but also underscores dedication to delivering quality protein to consumers.

To learn more about how feed sanitation can support antibiotic-free poultry production, contact a clean feed expert today.



