Blandine Kamagou
Doctoral student-Consummate Empath-Driven by passion and compassion-Impassioned Writer and Ghostwriter-Celebrating our shared humanity and putting emphasis on maximizing value for the most vulnerable among us
One cannot overestimate the importance of the human brain, the little organ weighing about three pounds. We could arguably state that we are what our brain is. The Dalai Lama XIV said: "So the smart brain must be balanced with a warm heart, a good heart-a sense of responsibility, of concern for the well-being of others." However, a heart may not be warm if the brain is deficient, therefore not smart. The interconnected of the brain and the mind is undisputable as well. A damage brain will lead to a malfunctioning or impaired mind. Scientists have found that the brain is the most complex organ in the body and is composed of nearly 90 billions neurons. At a time when we have various challenges assaulting our lives on a daily basis, it is incumbent upon us to nurture and protect our brains, to the best of our abilities.
Scientific studies have found that the measures that would boost the brain health are holistic?in nature. These are firm commitments to cultivate wellness and wellbeing by providing a substantial supply of sustenance to the brain. We will highlight 10 formidable undertakings that revitalize and/or restore the energy and performance of the brain.
1. Practice gratefulness: Write a daily journal of what you are thankful. Adopt a positive mindset and count your blessings routinely. Further, there is gratitude in giving, seeing, breathing, simply being with the privilege of doing the things that matter most to you. We are deeply in the season of the year where we all do our best to be thankful and exercise thankfulness. A great mind once said: "There is always, always, always something to be thankful for.†As for Eckart Tolle, he affirmed that: "Acknowledging the good that you already have in your life is the foundation for all abundance.†All in all, gratitude transforms whatever we possess into enough, and this works magic for the brain.
2. Practice humbleness: Be humble which means do not take yourself too seriously. You are only a speck in the big scheme of things. When you are humble, you are drawn to the sense of detachment and easily become a minimalist. You get humble enough to recognize that this right here is not only about you. There is whole world and an infinite universe out there to reckon with. You commit yourself to labor your hardest to make life on earth a little brighter because you are in it.
3. Practice mindfulness: Know how and when to rest, reflect, and rejuvenate. You could do it through prayers, meditation or various other spiritual or religious means. Good Housekeeping recommends that: "Whenever they need a reset, they can pick a card from this deck to inspire rest, insight, curiosity or kindness. Along with an encouraging message, the card will outline different ways to put mindfulness to practice in their everyday life." Prayers, essential oils, meditation?
4. Practice fitness: Talking from personal experience, exercise is a brain booster. Exercising magnifies cognitive abilities, and promotes good emotional and mental performance. Keep your brain fit through physical exercises tailored to your age or possibilities. The power of exercise in building a healthy and high functioning brain has been clearly established by scientists.
5. Practice thoughtfulness: Think about pleasing others, being kind and generous. Do it not because everything is good, but because you are good and driven by goodness. The goodness your project onto other people will revert back and nurture your brain with good-feeling sensations. Badness is corrosive and depletes the brain from essential and beneficial nutrients.
6. Practice joyfulness: I believe one may be joyful without necessarily being in a state of happiness. Develop an intimate connection with the habits or things that give you the joy sensations. Indulge in the brightness of light,?sunshine or anything that satisfy your spirit and soothe your soul. Create that needed light within and let flow and glow outwardly.
7. Practice self-awareness: Why do you get up every day what's? what's drives you? what keeps you going? What do you stand for? What is your calling? What are the causes near and dear to your heart. What is your sense of mission or vision? What is your purpose on earth? Identify those things and dedicate your days to accomplishing tasks that will push you incrementally towards realizing your goals, dreams and aspirations. Scientists have worked hard in the determination of the fact, the harder you put your brain to work, the more reflective and introspective you are, the more beneficial it is for your brain.
8. Practice creativeness: Tap into your hobbies, talents, gifts or experiences to develop, write, build or invent things that would enrich you or your community and beyond. Creative writing would be desirable, and so is knitting, painting, drawing or exercising diverse other crafts.
9. Practice music immersiveness: Music and magic for mankind. This includes creating, listening, singing and dancing. Bob Marley famously said: The good thing about music is that you feel no pain when it hits you." The eloquence of Maya Angelou was articulated in this poignant quote: "Music was my refuge. I could crawl?into the space between the notes and curl my back to loneliness." Plato, thousands of years ago, argued that: "Music gives soul to the universe, wings to the mind, flight to the imagination, and charm and gaiety to life and to everything." Music activates and animates the brain and this is powerful.
10. Practice sleep deepness: The quality of your sleep patterns is instrumental in securing the cleanliness and neatness of your brain. Studies have shown that while you sleep, a great manage is exerted in your brain's house to renew and reinvigorate its cells. Researchers have found that superior sleeping habits boost mood, favor memory sharpness, profoundness of concentration and problem solving acuteness. In "Supreme Secrets of Success," Franz Kafka wittingly noted that: "Sleep is the most innocent creature there is and a sleepless man the most guilty.†Yes indeed, sleeplessness could create undesirable problems for your brain. It is essential to customize your sleep environment to match your preferences. An infusion of essential oils in the room would be pleasant to the brain neurons connected to the sense of smell.
11. Practice food selectiveness: If we are what our brain is, our brain is the food we eat. It is customary to spend the last days of a year pondering over what worked well and what need to be improved upon or discarded altogether, in terms habits. We are forming our New Year resolutions at this juncture. James Clear, in his book "The Atomic Habits," writes: "Improving by 1% isn'tparticularly notable, sometimesit isn't even noticeable, but it can be far more meaningful - especially in the long run." We could start changing right now, incrementally, the food consumption habits that are not deemed healthy. In fact, certain categories of food are seen as promoting the brain wellness and wellbeing. In the article titled: "Food linked to better brainpower," Harvard Health Publishing discusses the different types of brain super-foods, which include the green veggies, fatty fish, berries, walnuts, tea and coffee.
12. Practice PPP ( Patience-Perseverance-Passion) boundlessness: Unpleasant things will happen,?whether we want it or not. The accomplishment of our dreams, goals or aspirations will be delayed or deferred.. However,?PPP is Power. When you have the PPP, you take things in strides, manage your negative emotions dilugently and leverage your wherewithal to get things done. PPP has the ability to break through the hardest and most unbreakable ceilings to reach the brightness of achieving. There is patience in every one of our accomplishments.?Patience and and Perseverance sustain your Passion to achieve your desired purposes and exceed expectations. This is Brain Power. This is Mental Toughness. This is the brain at its finest.
Our brain is our everything. It is the epicenter of regulates organs, speech, controls and?coordinates movements,?balance and automatic is the command center of pain, pleasure and various other emotions and sensations.
Scientists surmise that practicing good brain health and hygiene is essential in nourishing life as we know it. It favors the preventative measures designed to fight dementia, alzeimer and certain mental illnesses.?
In "5 tips to keep your brain healthy, " the Mayo Clinic Health System argues that: "Social interaction helps ward off depression and stress, both of which can contribute to memory loss. Look for opportunities to connect with loved ones, friends and others, especially if you live alone. There is research that links solitary confinement to brain atrophy, so remaining socially active may have the opposite effect and strengthen the health of your brain."
Happy Holidays 2022, everybody!