The Main Stages of the Performance Management Cycle
There are three stages of performance management which are as follows:
Performance Management Planning
The planning phase of the performance management cycle includes both the workers and directors. On this stage, the director and representative concur what the worker must achieve, they likewise consult about the skills, that are important for adequately achieving the organization's performance and characterize the advancement and contemplating the representative needs to dispense with holes in his/her fitness.
Performance Management Monitoring
Employee performance and advancement should be persistently checked. Supervisors should concentrate on the accomplished outcomes, individual and group elements influencing the workplace. In this way, in the second phase of the execution of the board cycle, the representative and chief track the worker's improvement and performance. In the event that it is vital, the worker's execution plan is rectified to meet the changed conditions.
Performance Management Reviewing and Evaluating
On the last phase of the performance management cycle, the employee’s achievements and principles that have been concurred at the primary stage are broke down by the administrator and worker. They settle about how well the employee performed amid the last time frame and what he/she needs to consider for accomplishing the future work principles and objectives. The supervisor leads the assessment of the worker's performance, particularly if choices about the representative's business, compensation, or prizes must be made.