Main reasons for IVF in Czech Republic

Main reasons for IVF in Czech Republic

Dealing with cross border health care sometimes I wonder why someone should decide to go abroad for IVF. Firstly, choosing between IVF, donor-egg IVF and embryo adoption is something complex. But an equally important factor is which country to travel to for treatment.

My customers chose the Czech Republic. So, I wonder why? Here are the top ten reasons they went…

Better standard of care

The friendly staff, clear communication channels and can-do attitude really impressed people, who need support. Those qualities were patchy or non-existent in many countries.

Better success rates

Success rate is one of the highest in the Czech Republic within the European Union - although you need to compare results on a clinic-by-clinic basis.

Better supply of donors

Our IVF clinic carries out over 1,000 donor-egg IVF cycles a year. There are shorter waiting times. It has an excellent supply (and therefore choice) of young, healthy donors and a wider range of potential physical matches than, say, other European Countries. The age of the donor is important.

Lower cost

The cost of treatment at our Czech IVF clinic was 50% to 70% cheaper than most European fertility clinics. It’s much also much cheaper than Spain, where prices have risen in recent years.

Donor anonymity

Donors are anonymous in the Czech Republic, which encourages donation

High ethical standards

All Czech IVF clinic has an impeccable ethical record. The Czech Republic is in the EU. Therefore, the clinic’s conduct is governed and underpinned by strict national legislation, the European Convention on Human Rights and other EC directives.

Less stressful environment

We found that having IVF in the Czech Republic reduced our stress levels. It’s well known that stress can have a negative effect on conception chances. Being away from the hustle and bustle of home, visiting a peaceful Czech town, relaxing in our hotel, eating nice meals, exploring… it really calmed down.

No hidden extras

Treatment packages at Czech clinics often include extras. For example, the price of egg donation cycle includes the initial consultation, blood tests, donor compensation, ICSI fusion and freezing/storage of our leftover embryos. It’s also worth noting that cutting-edge technologies are routinely used in Czech IVF clinics, including PGD, PICSI and advanced cryopreservation techniques. Some EU clinics don’t offer all these services.

Trying something new

For many couples, going to a Czech IVF clinic is a last resort and a resolve to try something new. It was for us – and it paid off with a successful pregnancy. We think more couples should consider the Czech Republic for their IVF treatment, whether for traditional IVF, IVF with donated eggs or donor embryos.



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