The Main Functions Of? The Alarm Control Host
The alarm control host is the "brain" of the alarm system, which handles the signals of the detectors and controls the alarm system by providing disarming operations via a keyboard and other equipment. When alarm system arming, it not only can provide sound / light prompts, but also send alarm signals to the alarm center through the telephone, mobile, or internet.
Alarm detector is composed of sensors and signal processor, used to detect intruder intrusion, is the key of the alarm control host, and the sensor is the core of the alarm detector. The usage of different principles of the sensor, can constitute different types, different applications, to achieve different detection purposes of the alarm detection device.
The main functions of the alarm control host include: partition and zone, arm, disarm and alarm, event recording and query, communication and networking, fault detection and display, password and reset, expansion and compatibility.
1, Partition and zone:
The general alarm control host should set zone, that can make management easy. The large alarm control host can even set multiple partitions, and partition including the number of zones can be determined by the program design.
There are various types of zones, such as entrance and exit delay zones, perimeter zones, internal zones, emergency zones, medical aid zones, fire zones, etc. The zones have various attributes, such as sound / silence, continuous sound / intermittent Sound, bypass / no bypass, wireless / wired, transmission delay / no delay and so on.
It is better to meet the needs with appropriate zones, types and attributes, not necessarily the more the better, and it maybe cause cumbersome and inconvenience.
For easy memory and use, some alarm control hosts can identify partitions, zones, and even entrances with custom codes or aliases, such as several departments of a company that occupy different partitions, each of which can be represented by a different department name.
2, Arm, disarm and alarm:
The type of arm and disarm including the leave and stay arm and disarm, the arm and disarm when going out, automatic arm and disarm, forced disarm, single zone arm and disarm, engineering arm and disarm (for test), set the zone bypass and release. The more kind of type, the more convenient for the user.
Alarm is divided into two categories, one is intrusion trigger alarm, the other is a variety of detection failure alarm, such as tamper, power, alarm, zone failure, telephone line failure. This type of alarm involves the host of self-protection, it should be taken seriously.
3, Event recording and query:
When the host in the course of the operation alarming, or related to change the settings of the various operations, it should be stored as an event. it should be easy to view when needed to check it. This event record does not allow any modification, and even if the host power off for a long time, its records can still be completely preserved. This record has a very important significance of the occurrence alarming to find the responsibility and teach a lesson.
4, Communication and networking:
Including compatible communication protocols, communication objects and direction. The general use of wired telephone as the main means of communication, with two or more of the center network, it also can report to the user phone directly. Some hosts add the networking or mobile communications, as a backup and auxiliary, to further improve the reliability of communication.
5, Fault detection and display:
With automatic maintenance, usually AC/DC power monitoring, tampering, siren circuit, zone circuit failure, telephone line failure, communication failure and so on. The more features of this feature, the better performance of the host self-protection, the higher reliability of the work. When the display fail, for the LED display, the sound and light requirements display must be clear, easily to understand and memory.
6, Password and reset:
Commonly used password type has engineering password, administrator password, user password, hold password, and some can also set a one-time password, a single anti-password (arm effective, disarm invalid) and remote control program design password.
The host should have a reset function, in the case of lost passwords or other special cases, it can be resetted the factory settings or re-programming. For large host, because of it design more programs, its reset function often divided into several levels, you can specifically reset some aspects to reduce the workload.
7, Expansion and compatibility:
The expansion of the host function, generally through the way to connect the module, such as increase the zone, compatible with wire and wireless zone, increase the design of output, connect access controller. These features is very popular in a special occasion to meet the needs of the user's personality.