The main factors that affect the coolness and heat retention time of solid gel include

The main factors that affect the coolness and heat retention time of solid gel include

Material composition:

The fabric, raw material formula, and preparation process of solid gel will affect its thermal insulation performance.

Different formulations of solid gel materials, such as different proportions of water and glycerin, will have different heat preservation times and cooling effects.

Structural design:

The internal structure and porosity of solid gel affect its thermal insulation properties.

Thickness and Density:

The greater the thickness and density of the solid gel, the better its heat preservation time and cooling effect.

But being too thick or too dense may also affect the weight and user experience of the product.

Ambient temperature:

The heat preservation time of solid gel will be shortened in high temperature environment, and the cooling effect will be better in low temperature environment.

Therefore, the use environment of the product is also one of the influencing factors.

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