Maha Kumbha Mela – Learning to internalize the externally auspicious
S Ainavolu
| Teacher of Management | Certified Ind. Director | Power, Infra, and Education | SDGs Believer | Tradition & Culture Educator |
Maha means great and superior. Kumbha Mela is the auspicious occasion when people visit the holy riverbanks at designated places, take ablutions, and perform special rites. Mela is the colloquial for the ‘meeting’ or ‘assembly’. Kumbha denotes the ‘special pot’ and also the constellation of ‘Aquarius’. Symbolic representations of rashis or constellations show the ‘connect’ or deeper embedded meaning. Here Kumbha rashi or Aquarius constellation is represented by the ‘Pot’ symbol which is Kumbha in Sankrit and also percolated to many modern Indian languages. On a higher note, the common symbol of pot representing the Kumbha rashi and Aquarius shows the age old connect between the knowledge streams across the globe, and the emanating source of the Vedic wisdom which was anchored ‘here’.
The original occasion
We know the Samudra manthan occasion in which the ‘riches’ that were deep in the ‘Samudra’ were to be brought out through ‘Manthan’, churning. Given the humongous task it was, ordinary tools were not sufficient. At the advice of Bhagavan Vishu, the mountain of Mandhara becomes the churning road, the divine snake of Vasuki becomes the ‘rope’, children of Diti and Aditi two wives of Kashyapa rishi hold the ‘churning rope’ on either side of head and tail and start churning. Vishnu assumes the form/avatara of Kurma (huge Tortoise) and supports the mountain balance and get churned. The children of Diti who were Rakshasas were on head front and suffered the fumes from snake’s mouth. The children of Aditi who were the divine forces (devas) were holding on the tail side.
Many precious gifts came from this Samudra Manthan is known to us. Chandra (Moon), Lakshmi (Goddess), Airavata (divine elephant), Kamadhenu (divine cow), Kaustubha (gem), Kalpavruksha (wish-fulfilling tree), Uchhaishrava (flying horse) were some of the things to manifest. When the ‘Halahala’, the severe poison comes out, it was lord Shiva who accepts and stocks in his throat region of ‘Vishuddhi’. Then comes the Dhanwantari and he was holding the pot of ‘Amruta’. It is divine elixir which when consumed can turn the person into ‘a+mruta’ (non-death) state. It is said that a few drops from the Amruta pot fell at different places, some in swarga and some on the earth, making these pious places. It is said that the waters at these places of Prayaga, Maya (Haridwara), Avantika (Ujjain), and Nashika turn divine during the Kumbha mela. Hence, is the rush for visiting these places and taking holy dip during Kumbha mela times.
Brihaspati, the Deva Guru
Brihaspati the deva guru has a role as divine graha. It is large, auspicious, confers gravitas, provides wisdom, motivates us to do ‘good’ deeds, and generally causes ‘expansion’. Every twelve to thirteen lunar months Brihaspari or Guru as he is more commonly known as, changes the rashi (house) in which he is present. Based on the rashi in which Brihaspati / Guru is entering that year, one or the other holy river gets the ‘Pushkara’ occasion. Thus, it takes a full twelve years for a river to get that special occasion again. Hence, in our ordinary kalamana, when we mention pushkara kala, we mean twelve years. Of the twelve occasions, four pushkaras happen at above Prayaga, Haridwar, Ujjain, Nashika. These assumes special significance due to the elixir droplets immortalizing these places with purity.
Current Maha Kumbha Mela
The occasion for Prayaga comes now when Guru enters the Kumbha rashi, and Surya (Sun) enters Mesha rashi. This is happening around mid-January of 2025. From this day, which happens as the Purnima, till next year’s Maha Shivaratri, the divine festive period remains. If we count in solar month terms, it is over thirteen months. Snana (taking a holy dip in the river waters) is the minimum a visiting devotee does. On the other hand, people have the option of doing charity (daana), tarpana (offerings) to elders, and other punya kara (good deeds). Though the above thirteen plus months are available for the devotees to visit and perform different aspirational things, the special occasions that happen are highlighted.
1.?????? Pushya Purnima, the beginning– First day on the onset of Maha Kumbh (the special Kumbh happening once in twelve years) is naturally awaited at the location. It is the time at which Guru is in Kumbha with Surya entering the Makara. At the moment when the Graha transit happens, the ‘Shahi snan’ (auspicious bathing) is performed by lakhs assembled there. Those who perform the bath believe and feel that their Karma is washed off. This time it is happening on January 13th of this year 2025.
2.?????? Makara Sankranti – Sankranti happens every month is known to us. The occasion for Sankranti is when the Sun’s transit happens into next Rashi. Typically, this happens in the middle of every month. When a special Makara (Capricorn) transit happens, it is called Makara Sankranti. This time it is scheduled for 14th January.
3.?????? Mauni Amavasya – Amavasya (new moon day) when the Moon completes the transit and begins afresh next day is another special occasion. In general Amavasya tithi is very powerful from spiritual practices perspective. Ancestors are offered tarpanas on that day. This Amavasya is called Mauni Amavasya, and this is deemed more important. One is supposed to maintain Maun (silence) and spend time observing cleansing spiritual practices. The calendar occurrence of this happens on 29th of January during this year.
4.?????? Vasanta Panchami – Goddess Saraswati is worshipped on this special day and is considered as one of the very powerful muhurtas. It is happening on the day of 2nd February. Pilgrims gather in larger numbers on this special day is known.
5.?????? Magha Purnima – The full moon day happening in the month of Magha is another special occasion. Magha Purnima is also known as Maghi. It is scheduled to occur on the 12th of February. This is the night on which the full moon is aligned with Makha nakshatra.
6.?????? Maha Shivaratri – Like Sankranti, Shivaratri comes every month and special pujas to lord Shiva are performed on the evening/night. However, the Shivaratri that happens on Chaturdashi tithi during the ‘amaanta’ month of Magha during the Krishna (decreasing) paksha is celebrated as Maha Shivaratri. This is another pious occasion for the holy bathing. On 26th of February of this year, Maha Shivaratri occasion is happening.
Thus, it is well known that whenever Maha Kumbha Mela happens, pilgrims gather in large numbers on these special days and the benefit is well known.
Social, Economic, and administrative aspects
Kumbha mela is the occasion when crores of devotees come together and conduct many spiritual and religious rituals. It is estimated that during the current Maha Kumbha Mela year there may be forty crore devotees visiting from different corners of the country and abroad. Huge social significance is there and people assembling with single-minded devotion is a golden occasion for educating the masses. The occasions of Kumbha Mela are described in famous memoirs and biographies. ‘Autobiography of a Yogi’ clearly mentions multiple occasions during the lifetimes of gurus and shishyas when they visit Kumbh and get the darshan of many Sadgurus there.
When it comes to the Economics of the occasion, there reportedly five thousand crores of rupees on development and Kumbha site and different efforts were announced by the government. In terms of only government’s outgo, above is the indication. Roads, bridges, accommodation, food, drinking water, shopping places, gas for cooking, wood for ‘fireplaces’, power supply, bathing ghats, sanitation, bus stations, parking facilities, security, and many more have to be arranged, and at massive scale. Quick ramp-up is required, so also scaling down, with least residue remaining so that Sustainability is not compromised. The visiting devotees even on average spend a couple of thousand rupees at the site, and a few thousand for the transport, both totaling to say five to six thousand per devotee. This may generate a revenue of (40 crore people x 5 thousand rupees per devotee), totaling two lakh crores of rupees. This is only this amateur “Event Case” teacher’s estimate, no hard and fast fixing please. No commercial motives indicated here. This is only an additional fillip to our economy. As we know there is a cascading, multiplier effect in the economy, meaning every hundred spent triggers multiple times spendings downstream and hence cumulative spending becomes five or ten times the original spends. ‘GOD blessed Economic Stimulus’ we may say.
Administratively, huge arrangements have to be made. When a guest or two arrives at the home, there are hours of preparation. Imagine receiving tens of crores of guests. A separate administrative unit is carved out as ‘temporary district’, 76th in UP and is named as “Maha Kumbh Mela” district. A single coordinating agency is needed for all the sixty-seven villages surrounding. Kumbh area is a mindboggling eleven thousand plus acres of land. Assuring the security and preventing untoward incidents shall be a huge task, even if aided by CC cameras or through drone mounted surveillance. The probability of contagious diseases is another concern area from a public health perspective. Disaster management facilities to be in place. Plan B, Plan C, and even Plan D need to be in place, especially for emergency handling. Thorough Risk Management needs to be put in place. Human lives and property have to be insured. Screening of all entrants, bio-metric tagging, wrist bands with RFID mapped to Aadhar need to be put in place.
VVIP visits have to be handled with dexterity. No over-enthusiasm by any agency required. Once a CM visit in one of places, on much small-scale occasion, left dozens get crushed in the stampede and they lost lives. Police have to be sensitized and trained properly for the occasion. Smartness has to substitute force.? One of the historical learning should be, during mounting pressure and very high footfall conditions, exists have to be opened quickly, all entry routes to be temporarily stopped, and people to be encouraged to peacefully disperse in four different directions. An oxygen facility and first aid kits with trained staff should be around. Airlifting facilities to be at multiple places, to help in cases when sabotage happens at one place. In other words, multiple helipads, with lined up multi-engine helicopters ready to ‘move up’ at the shortest notice be made available. Murphy’s law to be kept in mind. We frequently find that ‘if something can go wrong, it will’!
On a positive concluding note
The occasion is overwhelming. It is spiritually significant, socially popular, administratively demanding, and security-wise challenging. We pray that all goes well, good sense will prevail, all stakeholders will cooperate, and all GOOD shall happen. We as a nation need to rise to such occasions is the appeal. It will be a lifetime of learning for the young administrative services boys and girls who plan and facilitate this entire delivery. Their lives not only get enriched with administrative experience, but they also gather good Karma. Their generations shall be blessed for the good work they do now.