Magnetism and Connection for Growth
Brian Bogert
Transformational Coach & Keynote Speaker | Business Strategist | Status Quo Disruptor | 40 Under 40 | Community Leader | Husband & Father
In today’s Rapid Fire Wednesday, I talked about this past weekend when I extracted a lesson and applied it intentionally.?
It’s not about the extremities of our stories, we often feel like sometimes our stories are unworthy of being told. We are afraid that others will judge us. But the inverse is true. When we become intentional about how to share our stories, we can move people. As we’re in motion, it seems sometimes that we really need to push to the next level. We feel that we need to drive until we have nothing left. My old definition for success was that stress equaled growth. The more meetings I could have, the more reps in the gym; everything was more, more, more. The more strain I felt, the more growth would exist. There is a lot of truth to this, but it isn’t sustainable. I would crash and burn. Then I started really studying peak performance. I looked at several studies that researched high performers in athletics and business. Sustained peak performance treated rest and recovery as important as any other part of their training or work. Scheduling in that time to rest was actually producing sustained growth. Anyone who lifts weights knows that the muscle actually grows when it rests. So what if we look at our scaling muscle, our relationship muscle, our dropping our armor muscle… Rest and recovery are vital when it comes to figuring out your own rhythm.?
In July of 2019 my wife and I went to a wellness resort. I had been coaching for 5 years at that point. It was just a side hustle. I was still very deep into my risk management and consulting firm. That was still the main trajectory I had planned for my path. That weekend my wife and I were connected emotionally, physically, spiritually, and mentally. On the way back, she leaned to me and said “What if you didn’t go into the office on Monday? I think you’ve allowed fear to enter into how you operate. I know that when you speak and coach you light up. Why don’t we double down on that and see what we can do.” She said that she didn’t mind if we lived in a cardboard box, she wanted all of me and I wasn’t giving her that. My wife wanted me to see myself the way she saw me. She wanted me to know that this was the path that was going to get us there. I needed to shed my own armor to move myself forward. This was when I realized and accepted the challenge she gave me. I had to realize what I was actually afraid of. This was 3 years ago. June 1st of 2020 was when I was officially free from my other work, I was bought out.?
My wife and I went back to this retreat over the weekend. We needed to intentionally rest. These last few years have been a pressure pot for a lot of people. We have done a lot of looking inward and growing. This past weekend we looked at deeper vulnerability and connection. We got to look at what has happened the last 3 years that has led us to know what were the things that maybe we would have done differently or changed or been more proactive about. Then we realigned and re-envisioned where we’re going. We have to align where we are as individuals with where we are in our business. Sometimes we have to take a pause-moment, more than our daily meditation. We need to unplug to truly just be with ourselves and what is right in front of us. Everything over the past three years has been way surpassed. We were given confirmation that the more we create connection we live into connection. The more we create impact the more we live into impact. Where and how are you allowing yourself to rest and reflect? Where and how are you connecting with those around you on a deep and meaningful level?
Then, I welcomed two guests, Kate Yurenda and Scott Harkey.?
Kate is the founder of Dream Bold Network, a conscious media platform. She wants to create an impact in people’s lives and is healing people regularly and consistently. She loves energy healing and quantum healing. She teaches people about their innate superpowers and how to be magnetic, restyling ancient practices to get people excited about human potential. She is excited for the future of our world because she knows that we are boundless!?
Even though healing takes time, there are also moments where healing happens quickly where they are never the same again. The transformation happens quickly.
I asked Kate, “What have been some of the more profound/faster transformational moments you’ve been aware of?”
Kate answered, “I see a lot of rapid healing once they become aware of how powerful they are energetically. That’s what’s missing most in society is talking about energy and vibrations. Once they feel their power they understand how quickly they can change. They realize that it’s not impossible, that’s when they get excited by it. So many of us are intimidated by it. Once they start reprogramming their subconscious they take the reins back and have more control in their lives. I get polarized with what I teach or how I teach: dance, art, spoken word… If we get more creative, we can see faster change. The universe is limitless. If we just go in and heal, we will see bigger change in this world.”
I answered, “For us as healers we are only as good as our own level of healing and the toolset with which we have to use to help people heal. We will resonate with others in a different way. Even if we’re in the same frequency, you might be the right healer or I might be. Everyone resonates differently with everyone. What are the variety of ways that you’ve deployed this? What led you down this path as a multifaceted tool kit for healing? Did this start with you?”
Kate answered, “Definitely my own healing for sure. When I dance I feel better. If we get back to the original healing practices, even storytelling, matching and mirroring nature, ancient mysticism is the same as modern medicine. Everything is frequency. Most people are stuck in mind movies and are not feeling the mind body connection. When we play more, everything gets easier. I do the things that light up my soul. I do my chi gong.. my biggest passions. The more I matched things like hip hop and energy healing the more it made sense. The more fun we have with our feeling, the faster everyone will see results.”?
I said, “We are typically stuck because we aren’t clear enough on the type of healing we need. You’ve given permission to see that healing modalities might look very different for everyone. We believe in a more healed world in general. What we envision and desire is growth for people. You have this passion project to tell stories. Where is this headed?”
Kate said, “I’m making a film, Manifest Peace. I am holding everyone’s hand on how to get out of this. I’m here to teach that healing is fun, cool, and sexy. It’s a lifestyle. Every single day is going to affect us. When we prioritize self care and healing, we feel better, we attract more abundance and amazing experiences. Everything in my outer world comes from my inner world. I interview authors and healers who are into energy healing and are teaching it in a way that kids can get. It’s the art and science of feeling good. Tapping into our innate powers, we are all superhuman. If we tap into unity consciousness, there will be a massive shift. If enough of us are healed, it nullifies the lower frequencies. It’s shifting and transforming. We can convert that energy. These are practices we should have learned as kids. I want the next generation to have these tools.”
I said, “We are fortunate that we have put ourselves in positions to do our healing now as adults. We are doing everything we can to screw up our kids as little as possible. Also, I love the science of intentional magnetism. I would argue that you have a very magnetic energy. How do others create this in their lives?”
Kate said, “Dr. Joe Dispenza says that our minds are magnets, our hearts are magnets. I do affirmations all throughout the day. Every day. I do I AM statements every day. I want to make sure this story is a positive one. I go to the beach and do chi gong. If we eat high vibrational foods we are more magnetic. If you sit and watch tv you get stuck. You get magnetic when you move your body. I have no limits on what I can magnetize. It’s the imagination that guides that life force. Connect with the right people and make sure that everything in your environment is a high vibration.”?
I said, “We talk about armor as an invisible force field. We also talk about armor as it’s related to attraction and abundance. When we lower our armor, we attract. We are born as the most authentic magnet that will ever exist. As a magnet, we can attract things to us. We truly all have the ability to choose the polarity of our magnet. Conversely, if we have our armor up, we actually repel things from us. It makes me stop to reflect, What pole of the magnet are you living on? Have you done the healing to have the attractive draw or are you pushing people and things away from you?”
I thanked Kate for this discussion and welcomed our second guest, Scott Harkey.
The next gentleman joining us has been a friend for a decade. We did Leadership together in 2012. We saw how we wanted to grow as young entrepreneurs and we’ve started aligning ourselves since then. Scott Harkey is the co-founder and president CEO of OH Partners. I’ve watched him go from selling billboards and ads to having one of the biggest ad agencies in the country. Over the course of his journey, I’ve watched him grow this organization and purchase entities to amalgamate this company. Scott is one of my favorite people and has also done a lot of healing work on himself.
Scott said, “I’m a college drop out, failed entrepreneur, who is leading a big marketing agency. We started in a condo with two cats. And now we do everything from film to branding, media analytics, social, influencers. We have the specialization for any major brand’s needs. It’s been a crazy journey. Brian has been there for some serious downs–divorce,rehab, some serious things. We both have a passion for growth and professional development. He’s given me a lot of confidence to take a hard look in the mirror. I am always looking to see how to better myself. That might mean more peace, better relationships, or more presence.”
I said, “You are one of the most connected people I’ve ever met. You are someone who understood how to connect with someone always. It was very strategic and thoughtful. We would change who we were in certain environments to win approval or grace in whichever situation. I’ve watched you heal and grow so that you no longer hide. Can you talk about connecting with people? What is connection to you now versus 10 years ago?”
Scott said, “That’s why I wrote the book New World Marketing because I used to feel that I had to be at every event. I tried to know everybody I could. I was strategic about who I would meet. That was successful to a degree but through all the spiritual journey work I’ve done and a big aha moment for me, I think that rather than trying to be everywhere, it’s all about a deeper level of attraction and energy. It’s almost like a spiritual alignment. I believe that energetically if you allow stuff to happen it just happens. I’m more intune with my emotions, if someone has the same kind of energy that I have, stuff just happens way faster. When you understand yourself better and who you want to be energetically, you connect with others. Brands miss this too. It’s not about getting everyone to buy your product, it’s about attracting the perfect people for the brand. You have to go through a personal process to understand who you are before you can be comfortable in the world aligning with different advocates.”
I answered, “We talk a lot about vibration and frequency. David Meltzer calls it frequency neighborhoods. I appreciate that concept because certain people at different levels of healing can connect with multiple different energies of people. As a leader, you’ve worked with Disney, Honda, Acura, Nat Geo, NFL, some of the highest brands… How do you deploy that energy and connect through your own organization so that you can produce this work for your clients?”
Scott said, “I am always challenging myself to do better. It’s easy to connect with others externally. Internally, to take on a leadership role is daunting. I try to be a human and connect more in small groups. It’s not about big speeches. I’m very passionate about the industry and people can tell when you’re passionate. We attract people who love the craft and art of marketing. I try to be in it, still doing campaigns, still looking at what comes out. 9 times out of 10 when I’m in a good mindset, what I thought leadership was, isn’t. It’s not about suits and speeches. It’s humility, vulnerability, hard work. The silent leader from behind. Empowering others to be leaders. I hired a professional CEO. I didn’t have what it takes. I was still learning. It’s hard with 200 employees to connect to everyone. But I look at how I can pass on philosophies as much as possible and then maybe we can connect for 5 to 10 minutes. They can say hey talk to me about your addiction, I know someone who is going through that.”
I answered, “Anything that lacks depth doesn’t really interest us. Leadership means convincing ourselves we are safe so we can drop our own armor and ensure that everyone else feels safe, understood, and connected. The world is starving for authentic leadership. What do you think is one of the greatest blindpots that exists in marketing right now that causes people to disconnect from brands rather than lean in?”
Scott said, “I think brands and people who do marketing at a high level, they know how to develop engaging content, a nice hook, they understand platforms, how to get eyeballs. What’s really lacking is that deep understanding of who you are as a brand today and who you could be tomorrow. Then, get your entire company aligned on that. Then, it’s easy to market. Doing the hard work to see how you’re different from your competitors. People create catchy content but they don’t believe it. I would love to see brands go to their own rehab, understand who they are, who they could be. I think we are going to see a lot more marketing convincing people at brand’s to love their brand’s. It’s going to be interesting as the fight for talent continues. That lends itself to bold campaigns that can truly make a difference. People think it’s just about a bold campaign. That’s fake. It’s not real or authentic.”
I said, “It’s far beyond the individual. The only way to facilitate this growth through your brands is if you yourself live it and are congruent. Other brands don’t do the deep work to understand their brand or how it’s developed and is operating. The only way is if you start with yourself. Let it permeate with relationships in your life, then deploy through the organization with clarity and connection. New World Marketing is getting back to human connection. We need to work with brands that are congruent. We go farther when we align with others of the same frequency and get back to the core of human connection.”
We started today with this concept of being able to reflect, of slowing down. We saw how we can create magnetism through multiple modalities of healing. We came full circle to understand that as individuals and leaders that to connect externally, we need to first connect with who we are. We need to connect with ourselves first so that we can connect with the concentric circles around us in our life. Myself, my family, my relatives, business, business partners... The only ways I can connect with each level is by connecting deep within myself.