magnetic field / radiation exposure and never ending debates

Human mind operates through IO device called brain.Motor and control
Nerves carry electrical pulses. With Electric signal propagation you 
will Experience electromagnetic field. Wherever field is, there will 
be field work. Means Human biological system is susceptable to field 
work. This is clear from school level Experiments to all of us.

How This field work transforms a biological system is hard to establish. 
Because wave nature of matter causes continuous transformation of system under 
the influence of force. with very many finer forces operating on the biological 
system how resultant force is causing genetic transformations is hard to establish. 
For decades theories and arguments pro and against cause & effect make to debates.
 is it easy to clearly map an effect to a cause when the cause is a resultant of lakhs 
of forces operating on the system? To clearly establish this, Human observations have
 to cross into much higher frequencies than 10^20 Hz.         


