A Magical Kiss
Life is a bit like a trip to Disneyland. You stand in line for a long time, then you get a few moments of joy as you take the ride. Sometimes the ride takes your breath away, sometimes it's just nice, and most of the time it is in between. After the ride we get back in another line. My line today happened in between customers. I came home, jumped in the pool, and was doing some slow laps. Then I got lucky. My two year old granddaughter opened the screen door, hopped onto the patio, and started to ran back and forth as I swam. My line disappeared as she laughed and giggling and she trounced up and back. Then, as you might expect from a two year old, she tripped. The tears and screams were raging as she cried, “Poppa, I hurt my finger!” I motioned and her to come to the edge of the pool. I said, " Do you want poppa to kiss it and make it better?" Still squealing she nodded. I raised up, took her finger, and kissed this terrible wound. Guess what. That kiss healed her wound instantly. In less that two seconds she was following me back and forth happily hopping along the side of the pool. I have to tell ya, most people my age are praying for an empty nest. Not me. I’m praying the nest stays full a while longer. Moments of joy like these can’t be found anywhere else.