Magic Words
In his book, Magic Words, Tim David shares words that can dramatically increase persuasion.?Magic words are words that use more effective communicators and help motivate others to take action.?For magic words to work, they need a strong relationship and connection.
The first magic word is “yes,” and getting someone to say “yes” before your actual ask increases your odds of success.?In fact, in one study of salespeople, those that got the customer to say yes to anything a few times before they asked for the sale increased their success rate from 18 to 32%.
Our name. What’s the favorite word for any of us to hear? Want to make someone feel important? Use their name when you’re talking with them.
Another magic word is “but.” Saying but makes someone think that everything you said before the but isn’t what you mean.
If you want to get what you want, give a reason.?A Harvard professor studied how someone using a copier shared why they needed to cut in line.?60% of the time, a person successfully cut in line because she shared her “because.”
Help. It’s useful when delegating.?For most of us, “help” is a powerful word.?When someone asks for help, we’re inclined to lean in and give our best.
The last magic word is “thanks.” Many years ago, I was part of an executive coaching, Strategic Coach program.?Quarterly, I’d fly out to Chicago.?The main tenants of the program shared that for us to be successful were to be on time, to what we say, to finish what we start, and say please and thank you.