The Magic Success Formula
We talk a lot about A activities, so allow me to take a minute to review that concept. An A activity is important; however, it is not urgent. Adding to that, the results are often not immediate. Lacking that immediate payoff, it’s easy to feel like your A activity is not working.
No one gets in shape by going to the gym once. No one closes a multi-million-dollar deal by playing one round of golf with a prospect. As with all things, the value comes from repetition. The more you are in the mix and engaging with A activities, the more good things will happen, and of course, the less you are in the mix, the less likely good opportunities will present themselves. It’s very simple.
If you are coaching other financial advisors, it’s critical to remind them about A activities and the simple equation. Recently, we were in Texas with a client dove hunting. It was a great time, despite the fact that only a couple doves were bagged. The client apologized for the seemingly poor result; however, the point of the activity was not the success of the hunt. The point was being with other A people and the opportunity for the client to share his world with us.
Giving a client the ability to share their world with you actually validates their world, validates them, and it provides an entirely new perspective about your client. People enjoy sharing their worlds. With me as an example, I sometimes forget how awesome Sarasota is because I’m there all the time. However, when people come into town, for whatever reason, it re-presences me about how awesome the place is. It’s easy to forget when you are limited by your own perspective.
Along these same lines, it comes back to doing “ordinary things extra.” There’s almost never a big explosion of success. Keep going to the gym, and you’ll get in great shape. It’s the ordinary done extra and repeatedly. The formulas are out there and have been around. You simply must work them.
What we want to achieve never really comes with a trophy or fireworks display. It’s always the result of a compounding effect that occurs over a long period of time. The bright and shiny rarely occurs. To gain 100,000 followers, it comes down to getting them one at a time. The guy who can do 100 pull ups in a row didn’t start with that ability. He started with one or two and kept building, and that didn’t happen in two or three weeks. It was months of consistent training. Repetition and “again-ness.”
The A activity is attention that you’ve discerned is the proper investment of your time and attention. The importance of an A activity (or A person or A place) is the discernment behind it, and you have to trust your own discernment.
Coach Ken go and complete an assessment and we will have a conversation