Magic Mushrooms. LSD. Ketamine. The Drugs That Power Silicon Valley.
"Entrepreneurs including Elon Musk and Sergey Brin are part of a drug movement that proponents hope will expand minds, enhance lives and produce business breakthroughs." The Wall Street Journal
There's nothing new about people taking drugs, but I can't believe that such successful leaders still think it will boost their creativity. Talk about barking up the wrong tree. You know humanity has really hit a wall in terms of our development if this where intelligent people are looking for inspiration.
So apparently there's this trend of taking small amounts of LSD, mushrooms, and other hallucinogenic substances to improve creativity and performance at work. The scientific data for this “microdosing” is inconclusive to say the least. One study found that the effects are very limited, and only happen if you believe in them in the first place. Another study did find some positive effects, but also found equally adverse effects.
There is a better way to go about doing it, and it doesn't involve disconnection from reality but just the opposite: establishing a new and deeper connection with everything.
We all understand the value of being able to extend our individual limits, to see things from outside of ourselves. We all watched Bradley Cooper in Limitless, and loved imagining we had those powers. But there is a better way to go about doing it, and it doesn't involve disconnection from reality but just the opposite: establishing a new and deeper connection with everything.
Instead of disengaging ourselves from other people through drugs, at any level of dosage, we should increase and deepen our connection with them. By doing this on a regular basis, we will begin to see the world “through their eyes,” we'll feel the world how they feel it, and truly come out of ourselves. Then we'll feel the natural "high" that comes with connecting with other humans in an optimal manner. And that's where all the abundance we're looking for kicks in.
The Opposite of Addiction is Connection - Johann Hari
Each of us lives in our own three-dimensional world. When we begin to see the world through other people’s eyes, we gain endless dimensions to our perception. Better yet, the reality that we see through other people enhances and enriches what we see through our own eyes. These “parallel universes” don't conflict like we may imagine they do, but rather intertwine into a fuller and more complete picture of reality.
All we need to do to achieve this is to change our intention in our interactions with others. Instead of looking to gain from others as much as we can for ourselves, we should strive to give to others what we can and when we can. Employing this tactic will reveal to us what they feel and how they see the world. The only thing preventing us from discovering the true abundance that exists all around us is our desire to exploit others rather than contribute to them.
We're not going to change our attitude to others overnight of course. We can “microdose” it, beginning where it is easiest and with the people closest to us. The revelations we will discover are bound to be both alarming and enlightening. As we progress, our entire worldview will change and our perception of reality will be completely new. This is a cumulative process so we shouldn't rush into it, but rather put aside a set time every day to invest in these discussions.
And that's the catch - no one can do this on their own because it can only be achieved by engaging with others. You can't change your attitude toward others on your own, because it's impossible for us to be objective about ourselves. But gradually, through this process we'll learn to look at ourselves from outside and observe.
So there needs to be at least a small group of people who are working on this together. When they practice this among themselves, they open themselves up to each other’s worlds, learn to feel each other, become integrated in each other’s emotions and worlds, and their whole perception changes. Once they achieve this with each other, their new perception will be reflected in how they see the world in general, and they'll be able to apply their insights to all aspects of their lives.