Magic, Manifestations, & Softball Drama

Magic, Manifestations, & Softball Drama

I never liked talking too much about sports but this month… We’ve had our first-hand experience of youth sports drama and politics. And what happened really got into my Mama Bear instinct. It’s that situation where you know your kiddo is really good at something but just because you’re NOT connected with people, they get unfair treatment.

Don’t want to throw too much shade into what happened as it was not all bad. There was a negative side to that softball drama and there was a good side too. My daughter now has her first all-star win and I’m so proud of it (yayyy!!). Plus, I’m sharing more celebrations and stretches for the month of May!

What happened this month for me:

  • HUGE softball drama (deets inside the episode)
  • I crossed a new decade of my life last month
  • They threw a special birthday party for me
  • There was a talent show party for the grown-ups - super fun!
  • I got to sing!!!
  • Real estate collab happening real soon
  • Anddd so much more

It’s easy to see how people are doing really well by simply checking their social media accounts… But when you get to sit down and talk with them about the behind-the-scenes real real life… You’ll realize they’re going through the same daily ups and downs that we all experience.

One of the highlights for this month was how Faye turned a situation around for her despite our first-hand experience of softball drama and youth sports politics. I’d love to share more about what happened here but I don’t want this blog post to be just a rant about it.

TLDR; 31 girls showed up for an all-star tryout. The top 8 girls based on the assessment are automatically on the gold team. Faye did not make it to the top 8 but people told us she could have easily made it. And we know how good she is from an unbiased POV. Was thinking the reason was they didn’t include Faye’s best asset in the assessment which was pitching.

But then we found out that some of the parents of the girls are “buddies” with the coach. It really got into my Mama Bear instinct. At the end of the day, they created a Silver team and Faye got in… and she got her very first all-star win! Super proud of her!

To get the point across, I’d love to take this opportunity to tell you that life WILL be unfair. And that’s okay. As long as you know what you’re capable of… and you’re taking action to make things happen for you instead of to you… It will all work out in the end. This is the takeaway I’d love to leave through this experience.

Another celebration for the month was a surprise birthday party Jeff threw for me! Also, we threw a joint birthday party with a talent show for the grown-ups. It was sooo much fun! There were a lot of musical talent performances but we also had some dancing, magic, cracking an old safe with a nail file in under 30 seconds, an impromptu juggling routine, and I got to sing something unexpected… It was a really fast and fun song from a South Park movie (please tell me you remember that song).

We also have an exciting real estate collaboration happening soon! Stay tuned for that! After multiple conversations with the real estate agent and his friends, it’s turned into a great opportunity. I’ll share more about it soon. And it’ll include encouraging women to get into investments.

May, in three words, was all about Magic, Manifestations, and Softball Drama. I love how this new decade of my life started and I’m looking forward to all the other delicious things that are waiting for us.

Like all my other Celebrations & Stretches posts, this is me loving the practice of sharing wins and challenges with you. Vulnerability always is a part of being this open to people (especially on the internet) but just like what my girl Brené Brown said… “Staying vulnerable is a risk we have to take if we want to experience connection.”




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