The Magic of Integrated Reuse
Transact + CBORD integrations with USEFULL make reuse accessible and easy.

The Magic of Integrated Reuse

When I started USEFULL, I wanted the program to be perfect. I still do.?

I want this reuse program to fit seamlessly into any college campus, to be a no-brainer decision for any dining services or auxiliary services team, and be part of the solution for significant environmental and student health issues.?

Students enjoy their takeout meal in USEFULL containers.

To truly fit into any college campus and enact meaningful change, there is one magic word: integration.

In 2022, when my team set our sights on integrating USEFULL with the biggest campus card companies, we knew our first stop would be Transact Campus.?

Our recently announced partnership with Transact Campus + CBORD gives me a moment of USEFULL pride (though just a moment, because we have a lot of work to do with our clients). This new partnership opens the door to achieving the scale campuses need to truly make a difference in sustainability, and addressing the mounting evidence of the dangers of plastics.??

Our first integration with Transact + CBORD not only made the USEFULL signup process faster and easier, it made the entire program more equitable. Not every college student has a credit or debit card to sign up for USEFULL, but they all have a campus ID to use as a form of payment.

Fast forward to today, our premier partnership with Transact + CBORD means that USEFULL is now fully available via Transact + CBORD procurement channels, making the program easier to implement than ever.?

Through collaboration with Transact + CBORD, our mission is to create more of that integration magic—solving the obstacles that currently prevent campuses from going plastic-free and eliminating single-use containers in takeout dining for both residential and retail operations.

To create the easiest possible user experience, we’re building workflows that make using USEFULL reusables an option while ordering through a POS system, kiosk, or order ahead. The end user will see no discernable difference between how they pick their food up today and how they will pick it up with USEFULL in the future. Besides, of course, the addition of a premium stainless steel container.?

With the reach of this powerful partnership, we’ll be able to help more schools achieve their sustainability goals, zero-waste goals, and plastic-reduction goals. We’ll educate more students about reuse, and keep more people from ingesting harmful microplastics.?

As we ramp up for this year’s Transact 360 in March, I’m proud to be bringing a plastic-free presence, perspective, and purpose to the event. If you’re coming, be sure to stop by booth 210 and attend our talk on Wednesday.

I couldn’t be more excited to show you all the magic.?

#Transact360 #reuse
