The Magic of Getting Things Done
Cindy celebrates in a cape like the superhero we all can be

The Magic of Getting Things Done

What fuels your dragon fire and keeps you soaring towards your goals? ???

Welcome to the 2nd day of my 30-day challenge! That’s a big goal, and I am already challenged to stay on track. I’m applying tools I used for my last big goal - getting the last 100 coaching hours I needed for my Professional Coaching Certification (PCC).

1) Dedicated task time via Flow Club.

2) Accountability with a public goal and a commitment to someone I admire.

3) Ask for help - then accept it!

4) Accept that I’ll have big feelings about doing things that are scary, new, and/or frustrating. Then do it anyway.

5) Give myself permission to be imperfect.

BITE-SIZE TASKS: Micha Goebig introduced me to Flow Club earlier this year. I can’t believe how much of a difference it makes in getting things done. It uses a concept called “body doubling” - the simple online presence of others combined with a task list and timer keeps us focused and moving forward. Try the 14-day trial and join me in some flows. Add tasks sized to fit in the time between breaks.

ACCOUNTABILITY: I committed to all of you that I will complete this 30-day challenge! Renee Smith introduced me to the idea when we were talking about how I tell so many stories to individuals who tell me they are powerful and insightful - but I rarely share them collectively. It’s happening much later in the day than I planned, but I’m working on that going forward. :-)

ACCEPT HELP: It can be really hard for independent folks to ask for help! People regularly tell me how strong I am - and often how intimidating I am. That reinforces my desire to prove I can do it myself. And YET - when I do things WITH others, I feel better, they feel better, and the outcomes are often more joyful and useful. So let go

FEELINGS: I often get overwhelmed, frustrated, and scared when I have a lot of things in front of me - especially if some of them are new or challenging. That’s ok. I have (mostly) learned to give myself time to feel the feelings, separate the signal of the feeling from the meaning I assign, then make a conscious decision of if and how to act on the feeling(s). That helps me stay focused and avoid downward spirals.

IMPERFECTION: No one is perfect. It’s impossible. The very idea assumes there is a single, common standard that is fair, accessible, and necessary. Often perfection is someone else’s standard, or the signals we get from unfair systems. Perfection is a key component of white supremacy and patriarchy - it’s a type of purity seeking. We don’t need perfection, and it usually just gets in our way. So do something good enough - like me finishing this newsletter in the 5 minutes I have left before I have to leave for Pilates. That means I’m giving myself permission to reuse the next few paragraphs - please give me grace on that!

What tools do you use to stay on track?

Befriending Dragons is about harnessing our inner fire and transforming it into powerful, positive change.

I wish you all joy and a dragon hoard full of wins!

I’d love to share my passion, dragon wisdom, and fire with you. Ask me anything - really! Let’s have a chat - tell me what you’re up to and what you need from life.

Tune in tomorrow for my next story in this 30-day challenge. :-) Today - send me your own ideas for your 30-day challenge and let’s make it happen!


Cindy, I completely understand how overwhelming it can be to juggle multiple commitments. One tool that has really helped me is time blocking; it allows me to allocate specific times for tasks and prioritize what truly matters. Remember, it's okay to ask for help and delegate when needed. You're not alone in this!


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