The Magic of Decision
Stating there might be magic associated with a decision might offer a bit of irony for most who have experienced flawed assumptions about their best course of action. One might call this a “supernatural” process since it starts with interpreting cues, asking hard Qs, and includes gathering core information to confidently make and enjoy the magic of a decision.
For some, making a decision induces stress, if not panic.?Doing nothing leads down a road of procrastination with an evolution of mental paralysis that follows until a?decision might be forced.
If you have experienced any of this you certainly would recall there was no positive force within as a result of letting go of an ability to decide what was best for you. You might regret this enviable default which brought your confidence down versus lifting it up.
“The percentage of mistakes in quick decisions is no greater than in long-drawn-out vacillations, and the effect of decisiveness itself makes things go and creates confidence.” ― Anne O'Hare McCormick, Pulitzer Prize-winning Journalist
Making your own decisions is a form of freedom. When you invest in ways to improve your ability to make better decisions, most would agree it certainly seems like a good use of time.
Developing these skills might seem messy at the start, so begin with simple decisions to?ease into your process of learning. Do what it takes to minimize the potential for self-judgment and self-defeat.?
Some of the core aspects of making decisions includes a process of becoming informed and grasping the circumstances. You might even consider accessing people you trust to expand your perspective of the situation which could provide clarity and a wider view. In the end, it is your decision which will help you keep grounded since it will require you to manage any overwhelming feelings that can surface based on the facts connected to each state of affair.
Recognize what you can control and what is out of your control as it relates to the decision and its outcome. Is there a timeline? Make sure you go through the complete process needed to achieve positive results and build confidence in your ability to take action.
Once you feel you have a good understanding of your situation, relax into a creative venture such as playing music or a routine like cleaning the house. This will help you shift gears, lighten your load and set the stage for an organic series of thoughts that might surprise you as they bubble up within. Ideally consider this as an opportunity to explore, with notes in your journal, a pathway to self-discovery.
When it comes to an important decision that might scare you, do your due diligence and apply everything mentioned above before you decide. Once your decision is made, move on with no attachments to the outcome.?
The power behind an informed decision?can help you?accept whatever?the results might be unconditionally. The opportunity to be honest with yourself?when you take responsibility for a?decision you make, especially one that might seem?irreversible, can offer a chance to build honest?character and?expand?your ability to stretch, learn,?and improve this process. In the end, life decisions can come with joy or pain, so why not be thoughtful before you decide as you guide yourself toward a direction that will support your unique journey.??
Have you ever made a decision you are proud of?
If yes, use this experience as an example to answer a few Qs listed below:
As you reverse engineer a previous positive experience, reflection, rather than dwelling on it, can be resourceful. When you take the time to add this additional step in your personal growth process, you can take it to the next level by creating your own affirmations for better reinforcement on the next decision you make.
Guidance here could include finishing these statements:
Journaling your personal reflections and affirmations has been proven to be a great tool that is a private pathway to organize your thoughts, focus on the facts, decide what you can control or not, then release any emotions to help improve the significance of this decision-making process.
One big reason why I was inspired to write On Life Journal was to provide a companion workbook to move through challenges in order to embrace a life of ease. I did write an entire chapter devoted to “decisions” which has value for those interested in improving this area in their life.
Successful decision making is an art that becomes personal to each one of us. No one has a 100% success rate in choices made even after serious consideration. Therefore, recognize the more chances you have to make a decision, the better you will become at making them.
Guide yourself toward a pathway that fine tunes this entire process for you and build your intuitive connection to yourself in this process. Trusting your gut, can help to isolate and eliminate fears that surface as you approach each decision with your best effort.
Explore all of your emotions in order to develop self-awareness. Envision yourself the martial-artist mastering the subtle dexterity of self-defense which can help you balance:
When we think of all the decisions we make on a daily bases, it should be noted how we might hold onto some burdens more than others and how that can weight us down. Remember to give yourself permission to detach from them and focus on your chance to expand beyond them.
Put your energy into the challenge of learning ways you can move through complex decisions in life. Recognize this is as much emotional as it is mechanical.
Define and diminish your fears. Don’t dwell on the negatives.
This slow process of self-knowing becomes important as you come up to that big fork in the road. Lead yourself toward better life decisions with confidence as you climb up this ladder to achieve a full view.
You will gain independence, success and in the end freedom. Always be kind to yourself as this is absolutely your chance to develop and strengthen your core purpose, as you define the direction you truly believe is calling you.?
“Make decisions DOABLE?with a process that can guide you with confidence to move forward with no regrets.” ---Harvey J. White MD
For those interested in being the?first to know?about my soon to be released book called?DOABLE, get access here.?