The Magic of Childlike Faith
Growing up is hard, isn’t it?
As we get older, we start to lose our way of looking at the world that was once full of innocence and so much wonder.
Think of a person, place, or event from your childhood that you used to consider with awe. Maybe it’s Santa Claus, your favorite superhero, or a make-believe game.
At what point did it start to lose its magic for you?
One of the most magical experiences that I remember from my childhood was going to Disney World. While the Happiest Place on Earth never really lost its magic for me, I did begin to notice reality start to creep into its boundaries as I got older.
Recently though, I was able to see the parks in a whole new way, from the perspective of my 18-month old nephew, Charlie. As I heard his delighted squeals of excitement over even the smallest of details, I felt that sense of awe and wonder start to return. I felt like a little kid again!
Do we ever allow this to happen with God?
I’ll admit, it can be easy to lose that sense of awe in our faith when life becomes hard, we are filled with doubt, or we do not feel God working in our lives.
In these times, we need to remember Matthew 18:4, “So anyone who becomes as humble as this little child is the greatest in the Kingdom of Heaven.”
Children, like my nephew, have a way of looking at the world with so much excitement, belief, and humbleness. When it comes to trusting God, having faith, and believing in Him, we all need to become more like our childhood selves.
Do not allow reality, the world, to creep in as it does with so many other aspects of our child-like ways.
Instead, hold on to that awe and wonder in the Lord, and believe in his power as a child would believe in the magic of their favorite Disney character.