Magic Arts for All
If you reflect on your most recent local cultural arts experiences, where would you say the adult patrons who have intellectual and/or developmental disabilities (IDDs) were? How did they experience the event? Were they respectfully invited in? Perhaps absent altogether?
Adults with IDDs deserve to be respectfully invited to participate in arts classes and experiences designed with their needs in mind. Baltimore-owned School of Magic Arts agrees, and so they partnered with North Carolina-based Peacehaven Community Farm’s Arts for All program to bring magic arts classes to adults who have IDDs.
School of Magic Head Magicians Annie Montone and Brian Kehoe are the world's most experienced virtual magic arts teachers, offering classes to youth of all ages. This summer, they adjusted their youth curriculum in preparation for their Peacehaven partnership. They offered their Arts for All classes in August with immediate plans for a new class of students next week. Each four-week semester features class meetings focusing on learning a new illusion weekly.
Peacehaven Community Farm is located on 89 beautiful acres of organic gardens, rolling pastures, and lush woodlands in Whitsett, NC. Peacehaven offers housing, programming, and opportunities that connect people with disabilities to community. It has become a destination for learning and growth for people of all abilities.
The Arts for All students who completed the class last month are preparing to share the magic. In October, they will host a magic tent to perform and teach illusions to people of all abilities at their Fall Harvest Festival. ?
GiGi's Playhouse Inc.- Down Syndrome Achievement Centers Autism Speaks Autism Professional Coaching Association (APCA) Down's Syndrome Association Autism Society of North Carolina ?#artsforall?#muclassnotes #disabilityinclusion #DisabilityPride?#CelebrateDiversity?#InclusiveWorld?#StrongerTogether?#OurStoriesMatter?#Disability #peacehavencommunityfarm