Magento 2 Events and Observers: How They Work and Why They're Important
Irfan Ahmed
Full Stack Magento Developer | Specializing in eCommerce solutions, Data Migration, and Digital Marketing, focusing on Sales Strategy.
Magento 2, like its predecessor Magento 1, is built using the Model-View-Controller (MVC) architectural pattern. One of the key features of Magento 2 is its event-driven architecture, which allows developers to customize and extend the system by listening to and responding to events within the application.
Events and Observers are two fundamental components of Magento 2's event-driven architecture. In this post, we'll explore what Events and Observers are, how they work together, and why they're essential for customizing and extending Magento 2.
What are Events and Observers in Magento 2?
In Magento 2, Events are specific points in the application where developers can inject custom code. An Event could be a user registering an account, adding an item to their cart, or placing an order. Developers can observe and respond to these Events by writing custom code, as Magento 2 defines them throughout its codebase.
On the other hand, Observers are the custom code developers write to respond to Events. Observers are PHP classes that implement the Magento\Framework\Event\ObserverInterface interface. These classes contain methods that will call the specified function when the Event they're observing occurs. An Observer can perform any number of tasks, such as modifying data, sending notifications, or triggering additional Events.
How do Events and Observers work together?
Events and Observers work together in a Publisher-Subscriber relationship. When an Event occurs, Magento 2's Event Dispatcher notifies all Observers that have registered to observe that Event and each Observer then runs its code in response to the Event.
Let's take a look at a simple example. Suppose we send an email to the customer whenever they place an order. We would create an Observer class that implements the ObserverInterface interface and contains a method that sends the email. We would then register this Observer to observe the sales_order_place_after Event.
When a customer orders, Magento 2's Event Dispatcher triggers the sales_order_place_after Event. All Observers registered to observe this Event would then have their methods called, including our email-sending Observer. Our Observer would then send the email to the customer.
Why are Events and Observers important in Magento 2?
Events and Observers are crucial in Magento 2 because they allow developers to customize and extend the system without modifying the core codebase. By listening to and responding to Events, developers can create custom functionality that seamlessly integrates with Magento 2.
Events and Observers also make it easy to maintain customizations across Magento 2 updates. Since custom code is not directly modifying the core codebase, updates to Magento 2 won't break the custom functionality developers implement.
In conclusion, Events and Observers are potent tools in Magento 2's event-driven architecture. By using Events to trigger custom code and Observers to respond to those Events, developers can create custom functionality that seamlessly integrates with Magento 2. If you're looking to customize and extend Magento 2, Events and Observers are a must-know feature.