The MAG Commentary: 06/10/2022

The MAG Commentary: 06/10/2022

The MAG Commentary:?06/10/2022

Market Weekly Forecasts & Geopolitical Commentaries

Patrick OConnell, editor

I?am not an investment advisor.?Any financial information is for educational purposes only – NOT investment advice!


Free: Join my Reddit Community and share your journey to stop the genocide-in Ukraine:



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Our proprietary market also forecasts the following trends (Risk-on or Risk-off) for the week ending 06/17/2022:


Full Disclosure:

An analysis published is not investment advice!


The SPY(SPDR S&P500 ETF) is Trending?Downward(minus20.74 Week-over-Week)- ?for the Week ending 06/03/2022



These metrics are Risk-on(bullish) for the next week:

WTI – Crude Oil;???VIX-SPY variance correlation (this metric is NOT infallible- ONLY nimble traders should consider trading next week- and even then, be prepared for extreme volatility IF you place a bullish trade! – you are forewarned!).



Volatility is still with us – be forewarned!


The war certainly is not helpful for the bulls’ case.?





A cautionary note to keep in mind (IMHO we are not yet seeing a confirmed bottom in the market) -?as Doug Casey said in a recent interview -?we are in a chaotic period in global markets.




For next week, the algo indicates that the Bears are in control.

The Bulls are on the sidelines- possibly due to the highest inflation rate in 41 years – not to mention the war!


How do you spell, at best “stagflation (or “dragflation”) ” or at worst,?the Big “D” – as in global depression??Doug Casey opines that we are indeed headed to the big “D”!?He forecasts a bond market collapse and a stock market crash.???He recommends the intermediate size oil companies.?NOT the big ones!?Casey likes uranium stocks as well. He says he is long uranium stocks.


Interestingly, he likes the Uzbekistan stock market.?I would NOT recommend investing there – unless you do your extensive due diligence.?He mentioned it would be sort of a “lotto play” – Very risky!


IMHO I do not think we have seen the bottom – I always like to see at least a 3 week period in which the market is in a bull trend.?Even then, the market can still sustain a bull trap or a so-called head fake for a prolonged period.?Be careful in trading for the next one to two weeks!


I am tracking the weekly price movement of QQQ during 2022:

So, Moving forward, QQQ was a hypothetical “Buy” on 01/03/2020 at $401.68.?IMHO this correction of QQQ remains in an indefinite period of profound weakness! No sign of a definitive bottom from this point moving forward!

Each week, I indicate the profit or loss, based on this (pretend) entry point.?Let’s see where it ends up at the end of 2022!

As of 06/10/2022, this hypothetical trade shows a loss of $112.84 ?(QQQ was $288.84 at the close on 06/10/2022).


Reminder: Daniel?Riley –Mr. TopStep:? daily updates on the markets:?His website & free email newsletter are a MUST!!!??—Patrick




My shameless self-promotion:

Headhunting for an experienced freelance SEO content writer for your business??Here’s my profile:?


Let’s jump on a call soon!?- Patrick


BTW I made the initial introduction (and created a pitch deck) between a stealth nano-manufacturing startup founder/CEO and a group of investors – the?$10M - $20M raise should close soon!

I am available to make similar introductions for YOUR startup/mature company as well!

--- Patrick





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The 2 video links above explain “all you need to know” about how you can potentially make profits- consistently – with this one-of-a-kind crypto trading also! – Patrick OConnell


Ed kindly shared this info on June 10th – FYI- NOT investment advice of course:


The goal of this video is to identify coins that can yield the highest percentage return during a crypto market recovery.

Thank you!




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Investments in Cryptocurrencies and Stocks can lead to a loss of money over short or even long periods. Investors in Cryptocurrencies and Stocks should expect prices to have large range fluctuations. The information published on the GoBabyTrade website cannot guarantee that investors in Cryptocurrencies and Stocks will not lose money.

Saint Michael Technologies, LLC.

GoBabyTrade Copyright ? 2022 All rights reserved

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IF you ever wanted to interview/research?“The Rich and Famous” OR –

You have always wondered how you can interview/research an impactful and interesting person – I am now inviting you to steal – as in FREE - ?my strategy to do these things!


Grab a copy of my “Checklist To Interview/Research Impactful and Interesting People here:


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Thank you in advance for your interest and support. ?– Patrick



Important Note - to everyone:

I have a source (President/CEO of a US nationwide Truckers Association for Women) – who has kindly offered caseloads of dolls – to be donated to NGOs and/or Ukrainian Resettlement organizations.?Scientific research has indicated that “doll therapy” and children/the elderly can benefit in many ways by “bonding” with a stuffed animal or a doll./?


I am open to anyone that has a serious interest in this generous offer (10 dolls to a case) – to DM me.?We can hop on a call (Tuesday-Friday: 10 am Mountain Time – 4:00 pm Mountain Time) to discuss/provide contact information.


“First come – first serve” as they say, or “You snooze – you lose”.

Supply may be limited.

May I hear from you soon??-?Patrick (LinkedIn ID - azpat0)

You can contact me through my profile as well:

Patrick OConnell



I have joined an awesome YouTube group - ?“UkraineNow” – I shall share links to some of our 3 times per week meetups in The MAG Commentary - check this group out by inputting “UkraineNow Community Meeting” in YouTube’s search link.



I have contacts worldwide that subscribe to my MAG Commentary NL (Market Forecasts & Geopolitical Commentaries" and my Substack Market Algo NL:




--- Patrick




NOTE:?I am currently working as a copywriter for:


I shall include a few links in each MAG Commentary newsletter with the focus on:?“Homesteading & Sustainable Agriculture” Videos.?IMHO this may be appropriate, given the current volatility in the economic, geopolitical, and ongoing volatility of global ecosystems, and cultural transformations/upheavals.?


You are welcome to join (free) The CommUNITY Grid Network:


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--- Patrick


Commentary for 06/10/2022:

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I am indebted to Robin Horsfall’s compelling and timely articles- originally published on LinkedIn!?One of these follows- very “spot-on::



The war in Ukraine is going badly for Russia. Their armed forces are proving to be inept at every level. They have failed in the air, sea, and land. Ukraine gathers weapons and confidence as every day passes.

What does Russia do? Distract attention, - create issues of interest so the important issue 'The War' is drowned in a sea of irrelevant slurry.

Recent stories include, who are real Ukrainians? Latvia is not a legally appointed nation, Japan cannot fish in their northern seas, and Russian troops have been sent to Nicaragua to help President Ortega.

Rumors or questions are created every day to make the general population of the west ask whether it is all worth it. They are then enthusiastically shared by media outlets that thrive on sharing Russian propaganda. Rumors to discredit Ukraine about corruption (all countries are corrupt) are posted to make supporters think again about sending help. Other tactics are the would've, should've could've stories designed to cast blame elsewhere 'Biden did it' (duh) and of course nuclear war. These are the 'sparkly things', designed to make you look elsewhere.

Russia wants the democratic world that supports Ukraine to take its eyes off the crime.

The world must keep its eyes on the only issues that count. We must always return to the disease that causes the illness.

Russia started an insurgency in Donbas, annexed Crimea, invaded Ukraine without provocation, and started a war that has engaged the whole world at one level or another. That is cancer that needs a cure.

Keep your focus where it counts - on Putin and his crimes.

Slava Ukraine!

Who Dares Shares

Robin Horsfall

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FYI:??I comment on the “real-time” geopolitical blog posts I create for my Reddit “EndUkrainian Genocide” community:



The purpose of the Reddit community is to provide “real-time” updates on geopolitical events occurring worldwide AND?connect peace activists and community organizers worldwide to share their journey: Together we CAN climb that mountain!




On to the “Main Event”:


I post the URL for each news item I share in my?REDDIT blog post - ?if you want to do a deep dive into the source material.?


Not the most “elegant” and detailed way of commenting, but as your time is valuable, I try to be as succinct as possible in my comments!?-?Patrick


Here are the major “real-time” news items I comment on for this past week:


Repeated- This is timeless AND priceless?information:


4/18/22:?Doug Casey: the world is headed for chaos and radical change

URL --- MUST??View?(recurring- as this is most prescient):



Repeated Post – You have been forewarned of what is coming to the US:?

5/5/22: Shocking New Info ----- Stock Up and Buckle Up ------206,281 views - Breaking news that the MSM will NOT cover! Nuclear-war-related information- Canadian gas prices are about $2-$3 per liter (in the US that would be about $7-$8/gallon- This IS coming to the US and SOON! -IMHO of course.






Links to impactful geopolitical events- that you should know about:



Islamic State-Khorasan Province Expands Attacks beyond Afghanistan


I published ?this on 6/3/22-6:

?Benefits Of Hydrogen Peroxide On Plants And In Your Garden-Hydrogen Peroxide And Plants?


Yes, H2O2 has many benefits in your garden ranging from a disinfectant for garden tools and pots and work areas, to an anti-fungal and pest control powerhouse spray. Its uses……: MORE here:


This CHANGES EVERYTHING...Limits at walmart and limits at costco have started to spread all over the country. Soon we will see shortages in all of our favorite foods and items from supply chain disruptions. Prepping for shtf is more important than ever now. Prep now to stay prepared in a hectic world….




Energy Supply Chains Face Worst Crisis In Five Decades As Extensive Shortages Push Prices To Explode - - - The Collapse has begun!


WARNING. THERE IS NO COMING BACK FROM THIS. BUY FOOD AND WATER BEFORE IT'S TOO LATE.- us Laws are being passed- Making ownership by ordinary Americans - OF BODY ARMOR - to be illegal!


They're trying to hide THIS from you | Redacted with Clayton Morris=Ukraine admits that its military is drowning and cannot push Russia back but still wants more weapons from the West. Meanwhile, some black market sites seem to indicate that U.S. weapons are being sold online. Is this what we are …. MORE!


"The Crisis is About to go Parabolic"-Economists predict oil will go parabolic this summer and Iran just did something that may lock in a major conflict in the region.


The Fundamental Transformation of the U.S. Economy-Yesterday, Joe Biden said his economic plans “have produced the strongest, fastest, most widespread economic recovery America has ever experienced.” Yet the average national gas price is expected to be nearly $6 per gallon by Labor Day. This is ….MORE!


It’s Going to be a Bleak Summer - More Banks Issue Warnings-We keep getting warnings from different banks about how bad the economy is. Goldman Sachs, Bank of America and even the World Bank is telling us that global growth is shrinking. This will be a bleak summer. #WorldBank #GlobalGrowth #GDP #IA


Crops Are Failing Around the World- Do this NOW!-- I hope everyone is preparing for when the SHTF! DHS issues warning about violence increasing, crops failing around the world (France, India, Pakistan, Florida), water shortages, nuclear sabre rattling intensifies on Korean peninsula, Russo is threatening….?MORE!


Is The War now coming to the US? It is now out in the open- Get ready for violence in America- Make your decision -R U ready? Are U still in denial? EMERGENCY! DHS ISSUES STATE OF EMERGENCY ALERT FOR THE ENTIRE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA=When you leave your home- You ARE in the combat zone!


Why are they lying about Ukraine?-Journalist Patrick Lancaster has been uncovering the truth while mainstream media continues to spread lies about the war in Ukraine.


Now they're hiding THIS about Monkeypox | Redacted with Natali and Clayton Morris-The research on monkeypox is…concerning. The Virology Lab in Wuhan is making its own synthetic version of monkeypox to come up with a vaccine. Can we say no thank you to their help? Meanwhile, vaccines and antivirals f


The TRUTH is coming out in Ukraine and it's stunning | Redacted with Clayton Morris-The Western media seems to be realizing that Ukraine is not winning its war to push Russia out of its borders. So now what? Some say that Russia could keep going to take over more territory or it could work to replac


It's ALL starting to fall apart in Ukraine, and they can't stop it | Redacted with Clayton Morris


Larry Johnson is an ex-CIA analyst who has been exposing the propaganda and lies created by the US and western governments. The propaganda coming out of Ukraine is the worst he's ever seen. Clayton Morris sits down with Larry to talk about statecraft and how these nations plant stories in the-MORE!


She's exposing the TRUTH in Ukraine and they don't like it | Redacted Conversation with Eva Bartlett


National EMERGENCY Declared in USA!- Gas& Diesel heading to $8-$1/gal?-Russia to mobilize within 90 days? Global riots are all but guaranteed to occurred VEDRY soon! Chaos will be the "new normal"--Prediction: a major escalation within 3 months and the price of gas just hit ANOTHER record today.


Unconfirmed- Unconfirmed- Could be FAKE “NEWS”---?One source alleges- UNCONFIRMED- that the military has been alerted to be on possible “alert” to help distribute water and food to Americans affected by POTENTIAL?massive chaos/disruption of supply chain deliveries of food and water across the nation- UNCONFIRMED- UNCONFIRMED- COULD be FAKE NEWS- so take this with a grain of salt--??NOT?CONFIRMED (not sure if it is this vid or another that had this “rumor”):

The POWER SHORTAGE is going to get WORSE FROM HERE! – Get READY! 21,592 viewsJun 3, 2022 1.7K DISLIKE SHARE -As the government shuts down fossil fuel power plants, nuclear power plants are closing due to old age. Solar and wind simply can’t keep up and the end result is a severe power shortage.


Another Food Plant Burns - Urgent Food Shortages UPDATE! (May 25th) Collapse REPORTS-Massive Chicken Plant Burns AND how to collect water in SHTF. Food Shortages 2022 across the USA and Empty Shelves being reported by subscribers. What we're seeing firsthand from stores. In the USA Biden--MORE!



It's No Accident - Food Shortages Cold War Just Went Hot-From intentional destruction of food plants to retiring of farmland to the water shortage crisis out west, the food shortages are not a bug they are the program. Empty shelves, water rationing, food rationing are all part of the plan—MORE


ood Shortages UPDATE! Empty Shelves & Food Plant Fires (June 4th) -SHTF Collapse--It's not just a few empty shelves... something huge is happening. SHTF is the collapse of supply chains and food shortages 2022.


Bank of America Warns that the Summer of Hell is Coming-Bank of America's most bearish analyst is warning that the Summer of Hell is coming as tighter monetary policy will lead to fewer job openings and lower equity prices. He also notes that high oil prices and high interest rates are likely toMORE


What do "They" know- that they are not telling us? Law enforcement sources say that in the coming weeks- it may be dangerous to just go to the supermarket/pharmacy---The shadow of things to come: POLICE WARNING. LEAVE NOTHING BEHIND. THIS IS BAD.


Leaked British documents- Indicate the current "Crisis" will last through 2025 and beyond! HERE WE GO. THIS IS HOW BAD THINGS REALLY ARE. GAS PRICE EXPLOSION. NO MORE OIL DRILLING-- Are you prepared???


Massive layoffs imminent- food-gasoline prices going up daily- will go up MUCH higher- and SOON! are you ready? Cracks in the economy are getting bigger and bigger...Will this video wake you up to prepare more?


ore breaking news on my Reddit EndUkrainianGenocideNow Community!


Join now to keep up with events – as they happen! - - -?Patrick



Go here:




Stay tuned for the next issue!



Another source of news and commentary that I follow and recommend is the one authored/published by Elaine Supkis- The Culture of Life News—Highly recommended:




Thank you for following my MAG Commentary!




Headhunting for an experienced freelance SEO content writer for your business??Here’s my profile:?


Let’s jump on a call soon!?- Patrick


In closing – last but not least:


Glory to Ukraine:



???? Epic Orchestral Anthem of Ukraine - "Ще не вмерла Укра?ни ? слава, ? воля" [English Translation]


Mar 2, 2022


4/22/19- 2,869,274 views on YouTube-Official HD Promo Video for Pet Shop Boys' fantastic single 'Go West'. Taken from the Pop Art Best - Parody of Russia-China ideology: Glory to Ukraine!



Time Out! Time to break from all this killing and war - Take a break and enjoy some beats; 1 hour of Pet Shop Boys Greatest Hits - Full Album 2022 - Best Songs Of Pet Shop Boys --- If music isn't your thing-- Grab some Tequila or some other "diversion" from the grind of everyday reality!







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