The MAG Commentary: 05/06/2022
Patrick O'Connell
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The MAG Commentary:?05/06/2022
Market Weekly Forecasts & Geopolitical Commentaries
Patrick OConnell, editor
I?am not an investment advisor.?Any financial information is for educational purposes only – NOT investment advice!
?I promote my MAG Commentary (Market Forecasts & Geopolitical Commentaries) on LinkedIn, Facebook, and Twitter by using this?script- IF you want to share with others- please feel free to do so:
Subscribe to my free weekly MAG Commentary on LinkedIn (Market Forecasts & Geopolitical Commentaries" to stay current on global geopolitics:
ALSO: Join my Reddit Community and share your journey to stop the genocide-in Ukraine:
Our proprietary market algo forecasts the following trends (Risk-on or Risk-off) for the week ending 05/02/2022:
The S&P500 is Trending?Downward(minus 0.66- Week-over-Week)- ?for the Week ending 05/06/2022
NOT investment advice!
FULL DISCLOSURE and Notice that I am NOT an investment advisor
Risk-on?(Bullish)???WTI- Crude;?VVIX – BUT it is only slightly less, week- over-week – IMHO
Volatility can only increase from this point moving forward.
The war certainly is not helpful for the bulls’ case.?This metric is best used by nimble day & swing traders- NOT for the faint of heart!
Risk-off?(Bearish):?Everything else- as Doug Casey said in a recent interview - ?we are in a chaotic period of global markets: All these metrics are Risk-off(bearish) for the next week:
VIX,?QQQ, Copper, the VIX-SPY variance correlation, SPY
For next week, the algo indicates that the Bears remain in control.
IMHO the war in Ukraine continues to appear front and center as the driving force influencing commodity and equity price movement.?There is no spring planting in Ukraine - the breadbasket of the planet.
lt appears that food prices continue their ascent, and will continue in this direction for the foreseeable future!??Wages are NOT keeping pace with the hyperinflation that we are beginning to see in more and more food products, energy, and housing.?
How do you spell, at best “stagflation” or at worst, ?the Big “D” – as in global depression??Doug Casey opines that we are indeed headed to the big “D”!?He forecasts a bond market collapse and a stock market crash.???He recommends the intermediate size oil companies.?NOT the big ones!?Casey likes uranium stocks as well. Says he is long uranium stocks.
Interestingly, he likes the Uzbekistan stock market.?I would NOT recommend?investing there – unless you do your own extensive due diligence.?He mentioned it would be sort of a “lotto play” – Very risky!
I am tracking the weekly price movement of QQQ during 2022:
So, Moving forward, QQQ was a hypothetical “Buy” on 01/03/2020 at 401.68.?IMHO this correction of QQQ remains in an indefinite period of profound weakness! No sign of a definitive bottom from this point moving forward!
Each week, I indicate the profit or loss, based on this (pretend) entry point.?Let’s see where it ends up at the end of 2022!
As of 04/29/2022, this hypothetical trade shows a loss of $92.43 (QQQ was $309.25 at the close on 05/06/2022).
Breaking (05/06/25) – I have an unconfirmed report that Israeli mercenaries are now in combat with the Russian military WITHIN Russia- Does anyone else have confirmation of this??If true, this will open up a new dimension in what increasingly is being referred to as WW3.
My source??Canadian Prepper – YouTube - (begins at 1:40 – approx.):
Another breaking event- which, IF true, again oens up yet another dimension in the war:
Also (Unconfirmed) Breaking:
Ukrainian Army Attacked the Russian City of Kursk
May 7, 2022
Also VERY bearish –
May 6, 2022
URL Source:
Reminder: Daniel?Riley –Mr. TopStep:? daily updates on the markets:?His website & free email newsletter are a MUST!!!??—Patrick
My Reddit EndUkrainianGenocide?Community is all about sharing ways to create Silent Protests and to create impactful "Stop The Genocide-Peace Now" rallies throughout the world.?
?I have contacts worldwide that subscribe to my MAG Commentary NL (Market Forecasts & Geopolitical Commentaries" and my Substack Market Algo NL:
The purpose of the Reddit community is to provide “real-time” updates on geopolitical events occurring worldwide AND?connect peace activists and community organizers worldwide to share their journey: Together we CAN climb that mountain!
The LinkedIn NL is published weekly and is FREE!??- Patrick OConnell
?Commentary for 05/06/2022:
FYI:??I comment on the “real-time” geopolitical blog posts I create for my Reddit “EndUkrainian Genocide” community:
I am no longer able to post articles by Robin Horsfall- Today I discovered his LInkedIn page has been deleted-- My guess is that something has occurred- I do not know what it is- but "something" must have influenced him to get off social media. Your guess?
His posts were priceless- A brief bio of who he is/was:
Former SAS Soldier. Writer, Veterans Campaigner, and Public Speaker.
Talks about #veteransaffairs and #veterans
Talks about hashtag veterans affairs and hashtag veterans
London, England, United Kingdom??18,307?followers?
His previous info/ sign off for his posts:
I hope he is doing well.
On to the “Main Event”:
I post the URL for each news item I share in my?REDDIT blog post - ?if you want to do a deep dive into the source material.?
Not the most “elegant” and detailed way of commenting, but as your time is valuable, I try to be as succinct as possible in my comments!?-?Patrick
Here are the major “real-time” news items I comment on for this past week:
4/18/22:?Doug Casey: the world is headed for chaos and radical change
URL --- MUST??View?(recurring- as this is most prescient):
5/5/22: Shocking New Info ----- Stock Up and Buckle Up ------206,281 views - Breaking news that the MSM will NOT cover! Nuclear-war-related information- Canadian gas prices are about $2-$3 per liter (in the US that would be about $7-$8/gallon- This IS coming to the US and SOON! -IMHO of course.
5/6/22-BREAKING #ECONOMY #NEWS IT'S HAPPENING. BRITAIN WILL ATTACK RUSSIA. THE US GOVERNMENT IS WARNING ABOUT WHAT COMES NEXT 124,936 views-Breaking: Israeli mercenaries now fighting Russian troops WITHIN Russia-WW3 is here! Is MSM covering this? I hear crickets!
5/5/22: Institute for the Study of War-Ukraine Invasion Update 25-The Kremlin is establishing economic, governmental, and informational control over occupied Ukrainian territory, indicating that Russia may be preparing to create a series of Russian proxy “people’s republics”-Read More at the URL!
5/4/22--- Will Moldova be next to be claimed by Russia? The Republic of Moldova and the war in Ukraine | DW Documentary 126,494 views May 4, 2022
Note: Unconfirmed- Breaking- 05/07/22— Russia to evacuate diplomatic personnel in Moldova----?Rumor has it that Russia will invade Moldova next ---?Unconfirmed-Unconfirmed--- Patrick
5/4/22-- Putin's Doomsday Plane Flies over Moscow---
5/3/22---A large warehouse was completely ablaze in the capital city Moscow, Russia, on May 2rd, 2022. From Siberia to Belgorod, buildings and factories continue to catch fire daily for either sabotage or various other reasons. -- Why are food processing facilities catching fire in the US?
Note:?Why does the MSM NOT cover any articles/posts concerning the global destruction of food processing facilities by fire? – Just askin’-?Patrick
5/3/22---Israel is preparing to supply Ukraine with defense weapons. Military spt will include helmets soldiers as well as the Iron Dome (!) ==Israel is preparing to supply Ukraine with defense wpns. Mil spt will include helmets for soldiers as well as the Iron Dome (!) anti-missile defense system!
4/24/22-- It IS Game Over! ---It's Hitting the Fan. Prepare for TOTAL Chaos. 255,292 views--Apr 24, 2022 18K nm--Fires rage across Russia- Military Installations hit! Global Food Riots- Pending--Mysterious fires at food processing plants- across the entire planet- Sabotage? What YOU think? SHTF?
4/27/22- Lavrov warns- WW3 -- It IS coming!---Your Life is About to Change... 333,289 views---Apr 27, 2022 18K ---Fires & Explosions increase across Russia-- Sabotage, maybe? You think?-- Putin is NOT amused!
4/26/22-- Is the US Government doing what is right for the "Greater Good"? "Yes"? --- Really? A Grim Warning About What's Coming... 223,231 views--- Apr 26, 2022 --- 17K - Got your100 day emergency food/water supply on hand? When the SHTF- Guess what? It's Game Over!
5/1/22- Britain sends 8000 troops to the Eastern Front- Moldova prepares for war- after Russian attacks-- Drought in the news- Food shortages to be epic!- "Putin Will Declare WW3 Within Days"- Defense Secretary--- Leaders urge people to chill- "Nothing to worry about?"---- Really???
5/1/232-- Rep. Kinzinger introduces bill in Congress- To allow the President to declare war-- Congress abrogates its Constitutional responsibility to do so! ==SOMETHING SERIOUS IS HAPPENING IN CUBA. AMERICA WILL NOW ENGAGE RUSSIA IN EUROPE 213,918 views===May 1, 2022
5/1/22= NUCLEAR SUBMARINES ARE ON THE MOVE. RUSSIA TO DECLARE IT A WORLD WAR. NATO IS READY 145,887 views--Apr 30, 2022 -- Goy your 10 days; emergency supplies/food./water on hand? When the SHTF- it will be too late!
5/1/22- Global Price Controls- Imminent!-- Some say "Yes" - Worldwide Stockpiling and Panic Buying Commences--- S&P500 has worst start in a year- since---- Drumroll- ----1939- What World War started in 1939? Duh! Read this post or get left behind!
5/3/22" Interior Minister of Germany- Tells German citizens to stock up with 10 days' food and water- What is the US doing? I hear crickets! Are YOU ready for what is coming?--Hell is Coming... PREPARE NOW.--- Do you have your emergency supply ready for when the SHTF?
Note - - -??One source states that someone inside the Pentagon has suggested that every American needs to prepare for a one hundred (100) day total interruption in the food supply in the US – Allegedly (NOT confirmed) this source alleges that 100 gallons of water needs to be stored for the 100 day interruption in food and water supply.?I CANNOT?endorse this- but am sharing this IF anyone has heard of this as well! – Patrick
5/2/22: Have the Russian Sleeper cells been activated in the US?--- CONSIDER THIS- ARE RUSSIAN AGENTS AT WORK HERE. GET YOUR FOOD AND MEDICINE NOW. ATTACKS AT FOOD PLANTS 102,231 views----May 2, 2022 -- Putin's War= Believed to last for years- MANY shortages imminent!- Are we NOW at war with Russia?
5/2/22: Naomi Wolf Compares Social Media Censorship To 1930s Book Burnings In Germany! May 2, 2022 - Getting a feeling of Deja VU, Comrade- The Ministry of Truth & The Disinformation Bureau- Its all the same thing, no?- If this stands- America will be forever lost- Just IMHO of course!
05/01/22: Russia Signals That It Plans To Occupy Southern Ukraine - Permanently. It is anticipated that Russia will call for a full mobilization of ALL Russian forces later in May 2022. Apparently Putin will not back down- IMHO
That’s All Folks!
Another source of news and commentary that I follow and recommend is the one authored/published by Elaine Supkis- The Culture of Life News—Highly recommended:
Thank you for following my MAG Commentary!
Headhunting for an experienced freelance SEO content writer for your business??Here’s my profile:?
Let’s jump on a call soon!?- Patrick
In closing – last but not least:
Glory to Ukraine:
???? Epic Orchestral Anthem of Ukraine - "Ще не вмерла Укра?ни ? слава, ? воля" [English Translation]
Mar 2, 2022
4/22/19- 2,869,274 views on YouTube-Official HD Promo Video for Pet Shop Boys' fantastic single 'Go West'. Taken from the Pop Art Best - Parody of Russia-China ideology: Glory to Ukraine!
Time Out! Time to break from all this killing and war - Take a break and enjoy some beats; 1 hour of Pet Shop Boys Greatest Hits - Full Album 2022 - Best Songs Of Pet Shop Boys --- If music isn't your thing-- Grab some Tequila or some other "diversion" from the grind of everyday reality!