The MAG Commentary: 04/04/2022
Patrick O'Connell
Check out my LinkedIn Newsletter for info on how my digital content sizzles- to include info on my awesome Market Algo NL that forecasts the S&P500 weekly trends!
The MAG Commentary:?04/04/2022
Market Weekly Forecasts & Geopolitical Commentaries
Patrick OConnell, editor
I?am not an investment advisor.?Any financial information is for educational purposes only – NOT investment advice!
Market Forecasts for Week Ending 04/08/2022
Our proprietary market algo forecasts the following trends (Risk-on or Risk-off) for the week ending 04/08/2022:
Risk-on?(Bullish):??SPY, Copper, QQQ, VIX
Risk-off?(Bearish):?VVIX,?Copper,?WYI,?VIX-SPY variance-correlation
For next week, the algo indicates that the Bears remain in hibernation.
?IMHO – this would be the 3rd week that we see this as the bottom of the Bear Market -?we shall see!?
I am tracking the weekly price movement of QQQ during 2022:
So, Moving forward, QQQ was a hypothetical “Buy” on 01/03/2020 at 401.68.?IMHO this correction of QQQ remains in an indefinite period of profound weakness! No sign of a definitive bottom from this point moving forward!
Each week, I indicate the profit or loss, based on this (pretend) entry point.?Let’s see where it ends up at the end of 2022!
As of 04/01/2022, this hypothetical trade shows a loss of $39.83
(QQQ was $361.85 at the close on 04/01/2022/).
Reminder: Daniel?Riley –Mr. TopStep:? daily updates on the markets:?His website & free email newsletter are a MUST!!!??—Patrick
Reminder: Daniel?Riley –Mr. TopStep:? daily updates on the markets:?His website & free email newsletter are a MUST!!!??—Patrick
I promote my MAG Commentary (Market Forecasts & Geopolitical Commentaries) on LinkedIn, Facebook, and Twitter by using this?script- IF you want to share with others- please feel free to do so:
Subscribe to my free weekly MAG Commentary on LinkedIn (Market Forecasts & Geopolitical Commentaries" to stay current on global geopolitics:
ALSO: Join my Reddit Community and share your journey to stop the genocide-in Ukraine:
My Reddit EndUkrainianGenocide?Community is all about sharing ways to create Silent Protests and to create impactful "Stop The Genocide-Peace Now" rallies throughout the world.?
?I have contacts worldwide that subscribe to my MAG Commentary NL (Market Forecasts & Geopolitical Commentaries" and my Substack Market Algo NL:
The purpose of the Reddit community is to provide “real-time” updates on geopolitical events occurring worldwide AND?connect peace activists and community organizers worldwide to share their journey: Together we CAN climb that mountain!
The LinkedIn NL is published weekly and is FREE!??- Patrick OConnell
?Commentary for 04/01/2022:
FYI:??I comment on the “real-time” geopolitical blog posts I create for my Reddit “EndUkrainian Genocide” community:
I am humbled and honored to introduce Robin Horsfall, a fellow LinkedIn member who has graciously permitted me to reprint his geopolitical analysis of the Ukraine “situation”.
On 03/30/2022 he posted the following article on LinkedIn:
Former SAS Soldier. Writer, Veterans Campaigner, and Public Speaker.
Talks about #veteransaffairs and #veterans
Talks about hashtag veterans affairs and hashtag veterans
London, England, United Kingdom??18,307?followers?
There should be absolutely no doubt that the withdrawal of the Russian army from Kyiv is a tactical move. It is not part of the negotiation process and it is not an attempt to achieve peace. The Russian army in the north punched itself out. It has been defeated by Ukrainian resistance.
Putin will withdraw and try to move those resources to the east to concentrate his forces elsewhere in an attempt to gain at least one victory in his month-long invasion. To date, the Russians have only a long list of failures. The Ukrainians have a very good understanding of the devious methods that Putin will resort to. He will lie in any way to gain an advantage. He will wait until the pressure eases and then look for an opportunity to strike back. Like a wounded tiger he still has claws.
Nothing, absolutely nothing should be believed. The whole negotiation process for Putin is about leverage and trickery. It is not led by a desire for peace.
It is vital now that the Ukrainian armed forces continue to fight to force a withdrawal in the south. Anything less will be portrayed as a victory in Russia. Rest assured they need to have their claws clipped very short to ensure it is a long time before they return.
Sadly this means casualties and destruction now but this sacrifice by the Ukrainian heroes will ensure security for the future.
Trust nothing, believe nothing, and beware of Russians bearing gifts.
Slava Ukraine!
Who Dares Shares.
I echo Robin’s closing words “Slava Ukraine!”
Glory to Ukraine!
May God be with us, now and during the time of that ?(present) and the Coming Storm.?As they say, it isn’t
over, until it’s over.?I feel we have a long way to go before it’s “over’!
Patrick OConnell
On to the “Main Event”:
I post the URL for each news item I share in my?REDDIT blog post - ?if you want to do a deep dive into the source material.?
Not the most “elegant” and detailed way of commenting, but as your time is valuable, I try to be as succinct as possible in my comments!?-?Patrick
Here are the major “real-time” news items I comment on for this past week:
04/01/2022:?U.S. Will Help Transfer Soviet-Made Tanks to Ukraine-The Soviet-made tanks will allow Ukraine to conduct long-range artillery strikes on Russian targets in the eastern Donbas region, an American official said.---Credit...Lynsey Addario for The New York Times--- Glory to Ukraine!
03/13/2022: {incorrect date appears in the Reddit post by me- mea culpa):
265,592 views on YouTube - MUST VIEW! Why is Russia Failing?- The War in Ukraine Explained: Operational and Historical Overview *CENSORED*- Glory to Ukraine- Glory to the Heroes- MUST WATCH!
3/25/22: 325,000plus views on YouTube: “The Bear Trap” – The War in Ukraine Explained: 1 Month into the Russian Invasion - IMHO an excellent analysis! The future is unknown- but it seems the Ukrainians do NOT want the occupiers to remain!
3/30/22: NUKE ALERT Dramatic moment Russian bombers armed with NUKES enter EU air space – fueling tensions with West, reports claim Henry Holloway 30th March 2022, 4:36 pm Updated: 30th March 2022, 6:22 pm--IMHO- THIS could be a practice run for what Russia is planning to do in the future! Insane!
3/30/2020: Ukraine food supplies 'deliberately destroyed' by Russia in warehouse attack; 50,000 tonnes of food destroyed-- Another war crime committed by Putin- What will it take to repulse the occupiers? Glory to Ukraine!
DW News" How military drones became a decisive factor in the Russia-Ukraine war | DW News--- Both Russia and Ukraine are using drones as their eyes in the sky--- Ukrainians need more javelins, too! ---IMHO
3/28/2022" Mark Levine interviews Victor Davis Hansen- Putin to implement the Aleppo-Grozny strategy? PLUS: China's Xi Jinping is 'troubled' by what he is seeing in Ukraine: Policy expert
That’s All Folks!
Another source of news and commentary that I follow and recommend is the one authored/published by Elaine Supkis- The Culture of Life News—Highly recommended:
Thank you for following my MAG Commentary!
Headhunting for an experienced freelance SEO content writer for your business??Here’s my profile:?
Let’s jump on a call soon!?- Patrick
In closing – last but not least:
Glory to Ukraine:
033122-posted to Reddit: Ukrainian National Anthem - 679,405 views on YouTube--- Metropolitan Opera --- Glory to Ukraine!
3/22/2022:Here Are The Top Anti-War Rock Songs That Represent Faith In The Ukrainian Resistance by Camila DaSilva----It is not unusual to perceive a relationship between the sacred and the profane in musical references. Glory to Ukraine!