The MAG Commentary: 03/04/2022
Patrick O'Connell
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The MAG Commentary:?03/04/2022
Market Weekly Forecasts & Geopolitical Commentaries
Patrick OConnell, editor
I?am not an investment advisor.?Any financial information is for educational purposes only – NOT investment advice!
Market Forecasts for Week Ending 03/11/2022:
Our proprietary market algo forecasts the following trends (Risk-on or Risk-off) for the week ending 03/11/2022:
No metrics indicate a Risk-on trend – The next week appears to be showing a full Bear market through 03/11/2022.
All?metrics are Risk-off (Bearish):?WTI, Copper, VIX-SPY Variance-Correlation, QQQ, VIX and VVIX.
The Bear remains in control, with the?week over week trending of the SPY being in a downward trend.?Nimble traders might be able to profit from short-term scalping trades. ?Not for the faint of heart!
I am tracking the weekly price movement of QQQ during 2022:
So, Moving forward, QQQ was a hypothetical “Buy” on 01/03/2020 at 401.68.?IMHO this correction of QQQ remains in an indefinite period profound weakness! No sign of a definitive bottom from this point moving forward!
Each week, I indicate the profit or loss, based on this (pretend) entry point.?Let’s see where it ends up at the end of 2022!
As of 03/04/2022, this hypothetical trade shows a loss of $64.38
(QQQ was $337.30 at the close on 03/04/2022).
3/04/2022 Commentary:
I have been gathering some support for my initiative to hold a “Stop The Genocide Peace Rally” in Albuquerque, where I reside.
I have one supporter that may agree to be the lead event organizer.?She currently operates a very successful business in which she organizes trade shows.?We shall see if she will want to join us.?I shall be in contact with the other local supporter later this afternoon to share with her my vision for moving forward in planning for the rally.?Stay tuned for more details!
I was fortunate to connect with a brave Ukrainian this past week.?My pitch that I send out to prospective supporters follows – based on my good fortune to now have a direct Ukrainian connection to one of the “common folk” – not an elite, and certainly not a person of great material wealth.?My focus is, after all, on raising global awareness of the plight of the Ukrainian people, not so much the macro geopolitical issues, of which there are many!
This is how my current pitch sheet reads-to attract more supporters of my idea of holding a rally:
May I count on your support?
Great news for all that want to stop the genocide – stop the killing – stop the war!
A most heroic freedom fighter in Kyiv (the target of a 40-mile convoy of Russian tanks heading to Kyiv as I type this) – is now on board with?“We Are One – We Are One With?The Ukrainian People”!
He is Account Manager for NetForce-Ukraine (System Admin/Dev Ops) – May I count on you to support our work by subscribing (free and weekly) to my “The MAG Commentary”?
For details on my initiative to have people post the meme “We Are One – We Are One With The Ukrainian people” once a day or so on their social media venues, and to be kept up to date on our future plans to elevate our movement to global prominence, subscribe to my “The MAG Commentary”!
I have published my first issue of The MAG Commentary:
Market Forecasts and Geopolitical Commentaries - on LinkedIn:
Please subscribe(free and weekly): You will become a part of an iconic initiative to stop the war and stop the killing in Ukraine- This will be BIG!--Patrick OConnell
The MAG Commentary
Weekly Market Forecasts and Geopolitical Commentaries
By Patrick O'Connell, I am avail as YOUR freelance writer “that gets results”! Samples of my work are on and my website: I also create PowerPoint video presentations!
Published weekly
View newsletter: The MAG Commentary
I want to collaborate with you and any others you may know- to organize a “Stop The Genocide” Peace rally in Albuquerque- please let me know if you can help connect me with someone that wants to do this-Thank you!
?The Takeaway:
Simple is as simple does. That’s it!???Time will tell if we gather many more supporters.?An interesting thing I notice.?When I gathered support for my initiative focused on disabled vets and their children (my “Dolls for disabled vets’ kid’s campaign), I was able to attract a number of prominent CEOs and major social media influencers.?Interesting.?I may yet go back to some of them to see if they want to support my “Stop The Genocide” initiative.
So in my current round of queries to LinkedIn folks, I have one person that is CEO of a major Electric Vehicle (EV) manufacturing facility in India.?He is on board, though he obviously won’t be here in Albuquerque when or if we hold the rally.
Want to share what we are doing?
IF you are so inclined, feel free to share this “cut and paste” in your social media venues – to spread the word of our activity:
We are One- We Are One With The Ukrainian People
Sub2free MAG?Commentary (Mkt Forecasts &?Geopolitical Comments)NL 2 stay up2dte:
Coming soon: Our Peace Rally!
The 3/4/2-22 Commentary - This is what matters to you:
In my reading and viewing various accounts of the Ukraine “business” ( you didn’t know that war is a business?), I have read, and have viewed a number of accounts of “what is going on”/?Keep in mind that “News” is no longer news – it is propaganda – oops, I mean it is “narrative”.?I suspect you already knew that.
However, I digress.
Cutting to the chase:
I see that the Russian military forces now control not only Chernobyl (reports allege the radiation levels are now rising), but also another nuclear facility in Ukraine- the largest such facility in all of Europe!??So, Russia now not only has tactical and strategic nukes, and the means to deliver them – but also can add an added “goodie” to his bag of nuclear blackmail options- control of the largest nuclear reactor (with 6 reactors in the facility) – to potentially blackmail Europe to do his bidding.
Tom Clancy could not have dreamed of such a perfect storm as a plot in one of his novels.??
It gets even better
Dr Larry Arnn, president of Hillsdale College was interviewed by Hugh Hewett on 3/4/2022 and shared what he thought Winston Churchill might do in this situation.?He indicated that in the 1930s, Churchill implemented a program of “Build More Bombs / Weapons”.?Well, he thought that might work in today’s situation as well.??I am skipping over a lot of context here, and on one level, I agree.
But on another level, I don’t think that would work today.
The big difference between the 1930s, extending into the post World War 2era and today is that whereas before the US had the nuclear advantage so to speak, today it is Russia that would seem to possess this advantage. along with their ally, China.
So, maybe building more weapons is not the easy way out.
How’s this for an insane variation on the “how do we attain world peace” meme:
Why don’t we build better (impactful) information channels/venues ?to provide truly taught reports of “news” as it should be reported, as in no editorializing or spinning of the “news”.?Maybe bring back investigative journalism untainted by the bias of the news source??????A pipedream of course.?The genie is out of the bottle.?Good luck going back to stuff that was honest, truthful, and impactful in a positive way.
Just my two cents’ worth.?Stay tuned for the next issue!
Leave your comments and suggestions on what you want me to comment on in the coming issues! We are all in this (lifeboat called earth) together:
Together we prosper - together we perish!