Maersk labour violations | Turkey-Iraq oil dispute over Kurdistan | Japan’s inflation woes
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Maersk accused of labour violations
Global container shipping leader Maersk faces building criticism over its labour practices
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“Svitzer and Maersk’s behaviour is an attack on the principles of collective bargaining and is contrary to the social values of both the Australian and Danish people. These managers should be called to heel by their Danish parent company or shown the door.” — Jamie Newlyn, Assistant National Secretary, Maritime Union of Australia (source)
Tags: #maersk #workersafety #laborrights #esg
Iraq-Turkey oil dispute over Kurdistan intensifies
The dispute involving Turkey, Iraq, and the Iraqi Kurdistan Region over oil production has escalated, leading to further crude production shutdowns by oil companies.
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“It is unfortunate it has come to this given the likely impact of a continuing supply disruption on oil prices and at a fragile time in global financial markets.” — Bijan Mossavar-Rahman, Executive Chairman, DNO (source)
Tags: #iraq #kurdistan #turkey #oil #gulfkeystone #dno
Japan’s persistent inflation threatens economic recovery
Japan's economy faces persistent inflationary pressures, threatening recovery amid the COVID-19 pandemic and recovery.
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“Amid a tighter labor market, base wage growth is expected to accelerate in 2023, but will likely stay below the level that the BOJ considers consistent with achieving the 2% inflation target in a sustainable manner.” — IMF statement (source)
Tags: #japan #inflation #IMF #BOJ #toyota #byd #mazda #mitsubishi?
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