#MadSchedules Travels to Colorado 2024 Late Spring
Minerva Goree
Mathematician and Engineer - YouTube @MadSchedules, @Budgetwithminerva, @talkswithMinervaGoree, @MusicbyMinerva, @magnificencewithMinerva
Here I am in Seattle, Washington spending time with family and working on many projects. I was planning to stay a couple of weeks more, but I have decided to travel to Colorado in the next few days. There is much work there, as well. Plus a few family members.
What does it mean to my work with #madschedules? It means I have to make sure to have at least electricity to plug in my computer to open up my awesome schedules I create using #MicrosoftProject. I'm thinking I should also have my recorder ready to create audio to upload to YouTube channel Mad Schedules and talk about what are good practices to use while scheduling. Theoretical thought meets practice. So, practice a lot.
I think I'm going to do a lot of camping while I'm out there. There are many camping areas and it's okay to stay in open spaces for free that are part of the United States Forest Service. You can easily rent (reserve) camp spaces that have electricity. Even if you are tenting, you can rent a spot that has electricity or is for RVs. Just take a very long cord to plug in from your laptop on the picnic table (or your car) to the electrical plug-ins / ports that are available in that type of campsite.
I will be back to Seattle in later weeks to continue my work here and continue visiting beautiful places. How do you do work in the late spring / early summer?