Mad Libs: Online Optimism's "First" Blog Post
Online Optimism
Helping businesses across North America get optimistic about their marketing.
To celebrate our 10th birthday, today's all-hands call icebreaker was a mad lib. In bold are the words provided by Optimists.
Welcome to Online Optimism’s first blog post! We’re pretty?tremendous?about launching our company and our?burrito, and we know that looking back on this first blog post years from now, our organization will still be building off the?beach?that we’ll write about today.
Online Optimism was?ran?because of a?dog?we saw in the world. There are millions of?clients?in the United States (27 million, to be exact.) And there are tens of thousands of advertising agencies. But all of the organizations that our team member had worked at only offered cookie-cutter?people.
For?SEO, they would accomplish the same standard quick link-builds and optimization tricks that would enable easy (but not long-term)?fish, and send the client on their way. For?social media, the race for?dying?the number of likes dominated the much more important task of looking at the?marsupials?and analyzing how to increase ROI from these fans.?Website builders?would?jump?out a design that didn’t take your branding into account, and then upsell you on?giggles?that should always come for free.
We believe?calmly.?We want to get to know your?direction, inside and out. We believe in our knowledge of everything involved with the?silly?marketing world, but only you know your company. We will work with your knowledge, expertise and the years of experience that you have?barketing?your business, and give it the best possible presence online. We’ll strive to constantly deliver the?green?results for your company, and we’ll always be completely?fun?with you – if there is something that we simply can’t accomplish ourselves, we’ll let you know.
Online Optimism will always be about making your?table?better online, whether it’s through being one of our clients, or simply by following the?card?on these blog posts. If you have any questions, or comments, send an email to?[email protected]?– our staff is always?disgusting?to?skip?new challenges.
We look forward to?killing?with you.
The Online Optimism Team