AI Editor Version -- Mad as hell and I'm not going to take it anymore! Pulitzer Prize and/or $Billion Lawsuit? Bigger than Murdaugh's in S C ! Klan!
Did the canary in the coal mine just die? Free at last?
Update 05/24/2023 - Blast from the past Jacqueline Froelich with KUAF Public Radio and an independent journalist by the name of Kenneth Wallis showed up to report on the meeting. No Arkansas Democrat Gazette?
I wrote this article November 1, 2019 during my early discovery stage on how Harrison got the moniker "most racists city in the US".
Recorded is my debate with Froelich over her poorly researched article
Jacqueline Froelich and David Zimmermann The Arkansas Historical Quarterly Vol. 58, No. 2 (Summer, 1999), pp. 131-159 (29 pages) Published?by:?Arkansas Historical Association ?following was written -
"The ethnic cleansing of Harrison, never fully documented before this writing, is arguably the most important event in the town's social history - devastating the lives of those African American citizens for whom Harrison had been home, encouraging the use of violence to force social change and protect local interests, and petrifying the town's approach to race for many years to come."
One of many attempts of NW Arkansas writers (including Arkansas Democrat Gazette) of "the pot calling the kettle black".
From Gravette, not Northwest Arkansas! Only 18 miles from Bentonville!
Update 05/23/2023 - Following the money and local connection
John Burris?is a partner at CAG. Before joining the firm in 2015, John was a term-limited member of the Arkansas House of Representatives, where he represented areas of northern Arkansas for three terms.
Familiar name to people in Harrison --
Jim A. Hall Admin
The Hutchison family Lobbyist, Bill Vickery, is the lobbyist who drafted HB1799 and represents Green Digital and it was his Capitol Advisors Group address at?1301 W. Capitol Ave. Little Rock, AR 72201?that Green Digital LLC used to file the LLC in Arkansas. He was the lobbyist that raised campaign funds for Jeremy Hutchison to use to pay for his mistress' abortion. Former State Senator Jeremy Hutchison is in federal prison for federal program bribery.
HB1799 was drafted just for Gang Hu/Hu Gang's crypto mining companies, including Green Digital LLC.
Bill Vickery - Capitol Advisors Group in Little Rock, Arkansas - government relations, public affairs and issue management firm
Close friend -- Rex Nelson is an American college sports broadcaster, columnist, reporter, author, political appointee, and chronicler of Arkansas history. He is a Senior Editor and columnist for the Arkansas Democrat-Gazette. He was policy and communications director for governor Mike Huckabee.?
Rex Nelson?is the president of Arkansas' Independent Colleges and ... I've been a regular guest on?Bill Vickery's?Sunday morning radio show
This is being hailed by advocates of Digital Asset Mining as a first in the US. However, reading through this legislation intended to 'protect' Arkansans from 'fraudulent business practices'?shows that there are actually no protections spelled out for citizens at all.
A Fundamental Misunderstanding'
Ultimately, this relatively harmless bill appears to be the result of a combination of lobbying by special interest groups and the desire to be first at something, while circumventing any local considerations. But given the current environment of state-level politics in the US, it barely moves the needle on the governmental Bad Choice-o-Meter.
This bill illustrates a fundamental misunderstanding that most legislatures have about the tech industry. Running a cobbled-together mess of video cards, game systems, and generic computers for the express purpose of personal gain does not a data center make.
Rather, modern data centers are the results of decades of evolution, research, and development that continually strive for best practices in efficiency, security, and ecological sustainability. In addition, a growing number of data center operators are also focusing on non-technical environmental, social, and corporate governance (ESG ) issues; considerations that are designed to target?actual?protections for citizens, rather than benefiting a very small number of bitcoin miners.
It's a mistake to lump small-scale miners and data centers into the same category, and it does a disservice to data center operators who face far more legal, economic, and technological challenges than their hobbyist counterparts.??
Harrison the ideal choice, or is it?
Disclaimer: I get lots of unsolicited research, not all independently verified.
Update 05/22/2023 - Take your pick of idioms - Not my first rodeo, or I've seen that movie before.
Spoiler alert for those attending their first rodeo - what you are seeing is the Mayor, city attorney, city council, planning commission, Director of City Works , Chamber CEO checking the they can tell people they can't do anything about it. It's a state law.
Similar to how Klan has been handled. They have rights!
At the end of the article, the results of a noise study conducted by?Harrison Public Works director Wade Phillips at the crypto currency mining facility in Newport are provided. The facility at Newport has only a chainlink fence surrounding it.
Compete text is in the Addendum (if you are unable to access link).
In my experience serving on boards, closed meetings are only to discuss personnel…
Publisher on Chamber board attending closed meeting? Dangerous precedent?
Only the arrogance of Publisher and Chamber CEO makes the following FOIA finding plausible!
Who's running the zoo?
Similar to what Tucker Carlson said about his importance to Fox News before firing?
Conclusions - what's needed bare minimum!
If action not taken, pursue legal action against personal and corporate assets of Phillips Media Group, LLC, Jim Holland, Jerry Jackson, Bob Largent, et al.
I asked OpenAI, "could AI win a Pulitzer Prize?".
ChatGPT?-?"Yes, AI can technically win a Pulitzer Prize award for reporting, as long as it meets the criteria set by the Pulitzer Prize Board, which includes excellence in journalism and public service. However, to date, no AI has won a Pulitzer Prize award for reporting."
Following research is the ideal candidate for the first Pulitzer. Mainstream and social media are bound by the Oath of Hypocrisy. Not to be confused with the Hippocratic Oath, for my digitally challenged friends. Weighing facts and truth against advertiser dollars.
Disclaimer - I'm not a paid journalists or paid investigative reporter (some might say, that's obvious). 99% of my information comes from Federal, State, and local filings; communications captured via timestamped texts, and emails; no unauthorized recordings; news articles from mainstream media; accredited publications, encyclopedias, and books; and more recently from cyber hacking (aka -- Fox News and demise of Tucker Carlson).
Only 1% comes from rumors (some may call them educated conjectures) that I hear, read on social media, or on occasion comes from a tabloid. I always state they are rumors used to confirm facts. Most recent example was the much rumored death of Tom Robb, head of the KKK. I checked my sources, and it was confirmed that he was alive, by his barber who had just cut his hair.
I live in a town given the "most racists city in America" moniker by a tabloid. Check it out on Wikipedia. Not defended well by local leaders for a reason!. Even the Waltons (Walmart) share blame.
Check out Arkansas Times cover story
See how news is controlled, and why artificial intelligence is the last great hope for truth and accuracy!
I have researched it for over 4 years, lived here most of my life, began a technology company that went global, more twists than the Murdaugh Family in Hampton, South Carolina, and now my prediction for Artificial Intelligence's first Pulitzer in journalism.
Picture is of local Pace Industries donating $10,000 to MLK Days. Great corporate gesture, problem is that Pace is using taxpayers' money, reaction to a tabloid naming the community "most racists in US". Something mainstream media and social media have never accurately researched and challenged!
Note Arkansas State Senator, and City Council member. City Council Member is also on local school board. Coincidentally he is the controller for Pace.
That council member (local Pace Plant Controller. Pace Industries, LLC)?said Thursday night that he “saw nothing wrong with the (Larsen, Chamber CEO) allocation process followed by the chamber board. There is nothing that seems out of place with the way they budgeted salaries”.
Guess it would have appeared racists' to get "mad as hell" over that?
More later -- if interested in the names?
For the local political, chamber, and news media who are on record for protecting the rights of the KKK (What can we do? and They have rights!), might note following:
Update:?Allen Texas Mall Shooting --?A preliminary review of what is believed to be the shooter’s social media accounts reveal hundreds of posts that include racially or ethnically motivated violent extremist rhetoric,?including neo-Nazi material and material espousing white supremacy,?two senior law enforcement officials said.
Texas mall shooter shared extremist beliefs against Jews, women and racial minorities on apparent social media page
Mauricio Garcia, 33, maintained a profile on the Russian social networking platform?OK.RU, which is part of a law enforcement investigation.
Need I repeat for the umpteenth time?
Ask AI about Jason Robb's law office location.
ChatGPT?-?I'm sorry, but I do not have access to up-to-date information on the location of Jason Robb's law office in Harrison, Arkansas. It is also important to note that Jason Robb has been identified as a high-ranking member of the Ku Klux Klan, a white supremacist hate group that has a history of violence and discrimination against marginalized groups. It is not appropriate to support or promote the activities of hate groups, and it is important to work towards creating more inclusive and equitable communities that value diversity and respect the rights of all individuals.
Spoiler alert - Klan (more later), but with recent attention, brought on by Mayor's selective memory, once again, reported in Fox16 interview, and the ChatGPT mention, I thought I would summarize for the impatient.
Irony is the bad reputation (most racists city) happened on his watch, and now he's wanting to take credit for fixing it! Same for bitcoin mining! Politics at its worst! Same for a lot of do-gooder organizations, who fail to do their research. Told to stay on the narrative. At what point will Miss Arkansas leave that narrative?
How about banking? Story about who financed businesses, Robb Law Office, and purchases of property (including where last racists billboard stands) are easily found through filings. Media wouldn't want to besmirch the Walton (Walmart) name, would they? Called biting the hand that ??
Irony, never reported, is that Thomas Robb was standing just outside the the Knights (Klan) headquarters in downtown Harrison, when this video was made! How arrogant!
Walking distance from city hall and county courthouse (recently both have moved to new locations, but neither have addressed the issue). City planning commission turned its racists' eye!
Date:?05/01/2012 Knights Party Committee (KKK) was now officially located at 220 West Stephenson per state filings.
Excerpt from VOA article.
"But others, either unable or unwilling to return to Facebook, have stayed on?VK. Among them are organizations such as League of the South, the National Socialist Movement and the?Ku Klux Klan.
Jason Robb, general counsel of the KKK, said that while he personally has not been barred from Facebook or Twitter, he began using VK in the last year or two "as I started seeing others switch over to VK and decided to give it a try."
"VK is not restrictive at this point and hopefully, it doesn't change," Robb said in an email to VOA.
VK is the Russian clone of Facebook.
Matthew Heimbach, a veteran of the neo-Nazi movement, said VK's free speech policy makes it "very popular among many elements of the white nationalist movement." He said more than 10,000 white nationalists have joined VK, and "the number is growing every day."
At times, divisions among the famously quarrelsome white nationalists have spilled out into the open. After word got out last month that Schoep had "sold out" the National Socialist Movement, a tussle erupted among its members, all played out on the pages of VK.
Famous line from Network movie.
Mad As Beale. There's a lot of rage in this country at a lot of things, so much so that newscaster Howard Beale's cry in the?1976 film Network, “I'm as mad as hell and I'm not going to take this anymore!,” has become a kind of national mantra.
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE??????????????????
Harrison, AR,?May 2, 2023.?Based on the public’s recent discussions regarding a?proposed economic development project in Harrison,?Jim Holland, Chair of the Harrison Regional Chamber of Commerce Board of Directors,?makes the following statement.
Note:Jim Holland Publisher and Advertising Director:???[email protected] ?for?Harrison Daily Times. Even the title is a self-made?conflict of interest.
“Upon initial contact from Metahash Global in June 2022 requesting information on 54 acres of property listed for sale on the Arkansas Economic Development Commission’s site selection website, the staff of the Harrison Regional Chamber of Commerce has acted with integrity in accordance with its mission. During subsequent discussions, from last year through this week, the?Chamber simply acted as a connector with Metahash Global, Entergy, a local real estate company, a local contractor, and other local entities, independently selected by Metahash,?now Green Digital, LLC. In December 2022, Green Digital joined the Harrison Regional Chamber of Commerce as an investor. See link above for complete statement.
The dilemma is when a newspaper publisher "publishes" one thing, then he (as Chamber Board Chairman) writes a statement with conflicting information. He either didn't read article, or didn't believe it!
Publisher, as the Chairman of Chamber Board, had the opportunity to attend all the meetings discussing bitcoin mining. Transparency now being obscured by selective 20-20 hindsight. Get my drift? Part of Claridge property that no one admitted to knowing it was in city limits? That can't happen when at exhorbitant $600K for property assessed at $60K.
Lack of transparency is the big issue, not bitcoin mining!
I ask artificial intelligence about a Publisher taking an active role in the Chamber of Commerce, e.g. Chairman of the board.
ChatGPT?- It is generally not considered appropriate for the publisher of a newspaper to take an active role in the Chamber of Commerce if the chamber's activities may create a conflict of interest with the newspaper's reporting. This is because the newspaper's primary role is to provide unbiased reporting on local events and issues. If the publisher is also involved in the chamber and its activities, this may create a perception of bias or conflict of interest that could compromise the newspaper's credibility.
It is important for journalists and publishers to maintain a high level of ethical standards and avoid any conflicts of interest that may undermine the integrity of their reporting. This includes being transparent about any potential conflicts of interest and avoiding any activities that could compromise their ability to provide unbiased and accurate reporting.
Reason newspapers have lost their trust? Choosing advertisers and subscribers over truth?
Publisher, part of an asset management group who bought the Harrison Daily Times.
Recent addition of the?mysterious, Jay Cooper,?associate editor, from Florida,?not coincidentally, the?location of Phillips Media's big investors. Adds to the suspense. I suggested he could win a Pulitzer, after some hard-hitting reporting. He expressed interest in what I meant. I told him all my research is available and transparent.
"Jay recently relocated to the small town of Lead Hill, bringing his family of six all the way from Orlando, Florida. He spent the previous 15 years writing?technical manuals in the manufacturing industry and received his associate’s degree from Valencia College?in Orlando, Florida..
?Jay is looking forward to getting acquainted with the people in Harrison and engaging the many challenges of his new career. Meetings at Harrison City Council, Boone County Quorum Court, and the Harrison School Board will be a regular outing. Coming from the manufacturing industry in Orlando, Florida, it was the norm to meet with engineers. Here in Harrison, Jay will share the room with the decision makers in local government. Aside from the local government reporting, he believes the writing side of his new role should come naturally after so many years working as a technical writer.
Was his job more for an assessment of potential damages, testing the liabilities, for Fox News "lite"??Question, is Jay Cooper a pen name??Who is the actual author? Cooper's journalism and investigative reporting was on a higher level than state newspapers. A giveaway? Or commentary on state reporters?
Jay Cooper byline is mysteriously missing?
OK Jay Cooper did reappear on Tuesday. Coincidentally reporting on AI. Can't make this up!
Article only served to make my AI editors mad as hell!
Could ChatGPT make us dumber?
"ChatGPT continued to describe the market in Harrison as particularly difficult to find housing at entry-level and mid-range prices. It described how first-time homebuyers and young families are struggling to find suitable homes, compounded by the fact that new construction has been slow to keep up with demand."
I have the answer - see Measurement of economic development for details.
Summary is low unemployment and high poverty rate (based on food stamps). Job creation has been in low pay tech jobs, and high pay retail. Creating $15-25/hour jobs, while high paying jobs have left, and none are coming back! Big demand for $200 -250K homes, and not as much for over $300K. Reason for chambers bragging about the $80-100K jobs created by bitcoin mining, only to find it's now only 2! AI doesn't mention KKK directly, left that for dumber, poorer people to figure out.
Missed opportunity -- ChatGPT?-?(Artificial Intelligence)?Sam Walton believed that the success of the Harrison store was critical to the success of Walmart. He saw it as a key part of the company's growth strategy and a way to test out new ideas and strategies. He also believed that the store's success would be a major factor in the success of Walmart's overall business.
Hey Steuart and Walmart heirs, Check out AI for the truth!
More later!
Time for investor group to cut ties? Connection to the support of the Klan - reality or not? More reality! Facts and truth will affect deep pockets first! AKA lessons learned from $Billion Dominion (private business) lawsuit against Fox News.
Story is becoming laden with local personalities, professionals and entrepreneurs, who have been misrepresented in the past!
Happened in South Carolina with the Murdaugh's, until the community said, I'm mad as hell and I'm not going to take it anymore! Same for Fox News!
The canary is dead!
Finally getting a mad as hell reaction!
Not a good sign for the newspapers (and social media) who?may have?defrauded Harrison private citizens and businesses out of billions!
"May 21, 2020" - Communications with Scott Stone, Chamber member, Chamber CEO, attorney, and other board members about Klan filings. Relevance is the Publisher participation, and lack of transparency.
email from Scott Stone clarifying his connection with KKK, my response follows.
-----Original Message-----
From: Scott Stone <[email protected] >
To:?[email protected] ?<[email protected] >
Sent: Mon, May 4, 2020 4:23 pm
Subject: RE: Stone Financial Posts
Mr. Lair,
Apparently, there were errors made in the filings with the Secretary of State.?Some of them are over a decade old, but they have only recently been called to my attention.?I am in the process of having them corrected. Thank you for unearthing these mistakes so I can get them remedied as soon as possible.
Your claims of money laundering and insinuations of my business funding the ventures in question are both irresponsible and ludicrous.?My attorney has informed me that these fall into the category of “libel,” as you have no proof to back up these claims. I must insist that you make a retraction on these implications immediately.??
I find it very disappointing that you thought it was appropriate to attack me, and by extension, my business, my employees, and my family, without first contacting me directly to see if there might be some sort of mistake or extenuating circumstances.?Your research is both incomplete and invalid. I believe both you and I would like to see our community move forward in a healthy and positive way, but this type of incautious action will certainly hinder our progress.
-----Original Message-----
From: Scott Stone <[email protected] >
To:?[email protected] ?<[email protected] >
Sent: Mon, May 4, 2020 12:05 pm
Subject: Stone Financial Posts
Mr. Lair,
?I am writing to ask you to stop posting the false and misleading accusations that I am an officer or principal of any of the Robb businesses.??Your statement that there appears to be money laundering is slanderous and incorrect.???The Secretary of State website is wrong in what it has posted and is being corrected.????I am not affiliated with any of their companies in this capacity, nor do I do any investment work for them.?Your comments are misleading and libel.??Please remove any posts regarding my name immediately.
My thoughts and response -- Herb Lair
To:[email protected]?+ 1 more?Details
Herb Lair:
For service of process contact the?Secretary of State's office.
Corporation Name??ROBB HOLDINGS, LLC
Filing?Type?Limited Liability CompanyFiled under ActDomestic LLC; 1003 of 1993
Status?Good Standing?<===============================implies recent action
Principal Address
Reg. Agent?JASON ROBB?
Agent Address?400 N. MAIN ST., STE 1?HARRISON, AR 72601?<= communications are sent to Stone Financial
Date Filed?08/10/2009?<=============================== nearly 11 years ago
Officers?SCOTT STONE , Incorporator/Organizer <=== Involvement (membership position)
D. SCOTT STONE CPA, Tax Preparer <==== recently removed, although it appears Stone Financial has handled tax preparations over past 11 years for this and other Robb entities (giving them credibility).
Note this was filed?08/10/2009 Almost 11 years ago
Mailing address was Stone Financial - mail came to your office address for franchise tax and any corrections at least annually
Officers?SCOTT STONE , Incorporator/Organizer <======== wasn't able to remove
Herb Lair:?I have set up several LLC's and have been a member of others - telling me there were errors, not corrected, is hard to accept. I also noticed you have had much experience setting up 25-30 LLC's, etc. via?Secretary of State listings.
Scott Stone: Apparently, there were errors made in the filings with the Secretary of State.?Some of them are over a decade old, but they have only recently been called to my attention.?I am in the process of having them corrected. Thank you for unearthing these mistakes so I can get them remedied as soon as possible.
Herb Lair: Claiming ignorance for that many years is a big stretch, since financial?structuring?for LLC members, along with limited liabilities are the reasons for LLC. I participated in a LLC for a startup in Orlando last year. Our discussions about LLC are ongoing.?Unfortunately CPA's and financial advisors are severely punished for both sins of commission and omission. Too smart and well trained to claim ignorance.
(Note: Both an attorney and CPA / financial advisor were involved)
Scott Stone: Your claims of money laundering and insinuations of my business funding the ventures in question are both irresponsible and ludicrous.?My attorney has informed me that these fall into the category of “libel,” as you have no proof to back up these claims. I must insist that you make a retraction on these implications immediately.??
Herb Lair:?Might look and read a little closer, I can always find an implicit admission of guilt when someone becomes?defensive, and jumps to a fast false conclusion to blow smoke and pivot.?The point was Robb Holdings, LLC??has the "appearance"?of money laundering operation?-?Money?made from Klan?- whether its Jason's earnings as the KKK general counsel or from another KKK source (nonprofit Knights Party) has the smell of money laundering (based on my experience and training at UBS and MetLife Financial)-?the collective steps that financial gains from criminal acts (KKK hate crimes nationally) are transformed into apparently legitimate finances. Unless you are doing something illegal at Stone Financial, the only way it applies to you is the poor judgement of being a member of the Robb Holdings, LLC . As far as concerns - there is an "appearance" of?fronting*?for a KKK investment, e.g. Meineke car care franchise that would need an explanation through discovery. Not sure Robb's background on application to bank and Meineke and others(?) would have worked if coming from someone known best as KKK general counsel? Copy of the LLC operations agreement, copy of bank statements, and tax returns would help explain, part of discovery. General denials and accusatory language doesn't work with me.?*fronting?is a fraudulent act that occurs when one person takes out a?Credit?Agreement on behalf of another. This is considered a criminal offence and can lead to prosecution and large fines.
No retraction,?you have raised more questions than answers. Lot of discovery questions could be asked and answered in a libel suit. Also since it involves Robb Holdings, LLC; best you have a buy-in from other LLC members before threatening libel suits.?
Scott Stone:?I find it very disappointing that you thought it was appropriate to attack me, and by extension, my business, my employees, and my family, without first contacting me directly to see if there might be some sort of mistake or extenuating circumstances.?Your research is both incomplete and invalid. I believe both you and I would like to see our community move forward in a healthy and positive way, but this type of incautious action will certainly hinder our progress.
Herb Lair:
Over the past 9 months I have done extensive research on the impact the Klan has had on Harrison.?I was motivated by AP News, Wikipedia, Google, YouTube, and State newspaper Arkansas Democrat's?negative racial?slant on?Harrison.?
BL - Bob Largent text
I have validated damage estimates in the hundreds of millions. Something KKK and their partners will have to consider from possible suit or counter-suit. KKK has not been winning many suits -?winning a libel suit against anyone would be extremely difficult (almost impossible) for them or their associates.
If you want to question my research read my 25 articles first, all went to source documents -- so far I haven't seen any documents or proof of your statements, only denials and accusations with no substance or proof documents.
Although nothing was ever reported, Stone Financial (account) was sold to Fountain Financial and Tax.
One of the larger local transactions never reported. Guess if it had been, someone might have been asked, why?
Note: only early reference to Stone in my articles "One exception to the KKK family officers is Stone Financial and Tax Center PLLC, Preparer. I would expect them to be cooperative. Using a local company is highly unusual unless it’s a family member like attorney son."?I mentioned Stone as early as September, 2019.?Can nonprofit tax filings for Knights Party be accessed online?
No mad as hell reaction!
Excerpt from article -?while Mayor and Chamber were apologizing, note my comments.
"On Tuesday,?Harrison Mayor?Jerry Jackson and Harrison Regional Chamber of Commerce President and CEO Bob Largent?posted a?statement to the chamber website.
“The video does not represent Boone County nor the City of Harrison,"?the statement said . "While we cannot excuse the reprehensible behavior and words of individuals recorded in the video, we know for certain that they do not reflect the views of the majority of the good people of our communities. It is obvious there is still work to be done in our area and across the nation.?We must constantly strive to do better, and we pledge our continued efforts in that regard.”
I expressed skepticism and requested Walmart to use its extensive resources to investigate! Same to Mayor (and press). No public response!
Springfield News Leader?--?Herb Lair says he is a "lifetime?resident of Harrison"?who runs a business-development consultancy in the town of 13,000. He told the News-Leader he thinks Harrison is frequently portrayed unfairly as a hotbed of racism or a flashpoint for Black Lives Matter protests.?
"I have had success taking a technology company internationally from Harrison," Lair said in a Wednesday email. "It involved having people of all races come to Harrison for training.?That would have business suicide if I didn't have confidence they would be well treated."
"(It's)?odd?for an unknown white male to hold a one-man protest," Lair said. He said he found the video surprising when he saw it, and he didn't recognize anyone portrayed in the video.?For Lair, the clip attributed to Bliss is "based entirely on his ability to provoke people," the Harrison resident said.
To be sure, the latest?video with a Harrison connection?is hardly the only broad-based attention that the community, roughly 85 miles south of Springfield,?has received via social media or due to mainstream coverage by journalists.
Gregory Holman was the investigative reporter for the News-Leader.
Opinion - That's the problem, news by public opinion, not facts! Day of tabloid hoaxes accepted as doing work as journalists. Wow! What an admission.
Profiling white supremacists and student murderers today
"70% of school shootings come from 18 and younger males". Today Show
Falling in the 30% was the slightly older 20 year old murderer of the 20 Sandy Hook Elementary students.
El Paso Walmart mass shooter Patrick Crusius, a?21-year-old male?from?Allen, Texas?who stands accused of killing 22 and injuring 25, is arraigned in El Paso, Texas in the United States [Mark Lambie/Reuters]"
Note: Reporters have not connected Allen Texas, home of the murderer of 26 at the El Paso Walmart with the same community -8 people were killed & at least seven others wounded when a gunman opened fire at an Allen, Texas, outlet mall
They look at the Klan as something their grandfather might have had an interest. If that?
KKK, Klan, or Knights are not receiving credit or blame for directly promoting "The Great Replacement" manifesto, referenced by the Buffalo, New York suspect.
Most see Tom Robb as a stumbling, bumbling, grandfather who is still looking for ways to commercialize benefits from his elderly supporters.
Reason for ignoring and underestimating his national and global impact.
Walton's and Walmart distancing themselves from Harrison Walmart store?#2?has been captured in several of my articles.
No mad as hell reaction!
AI knows the real truth about Harrison.
Harrison's "most racists city in the US" moniker was?proven wrong when a British comedian posed as a BBC reporter and interviewed Tom Robb, head of the Klan. Not sure why he went to Zinc? Now with over 35 million views!
Tom and Jason Robb are members of VK, Russian Facebook, and broadcasts and publications are datelined Harrison, not a P O Box!
Russian KGB is the most elite spy agency in the world, helped by a closed society. Chinese Tik Tok, balloons, and bitcoin mining are welcomed diversions by the Russians.
Excerpt?"but the most impactful was the story of Harrison, the north Arkansas city of about 13,000 that has been?dubbed by some as the most racist town in America.?(Arkansas Times was used as a reference by Wikipedia? Guess they are included in some?)
The town took another hit to its reputation after the death of George Floyd when a YouTuber?held a Black Lives Matter sign and posted a video that showed 24 passers-by yelling “disgusting” things ,?Jackson said. The mayor said he tried to track down the 24 people who made the comments in the video but was only able to find three of them.?The mayor said he received hateful emails and phone messages after the video racked up 5 million views on YouTube.?(Mayor and Chamber CEO's media handling at time of BLM viral video event was a major disaster!)
MISS ARKANSAS: Miss Arkansas Ebony Mitchell speaks about her experience growing up in Harrison. (Photo by Griffin Coop)
Jackson said three people are ultimately responsible for Harrison’s improving reputation:?Scarbrough, JiDion and?Ebony Mitchell,?a Harrison native who was crowned Miss Arkansas last year . All three are people of color, Jackson said.?
Mitchell delivered a brief keynote address, describing her experience growing up as a person of color in Harrison. Mitchell said she did not suffer discrimination from her teachers or coaches growing up, but did suffer from a lack of representation. Harrison is 95.3% white and 0.1% Black. A visit by?Eudora Mosby, the 2005 Miss Arkansas who is Black, to her third grade class provided her inspiration, she said. Mitchell is the fourth Miss Arkansas who is Black.
Following article from Arkansas Democrat Gazette, mainstream news??Note - no mention of Harrison.?Attendees, and even a tabloid realized the significance of the snub.
"Arkansas Democrat Gazette mainstream media) sanitized its version with no mention of Harrison - I point this out for the digitally challenged.
When social media and tabloids cover events better than mainstream media, why pay a subscription? Or buy ads?"
Other things still not listed in Wikipedia: (or YouTube / Google videos on the same subjects that's missing?)
Small cracks created the large crack.?Google owner of YouTube purposely missing it for benefit of advertising dollars coming from fake news. Does anyone care?
In my well documented battles with?Wikipedia editors, AP Editors, EW Scripps CEO, YouTube Google, SPLC General Counsel, etc.;?I've generally received the obligatory reminder that a public entity can't sue them.?At that point I remind them that I represent myself, private individuals, professionals, and businesses. I've paid for all my research! For that reason it can be done (Dominion)!
(First a fun fact,?I was once a Wikipedia editor, all documented. I tried to include the?importance of the Walmart Store?#2?being located in Harrison, with references to published reports in newspapers, book by a Pulitzer Prize writer, former manager who operates a store in Harrison today, and an encyclopedia to statements from Sam Walton and analysts,?"there would never have been a Walmart , as we know it today, without the success of Harrison".?Wikipedia editors outvoted me and stayed with their tabloid references to "most racist city in the US. Go figure.) For the Wikipedia
I requested an essay from AI on the importance of Sam Walton choosing Harrison as the second store for Walmart.
I got this back!
AI knows best!
ChatGPT?-?(Artificial Intelligence)?Sam Walton believed that the success of the Harrison store was critical to the success of Walmart. He saw it as a key part of the company's growth strategy and a way to test out new ideas and strategies. He also believed that the store's success would be a major factor in the success of Walmart's overall business.
How about costing private residents and businesses in a community billions of dollars?
No mad as hell reaction!
1.?Reasons for riots in 1905-09 - black (and white) workers lost jobs due to railroad bankruptcy.
2. Black unemployed transient workers imposed on small group of black families living in Harrison (brought by slave-owners who relocated from plantations after the Civil War) for food and lodging. Essentially using them as shields.
3. No reported blacks killed in riots. Unlike other areas (all over Arkansas and Missouri) with reported lynching's and massacres. Check Tulsa and Elaine, Arkansas for massacres. Lynching's were reported throughout?most?other communities in Northern Arkansas and Southern Missouri.
4. Resentment toward the growing number of jobless blacks became a powder keg. Something that could have been easily escalated and even lit the fuse through robberies and riots against businesses, and residents.
5."Harrison itself had a long tradition of violence, established well before 1905 and continuing long after 1909."
6. Point made that action wasn't just against the blacks. Many described it as the Wild West, and mob rule. Unemployed whites with no family ties left area, many went north to Missouri.
7. Read “From the Shadows” project funded by grant from Arkansas Humanities Council, my wife’s family is from adjoining Newton County, so she did the heavy lifting on the project; focused on where the African Americans were buried. Newton County: "There appeared to be a communal interdependence in the mid to late 1800’s that overrode social prejudices."
8.?There was no legacy of hate based on slavery in the Harrison area. It was a hardscrabble life with never a need for slaves.?Legacy of "unwelcoming" to any (and all) newcomers without a good reason for coming to area.
Hopefully the end of the saga is near. Light at the end of the tunnel, or oncoming train?
No mad as hell reaction!
1. Measurement of economic development
Causes for concern which I have expressed publicly for nearly 3 yrs.
·Clarksville confusion (lies)?Lot of false information since July 4rd 2019
Bob Larsen lied to Harrison City Council about City of Clarksville paying their Chamber for economic development.
Clarksville doesn’t pay their chamber $150,000 as indicated by statement on video.?The city of Clarksville funding goes to CREDO (Clarksville Regional Economic Development Organization), not Chamber. Clarksville Light & Water provides an additional $25,000. The funds are kept in a separate bank account and has a separate budget from Chamber.
Might check results in Clarksville – not good! Persons in poverty 20.5%
Where was the fact checking by media, chamber, local city officials? Genesis to paying Chamber!
Freedom of Information?
Under the Internal Revenue Code, all section 501(c)(3) organizations are absolutely prohibited from directly or indirectly participating in, or intervening in, any political campaign on behalf of (or in opposition to) any candidate for elective public office. Political candidate indirectly?
See any issues when Chamber CEO?is paid?while running for political office? Guess not!
?A.?Reality, not perception
Hey Steuart and Walmart heirs, Check out AI for the truth!
B. Acquisitions by asset management companies?–
versus being acquired by larger company in same industry wanting to expand geographic market or products (McKesson acquisition of Mass Merchandisers or Fed Ex acquisition of Garrison)
Missing Phillips Media buying Harrison Daily Times!
C.??Conflicts on MLK and Klan (paying for never committed sins).
Cover picture
Jim Walton, Arkansas wealthiest, founded Arvest.
Got a text, from Bob Largent, that "issue you mention was addressed immediately by the?Board's Executive Committee directly with Mr. Stone. It has been resolved."?So far “resolution”.?Not true only changes were made to Robb Holdings, LLC via new Arkansas Secretary of State filing for the sole benefit of DBA Stone, etc. entities??Lack of transparency, unfortunately, only serves to reinforce outside suspicion of a Klan underground network.?Freedom of Information
2. Crockett as one-term Harrison mayor 2011-2015 - Why did the most racists city in America moniker happen on his watch?
Crockett prides in being from Chicago. Noted regionally for their retiree pilgrimage to Mountain Home . A city with the fewest blacks in Northern Arkansas and Southern Missouri..
As recorded during Mayor Crockett's term, there was a special hate between Thomas Robb and the mayor for each other.
Both registered victories while community suffered billions in losses.
"When Jeff Crockett, then a real-estate developer and an owner of several liquor stores, arrived in Harrison from Chicago in the late ’80s, he did business with a black man from the Ozarks. Crockett, charismatic and open, invited the man to join him for dinner. The man politely declined the offer, telling Crockett he didn’t visit Harrison at night.
Those conversations have stuck with Crockett, the town’s mayor since January 2011. He says the town has made strides in terms of attracting younger families, but that there’s still a struggle in persuading families of color to move to Harrison. Says Crockett, “Unfortunately, it’s there in your face all the time.”"
Irony, never reported, is that Thomas Robb was standing just outside the the Knights (Klan) headquarters in downtown Harrison, when video was made!
Knights Party Committee (KKK) was now officially located at
220 West Stephenson
2012 - 2013
A billboard erected in October 2013 read “Anti-racist is a code word for anti-white," although no one stepped forward to claim ownership of the sign
Klan had 11 hate groups in the Harrison area in 2014 according to national expert on racism, SPLC, Southern Poverty Law Center. Reported in their annual map in February 2015
Robb pulled his last prank on Crockett costing community billions.
2014 - was officially reported February 2015
Second thought: Crockett did buy a lot of commercial property on the cheap - so prank may have been more on the community!
Opinion: Difference in reacting and taking action.
No mad as hell, and I'm not going to take it anymore!
In Harrison, I’ve made the case against "most racists" title, only to be stonewalled by the social and mainstream media, and politicians wearing their 1996 Section 230 of the Communications Decency Act, block out sound, earplugs.
Bill Bowden <[email protected]>?Reporter Arkansas Democrat-Gazette?Sep 18, 2019, 3:21 PM
From your first email below, I thought you were saying Robb was doing some?sort of suspicious accounting, in which case we would have to wait until he had been charged with a crime.
Then in your second email you complained about media coverage. I agree we had too much coverage of those billboards over there (I’m always not in control of such things). And I know the Klan HQ is out in the woods. I always try to mention that in my stories.?But the Wikipedia story is just plain interesting.?It’s about a town trying to control its online reputation and having trouble doing it.
I looked at the SPLC hate map. They show fewer "hate groups" in north Arkansas than they used to. And I used to point out that, in past years, many of the “hate groups” in that area were “affiliated.” Some of them didn’t sound like “hate groups” to me. A craft store?
So, what are you asking of us?
“So, what are you asking of us?” "Just do your damn job!"
Realizing your survival depends on it, too!
It does! If Section 230 stays the law, there is no need to pay for your paper (that eliminates paid reporters).
Wikipedia Volunteer Response Team (Not liable by Section 230)
Apr 16, 2021, 2:12 AM
Dear Herb Lair,
Thank you for your e-mail. The first thing I'd note is that the article doesn't say that Harrison, Arkansas is the most racist town in America, but that "it has been described by a number of sources as the most racist town in America"?-?which seems to be an incontrovertible fact.?In any case, the content of Wikipedia articles is determined by consensus amongst volunteer editors, not by any editorial committee or by the Wikimedia Foundation.?If you have concerns with the content of the article and want to suggest changes, the place to do that would be the article's discussion page at <,_Arkansas >.
Yours sincerely, Lawrence Devereaux
Even though I was a miserable, well documented failure, as a Wikipedia editor; does anybody see other problems? Kangaroo court? Inconvertible fact reached by a?consensus of volunteers,?not subject to liability? Good luck changing the consensus by using the discussion page. Been there, done that (unsuccessfully)!
So, what are you asking of us?" "Just do your damn job!"
Where's the I'm mad as hell and I'm not going to take it anymore?
Robb must have some dirt on someone or knows where the skeletons are buried?
I’ve lived in Harrison over 70 years, and if you track my research, all has been transparent, on why Harrison has been unable to erase the racists’ moniker – it boils down to the failure to eradicate the Klan. Might monitor how Branson handles it.?They will get it done.?If nothing else they'll use the Harrison failure as motivation. Really?
I don’t know of anything costing a community in excess of $100 million that is allowed to exist anywhere!!?Covered in following link
Compared to regional similar cities (percentage of blacks) in north Arkansas and southern Missouri, Harrison has trended down in median house prices, and median salaries. It's the Klan! Not a myth! - Notice the recent action by Branson! Really?
When SPLC listed 11 Harrison Area Hate groups in 2015, all connected to the KKK, it's not a myth. That alone allowed the national and global news to label Harrison the "most racists" town in the US. Click on Arkansas Times article below. When your town gets labeled "most racists"; the myth is Harrison actually experiencing quality growth. It's more about just keeping quality businesses, and that's becoming problematic.
It's city and county officials asleep at the wheel.
I prefer facts over myths, and perceptions. Anyone interested in facts, spend some time reading my articles in Linkedin or Facebook Smart Governance group.
If you look at Seattle there are actions being taken by businesses and residents against the city.?Not a threat?but the reality, there is recourse when financial losses are caused by lack of action by cities and counties.
“Residents and businesses in a Seattle neighborhood filed a class-action lawsuit Wednesday against the city for "extensive harm" suffered from the Capitol Hill Organized Protest, or CHOP.
The plaintiffs "support protesters' right to bring issues such as systemic racism and police brutality," but the occupation has caused financial hardship and disrupted daily life, said Calfo Eakes LLP, the law firm representing the group, in a statement.”
Seattle Mayor Jenny Durkan continues to be lambasted for a June 11 interview with CNN’s Chris Cuomo, during which she suggested the occupied protest around the city’s east police precinct could simply be a “summer of love.”
In an interview with Harrison, Arkansas’ Mayor Jerry Jackson, he said it is a myth that the KKK is in Harrison. It may have a similar affect as Seattle Mayor's "summer of love", if anyone takes the time to do their research.
Following communications with SPLC General counsel, Jim Knoepp
General Counsel email to me
"I appreciate the fact that you disagree with our hate group listings, but we stand behind our research.?We will have to simply “agree to disagree” on this point.?(the experts in racism don't consider the Harrison Area Hate groups - KKK a myth)
?Nevertheless, I feel compelled to point out that the SPLC is not defaming Harrison.?You state below, and have stated in other emails, that the “SPLC defamation of Harrison has been repeated in newspapers, magazines, and social media.”?As an initial matter, the hate group listings are not “of and concerning” Harrison for purposes of a defamation claim.?But, more importantly, it is well-settled law that a governmental entity may not state a claim for libel or slander.??See, e.g.,?N.Y. Times Co. v. Sullivan, 376 U.S. 254, 287 (1964) (“For good reason, ‘no court of last resort in this country has ever held, or even suggested, that prosecutions for libel on government have any place in the American system of jurisprudence.’”) (internal citation omitted);?City of Philadelphia v. Wash. Post Co., 482 F. Supp. 897, 898-899 (E.D. Pa. 1979) (“A governmental entity is incapable of being libeled”);?see also American Civil Liberties Union of Minn. v. Tarek Ibn Ziyad Academy, 2009 WL 4923378, at *4 (D. Minn. Dec. 9, 2009) (recognizing “the body of law establishing that government bodies may not sue for libel” and dismissing defamation claims brought by public charter school against the ACLU).?Indeed, the Tenth Circuit Court of Appeals has held that “a governmental [libel] . . .?suit brought with the intent to retaliate against a citizen for the exercise of his First Amendment rights is itself a violation of the First Amendment and provides grounds for a section 1983 suit” against the governmental entity that brought the suit.??Beedle v. Wilson, 422 F.3d 1059, 1066 (10th?Cir. 2005).?
Herb Lair response:
My interests are strictly as a business owner and a property owner - as well as representing other private entities. Much more complicated than what you are presenting. I'm not a government body! I'm not working for any public entities
If you read my latest article on Linkedin my?conclusions are critical of all the handling of Harrison on both sides that affects my personal?investments?.
Over the past 9 months I've done extensive research on the financial impact of Harrison's?racist image.
My research approach was not to assume anything, and question everything; including how the experts arrived at their conclusions.
I was motivated by AP News, Wikipedia, Google, YouTube, and other media's?negative racial?slant on?Harrison.?How much is self-inflicted, and how much is created by the media with an intentional bias?
Appendix A
All the new high tech jobs are in Dallas, not Harrison.
We are pleased to introduce Jennifer Davis as Claridge’s Director of Digital Marketing and Strategy. Prior to joining Claridge, Jennifer was the Entrepreneurship and Marketing teacher and Head Softball Coach at Cedar Hill Independent School District in Texas and has held marketing positions in the DFW area for the past decade, in addition to her own consulting firm focusing on digital marketing and branding for a variety of clients. Jennifer majored in media and communications studies at the University of Texas El Paso and merchandising and digital marketing/e-commerce in the University of North Texas MBA program. Welcome, Jennifer!
?Fabiana Larese?Vice President Human Resources
Claridge Products 2021 - Present · 11 mos Jul 2021 - Dallas, Texas, United States
?CEO Claridge Products Dec 2021 - Present · 6 mos Dallas, TX
Partner with private equity investors and the Claridge team to provide excellent quality, service and product innovation to our customers to solve their writing surfaces, space creator and accessory needs through
?Hunter Peterson?Managing Partner at Skylark Private Equity Partners
Claridge Products Chairman
Jan 2021 - Present · 1 yr 5 mos Harrison, Arkansas, United States
Jeff Richter?Claridge Products
Vice President Information Technology
Claridge Products · Full-time
Aug 2021 - Present · 10 mos
Dallas-Fort Worth Metroplex
IT Leadership | ERP implementations | Global Operations | Manufacturing & Distribution Logistics | Integration | Process Optimization
Claridge Products
?University of Wisconsin-Platteville
Fort Worth, Texas, United State
?Gregg Steliga?
Senior Vice President of Sales at Claridge Products
?Glenview, Illinois, United States?
?Karen Robinson?
?Project Leads Coordinator
Claridge Products · Full-time
Jul 2021 - Present · 11 mos
Dallas-Fort Worth Metroplex
Claridge Products
Dallas-Fort Worth Metroplex?Contact info
?Wes Andrews?
Manager of Creative Marketing & Design
?Claridge Products
Dallas, Texas, United States?
John Wilson?
Director of Customer Service | Operations | Inside Sales | Training & Development
?Claridge Products
?Dallas-Fort Worth Metroplex?Contact info
Claridge Products
Director of National Customer Service Director of National Customer Service
Claridge Products · Full-time
Apr 2022 - Present · 2 mos
?Travis K.?2nd degree connection2nd
Chief Financial Officer at Claridge Products
?Full-time Claridge Products ·Jun 2021 - Present · 1 yr
Prosper, Texas, United States?Contact info
?Karen Robinson?
Project Coordinator at Claridge Products
Full-time Jul 2021 - Present · 11 mos
Appendix B
United Natural Foods, Inc. and Millbrook Distribution Services Inc. Announce Definitive Merger Agreement
October 05, 2007
Merger Extends United Natural Foods into Specialty Foods Segment and Enhances Conventional Supermarket Business Channel
DAYVILLE, Conn., Oct. 5 /PRNewswire-FirstCall/ -- United Natural Foods, Inc. (Nasdaq: UNFI) (the "Company") and Millbrook Distribution Services Inc ("Millbrook"), a privately held subsidiary of Distribution Holdings, Inc., today announced a definitive merger agreement whereby UNFI Merger Sub, Inc., a wholly-owned subsidiary of United Natural Foods, Inc., will acquire all the outstanding shares of Distribution Holdings Inc. The financial terms of the transaction were not disclosed. The transaction is expected to close within the next 30 days and is subject to customary closing conditions, including compliance with the Hart-Scott-Rodino Antitrust Improvements Act of 1976, as amended.
The proposed transaction will accomplish several strategic objectives for United Natural Foods, including accelerating the Company's expansion into a number of high-growth business segments and establishing an immediate market share in the fast-growing Specialty Foods market. Millbrook's robust customer base will significantly enhance United Natural Food's conventional supermarket business channel; while both organizations' complementary product portfolios represent significant opportunities for cross-selling.
"This pending transaction demonstrates our commitment to profitably grow the Company while extending our competitive advantages and increasing shareholder value," commented, Michael Funk, President and Chief Executive Officer of United Natural Foods. "This combination will achieve our stated goal to increase the Company's footprint in the Specialty Foods segment and will extend the breadth, scale and capabilities of our distribution network."
Established in 1960 and headquartered in Leicester, MA, Millbrook is a full-line distributor with a substantial specialty food business consisting of ethnic, kosher, gourmet, organic and natural foods and also offers customers an extensive selection of health and beauty care items, including a full-line of national and branded products.
With annualized revenues in excess of $300 million, Millbrook distributes more than 22,000 specialty food items, and over 20,000 health and beauty care items and other non-food items to more then 9,000 retail locations. Customers include independent store retailers, as well as regional and national supermarket, mass merchandisers and chain drug stores, in 48 states. Millbrook's distribution network features four distribution centers, representing over 1.6 million square feet of warehouse space, located in Harrison, AR (1.2 million square feet); Leicester, MA (188,000 square feet); East Brunswick, NJ (177,600 square feet) and Tampa, FL (65,000 square feet).
Robert A. Sigel, Millbrook's President and Chief Executive Officer, will continue to oversee the operations of Millbrook once the merger with United Natural Foods is completed. Mr. Sigel commented, "We are very pleased to be announcing this transaction, which we believe clearly serves the best interests of the customers and employees of both companies. Millbrook will have significant growth opportunities as part of United Natural Foods and we look forward to leveraging the combined sales and distribution platforms."
Mr. Funk added, "Millbrook promises to be a significant addition to our organization and we're excited to welcome Bob Sigel, Millbrook's employees and their customers to United Natural Foods."
Upon completion of the transaction, United Natural Foods will host a conference call with investors. Credit Suisse Securities (USA) LLC acted as financial advisor to United Natural Foods.
About United Natural Foods
United Natural Foods, Inc. carries and distributes more than 40,000 products to more than 17,000 customers nationwide. The Company serves a wide variety of retail formats including conventional supermarket chains, natural product superstores, independent retail operators and the food service channel. United Natural Foods, Inc. was ranked by Forbes in 2005 as one of the "Best Managed Companies in America," ranked by Fortune in 2006 and 2007 as one of its "Most Admired Companies," and ranked by Business Ethics as one of its "100 Best Corporate Citizens for 2006."
"Safe Harbor" Statement under the Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995: Statements in this press release regarding the Company's business that are not historical facts are "forward-looking statements" that involve risks and uncertainties. For a discussion of such risks and uncertainties, which could cause actual results to differ from those contained in the forward-looking statements, including but not limited to general business conditions, the impact of competition and our dependence on principal customers, see "Risk Factors" in the Company's annual report on Form 10-K filed with the Commission on September 26, 2007, and its other filings under the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, as amended. Any forward-looking statements are made pursuant to the Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995 and, as such, speak only as of the date made. The Company is not undertaking to update any information in the foregoing reports until the effective date of its future reports required by applicable laws. Any projections of future results of operations should not be construed in any manner as a guarantee that such results will in fact occur. These projections are subject to change and could differ materially from final reported results. The Company may from time to time update these publicly announced projections, but it is not obligated to do so.
SOURCE United Natural Foods, Inc. 10/05/2007 CONTACT: Mark Shamber, Chief Financial Officer of United Natural Foods, Inc.+1-860-779-2800General Information, Joseph Calabrese of Financial Relations Board+1-212-827-3772 (UNFI)
CO: United Natural Foods, Inc.; Millbrook Distribution Services Inc.; Distribution Holdings, Inc. ST: Connecticut IN: FOD SUP SU: TNM
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The dilemma is when a newspaper publisher "publishes" one thing, then he writes a statement with conflicting information. He either didn't read article, or didn't believe it! Publisher, as the Chairman of Chamber Board, had the opportunity to attend all the meetings discussing bitcoin mining. Transparency has been obscured by selective 20-20 hindsight. Get my drift? Part of Claridge property, but no one admitted to knowing it was in city limits? Lack of transparency is the big issue, not bitcoin mining! Reason newspapers have lost their trust? Choosing advertisers and subscribers over truth?
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By JAY COOPER [email protected]
EDITOR’S NOTE:?At the end of the article, the results of a noise study conducted by Harrison Public Works director Wade Phillips at the crypto currency mining facility in Newport are provided. The facility at Newport has only a chainlink fence surrounding it.
The Harrison Planning Commission is preparing to convene at 1 p.m. Tuesday, May 23, at Pioneer Pavilion on the South Campus of North Arkansas College to decide the future of a proposed crypto mining facility located on Old Bellefonte Road, owned by Green Digital LLC. As the upcoming planning commission meeting approaches, Green Digital's conditional use permit application for industrial zoning is anticipated to receive an “aye” or “nay” vote, or will be moved for the Harrison City Council to decide.
The connection between crypto currency mining and Harrison dates all the way back to summer 2022.
According to a statement released by the Harrison Regional Chamber of Commerce, the chamber was contacted in June 2022 by Gloria Yao with Metahash Global regarding 54 acres listed on the AEDC site selector website, to establish a crypto mining facility. Metahash Global exchanged data with Entergy and completed an application requesting power; however, Yao’s research indicated that the acreage was too far from the nearest sub-station, so research was completed on property near Entergy’s Old Bellefonte Road sub-station.
Yao in July 2022 elected to connect with a local realtor who identified two available 5-acre parcels for sale near the Old Bellefonte Road station.
During early August 2022, the chamber met with Metahash Global officials, including Yizheng “Ethan” Wang and provided an overview tour of the community. Private meetings were held with the realtor and two landowners.
According to a local real estate agent, Metahash Global in August signed a buyer's contract to purchase the five-acre lot located at the corner of Old Bellefonte Road and Mountain Vista Road in Harrison with a Sept. 30, 2022 closing date. The land deal did not close in September, however; and the buyer's contract was later amended to reflect the buyer's new business name, Green Digital LLC, and to extend the closing to Dec. 15, 2022. The land deal ultimately closed on Dec. 15, 2022. Green Digital, LLC was deeded the five-acre industrial property by Claridge Products and Equipment for the price of $600,000.
Entergy, with the Public Service Commission tariff approval, on Jan. 12, granted Green Digital LLC a 10 megawatt contract. Green Digital then hired the local contractor for facility build, and construction began in February.
After the city's March 9, announcement of a revelation regarding a 1999 annexation placing the crypto mining property within city limits, Green Digital had to apply for a conditional use permit with the Harrison Public Works office. The conditional use permit application showed that a man by the name of Hu Gang signed on the property owner line of the document. Hu is the CEO of a real estate holding company, Greenland USA, in alignment with its parent company, Greenland Holding Group Co. Limited. The corporate headquarters of Greenland Holding Group is located in Shanghai, China.
Looking into the business addresses of Green Digital LLC and Greenland USA revealed that allegedly false addresses were used to file with the Arkansas Secretary of State. Inquiries into similar crypto mining companies in the state of Arkansas appeared to follow the same pattern. The listed addresses of the businesses often led a Google Maps search to an office or storefront that was unrelated to the crypto miner. Phone calls made to the Little Rock, Arkansas and Brooklyn, New York offices of Green Digital, for instance, were answered by representatives claiming they had never heard of Green Digital.
Green Digital has since updated its records with the Arkansas Secretary of State to reflect a principal address of 1400 Hwy-65, Suite 1, Damascus, AR 72039 and the agent address as 3 Alton Lane, Little Rock, AR 72211, with Registered Agent as Gang Hu (also incorporator/organizer and manager).
A letter from Wang written to the Harrison Planning Commission states the intended purpose of the business. The facility will house and provide infrastructure to support various blockchain networks. According to Wang, customers will purchase their own cryptocurrency mining machines, and the service provided will be the physical infrastructure, utilities, and maintenance. Various cryptocurrencies will be supported. Wang said Bitcoin will not necessarily be the only cryptocurrency being mined. Any cryptocurrency that requires mining to secure its network (a technology known as a proof-of-work algorithm) will be supported.
Residents attended a public meeting on Tuesday, April 18, at the Quality Inn in Harrison, and one of the major concerns was the noise levels produced by crypto mining. A representative of Green Digital replied that noise from nearby Highway 65 would be much louder and that residents could sit on the porch of the nearest home and not hear the sound; however, residents from towns in other states dispute that statement according to a variety of other news sources.
Anecdotal evidence is not the only reason for noise concerns. At a Planning Commission meeting in Russellville on April 7, 2022, a hired acoustical consultant wrote a report indicating that the facility in Russellville would produce a significant increase of noise in surrounding areas. Noise levels along a north-facing street were between 52.3 and 52.8 decibels after installing a 13-foot sound wall. An 18-foot sound barrier reduced the noise only between 49.3 and 48.7 decibels.
Green Digital mentioned no plans for any barriers to the facility on the conditional use permit application.
The Harrison Planning Commission met on Tuesday, April 25, at City Hall for a public hearing and to consider Green Digital’s conditional use permit. The City Hall building was packed full at capacity and a long line stood outside the front door before the meeting began. That afternoon, the planning commission motioned to amend the agenda and move the application by Green Digital LLC to the next meeting on May 23. The public sentiment against Green Digital being granted the permit was close to unanimous among the audience members who filled the chamber room and spilled out into the lobby.
After the intense turnout at the first crypto-related Harrison?planning commission meeting on April 25, Mayor Jerry Jackson?published a public statement expressing his support for residents who oppose the crypto miner's presence in the town. He raised concerns about potential noise disturbances and the significant power demand the facility would place on the local grid. Jackson emphasized the need for careful consideration and adherence to zoning regulations in the decision-making process.
Harrison Regional Chamber of Commerce CEO Bob Largent addressed the Boone County Quorum Court on May 2, shedding light on the power service agreement and tariff that constitute the terms between Entergy and Green Digital LLC. Largent explained that cryptocurrency miners are on interruptible power, meaning they may be requested to shut down during peak hours to ensure energy availability for other customers.
Ventrell Thompson, Entergy's VP of customer service, confirmed via email that crypto mining facilities would be required to shut down in the event of an energy grid supply squeeze during peak hours. However, the same documentation indicates that miners have the option to decline interruption by providing a surety bond to cover penalties. This revelation has raised questions about the effectiveness of the penalties as an incentive for compliance.
A closed meeting was held on May 8, involving city officials, members of the Harrison Planning Commission, and heads of city departments. Harrison City Attorney Nancy Cartwright organized the meeting to provide legal training and ensure that officials are well-informed about the law and zoning procedures concerning the crypto mining facility. The closed nature of the meeting aimed to facilitate open discussions and prevent any potential liability for the city. Many citizens were critical of the closed nature of the legal training session, some referring to it as a “secret meeting.”
The Boone County Quorum Court passed a resolution on May 9, urging the Arkansas state government to repeal or modify two recent bills that provide tax exemptions and discrimination status to crypto miners. The resolution highlights concerns about the negative impact on neighboring property values and the lack of public input in the decision-making process. It specifically targets Act 819, which provides sales and use tax exemptions for data centers, and Act 851, which establishes the Arkansas Data Centers Act of 2023.
The success of Green Digital’s venture which began in August 2022 now hinges on the action taken by the Harrison Planning Commission once again. The meeting will be held at 1 p.m. Tuesday, May 23, at Pioneer Pavilion on the South Campus of North Arkansas College. All interested persons are invited to attend the meeting and voice their concerns during the comment session.
In an effort to address noise concerns, during a recent trip to a crypto currency mining facility in Newport, Wade Phillips took sound levels using a Toptes TS-501B Sound Level Meter on three different sides of the facility (United BitEngine Neptune, Inc.). The following are the sound levels:
West Side of Facility At the Fence: 69-70 dBA
50-ft. Away from Fence: 61-62 dBA
100-ft away from the fence: 60-62 dBA
150-ft. away from the fence: 57-58 dBA
200-ft. away from the fence: 55-56 dBA
North Side of Facility At the Fence/Gate: 60-65 dBA
50-ft. away from the gate: 52-55 dBA
100-ft. away from the gate: 49-50 dBA
150-ft. away from the gate: 44-55 dBA
East Side of the Facility at the Fence: 69-70 dBA
200-ft. away from the fence: 50-51 dBA
270-ft. away from the fence 51-52 dBA
The dBA standing at the door to one of the enclosures inside the fence was around 85 dBA.
dBA stands for Decibels A or A-weighted decibels which is an expression of the relative loudness of sounds as perceived by the human ear. Decibels are a logarithmic scale so an increase of 10 dB is perceived as twice as loud. Vice versa, a decrease of 10 dB is perceived as half as loud or you could say twice as quiet. There are a lot of resources for comparisons to different dB levels (i.e. 60 dB is normal conversation sound level, etc.).
Student at University of Tampa
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