Eduardo Gutierrez
This fool is going to lead us into a big mess, from which no one is going to win.
He wants to take Greenland, the Panama Canal, Gaza. He intends to force Venezuela to reopen the doors of commerce, in order that the US take advantage of its natural resources as before. He rices the tariffs of commerce to most countries. He is dismantling the CIA and FBI, to get rid of institutions that could investigate him and discover all the misdeeds he will do as he did in his first term, and go against him, as they did before. He is a criminal found guilty by The Supreme Court of Justice, of his country
This moron, spoiled brat, lunatic, megalomaniac, is going to cause armed conflicts in the Middle East and against the?NATO in Greenland, not to mention the economic disaster he is implementing with his tariff strategies, which in his anti-apodictic logic, thinks will benefit his country.
This idiot is not interested in anyone, not even his own people. The guy is cruel, blunt racist, he mocks the people of Gaza. The only thing he wants is to achieve his delusions of grandeur and flaunt the power he has. He is the world's enemy, not the US. He will be gone in four years, happily.
Gringos, remember Vietnam. All the wasted youth they sent to a war from which they derived no benefit. Do you want that again? We need to get rid of this uncouth, before it is too late. We need an Operation Valkyrie, but this time effective. For the sake of your nation, for the sake of the world, we need to neutralize this clown ASAP!
Don't say later that I didn't warn you.
Titus Andrumacus