Machinery of the month: automatic palletizer MAN-6000

Machinery of the month: automatic palletizer MAN-6000

Today we highlight the MAN-6000 automatic palletiser from our partner Jorpack, specialised in the manufacture of end-of-line solutions, from conventional palletisers to robotic palletising solutions.

The MAN-6000 automatic palletiser is characterised by being a very compact, solid and robust solution for palletising products such as boxes, packs, trays, displays, bags, among others.

Conceived as a three-axis palletising machine (Cartesian type), and at the same time controlled by servomotors, it offers the possibility of carrying out the palletising process 100% automatically or with a pallet on the floor.

The palletising mosaic format change is carried out automatically on the screen.

If you want to receive more information about our global packaging solutions, please contact us.


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