The Machinery Behind Good Ideas: Turning Vision Into Reality
Great ideas often seem to hit us like a bolt of lightning, we all know that moment of experiencing that sudden flash of brilliance, the eureka moment that leaves you with a smug smile and knowing that this is the thing that will solve a problem or maybe just bring a little more joy and happiness into the world. We feel inspired, elated, and maybe even unstoppable. But, as any seasoned professional knows, the journey from concept to completion isn't always that easy or straightforward. Many great ideas end up collapsing under the weight of unmet expectations and unanticipated challenges. Ask me how I know.
Inspiration is at the heart of every great idea. It might come from identifying a gap in the market, a new technology, or a creative solution to a long standing problem. Execution however, is a complex beast that requires meticulous planning, coordination, and a deep understanding of the myriad of moving parts involved. From securing resources and funding, to building a team and establishing timelines, these are all parts of the internal machinery that supports the idea. Understanding this from the outset of a project is critical for turning our visions into reality.
Bringing an idea to life requires much more than just enthusiasm, it requires a detailed roadmap. We need to start by mapping out every step of the process, from concept to final execution. Identifying key stakeholders, required resources, and potential challenges is vital to any project. Equally, if not more important, is the ability to assess risks - what could go wrong, what is our diagnostic process, and how will we address any issues that arise? This may seem like a lot to consider but without proper planning, even the best of ideas are vulnerable to failure. Being open to refining our processes, revisiting and adjusting ideas as new information comes to light is just as important to the process as initial execution.
There are often severe consequences for poor planning. I've seen many failures due to lack of accounting for logistical challenges, squandering of resources and wasteful spending, along with poor time management to name a few. At best, we learn from these failures, pick ourselves back up, dust ourselves off, and move on. At worst, we lose the trust & confidence of our clients and investors, possibly causing irreparable damage to the company's or even an industry's reputation. All things that even the largest of companies cannot afford.
I'm not trying to be a total downer here so in contrast, when we invest in market research, identify user wants/needs, develop a detailed project plan, with clear milestones and contingency plans, we can find success and bring these great ideas to fruition. There's nothing better than making our way through all the challenges and frustrations we're sure to encounter, reaching that high-five moment. We take our momentary bow in the spotlight and continue to improve upon the thing as the needs present themselves over time.
As we can see, a good idea is only the beginning. The real work lies in the execution, the meticulous process of planning, coordinating, and making adjustments to ensure that all the internal moving parts work together smoothly. When we take the time to properly evaluate the full breadth of an idea before trying to launch and put the proper teams in place to stand up and provide ongoing support, we increase our chances of success and reduce our risks of (sometimes very costly) failures.
Whether you've had recent successes or even a few failures, take some time today to pat yourself on the back and more importantly, let your team(s) know how much you appreciate all the hard work and diligence that is required to devise, execute, and maintain the products of these great ideas.
A shout out to all the great Teams I get to work with at PSD and beyond. The road isn't always smooth and easy and that's okay. It's the hurdles we jump together that strengthens us, collectively and individually. For this - I thank you!