Kathirvel Murugesan
Computer Science And Engineering| Full Stack Developer | Core Java, Advance Java | Sql | Html|Css|Javascript.
Machine Learning is said as a subset of?artificial intelligence?that is mainly concerned with the development of algorithms which allow a computer to learn from the data and past experiences on their own. The term machine learning was first introduced by?Arthur Samuel?in?1959. With the help of sample historical data, which is known as?training data, machine learning algorithms build a?mathematical model?that helps in making predictions or decisions without being explicitly programmed. Machine learning brings computer science and statistics together for creating predictive models. Machine learning constructs or uses the algorithms that learn from historical data. The more we will provide the information, the higher will be the performance.
A Machine Learning system?learns from historical data, builds the prediction models, and whenever it receives new data, predicts the output for it. The accuracy of predicted output depends upon the amount of data, as the huge amount of data helps to build a better model which predicts the output more accurately. Suppose we have a complex problem, where we need to perform some predictions, so instead of writing a code for it, we just need to feed the data to generic algorithms, and with the help of these algorithms, machine builds the logic as per the data and predict the output. Machine learning has changed our way of thinking about the problem. The need for machine learning is increasing day by day. The reason behind the need for machine learning is that it is capable of doing tasks that are too complex for a person to implement directly. As a human, we have some limitations as we cannot access the huge amount of data manually, so for this, we need some computer systems and here comes the machine learning to make things easy for us.
We can train machine learning algorithms by providing them the huge amount of data and let them explore the data, construct the models, and predict the required output automatically. The performance of the machine learning algorithm depends on the amount of data, and it can be determined by the cost function. With the help of machine learning, we can save both time and money.The importance of machine learning can be easily understood by its uses cases, Currently, machine learning is used in?self-driving cars,?cyber fraud detection,?face recognition, and?friend suggestion by Facebook, etc. Various top companies such as Netflix and Amazon have build machine learning models that are using a vast amount of data to analyze the user interest and recommend product accordingly. Now machine learning has got a great advancement in its research, and it is present everywhere around us, such as?self-driving cars,?Amazon Alexa,?Catboats,?recommender system, and many more. It includes?Supervised,?unsupervised,and?reinforcement learning with clustering,?classification,?decision tree,?SVM algorithms, etc. Modern machine learning models can be used for making various predictions, including?weather prediction,?disease prediction,?stock market analysis, etc.