MORRIS+COMPANY Reflects on 2022
#2022 #LookingBack #2023 #LookingForward
2022 has been an extraordinary year, globally, nationally, regionally, locally, politically, environmentally, economically, culturally, and socially.
Our own story of 2022 is one shaped by endless effort and endeavour behind the scenes by our amazing team of architects, designers, urbanists, strategists and thinkers, against an increasingly complex landscape for our profession, but now played out at our new #HOMEofIDEAS, in Hackney. And non of this could have been possible without the support and confidence that our clients, co-authors, collaborators, consultants and communities have placed in us. to you all, we thank you.
Our project work is more varied in scale, location, programme, and typology, than at any time in our history. Our expanding portfolio of live projects includes whole urban blocks, Masterplan and estate wide regeneration, place making schemes framed by mixed typology housing, multi-programme workplaces, cultural institutes, hotels, health centres, Head-Quarter offices, towers, pavilions and so forth.
2022 saw the completion of #TheFeatherstoneBuilding for Derwent London by Skanska , the #ToppingOut of #1WoodCresent #WhiteCity for Stanhope PLC Mitsui Fudosan UK Alberta Investment Management Corporation (AIMCo) by Laing O'Rourke , significant progress on the #NortonFolgate #CityFringe regeneration scheme for British Land by Skanska , and the near completion of #TheAylesburyHealthCentre by Vistry Partnerships for Southwark Council and Notting Hill Genesis , and our #CamdenHotel #CamdenHighStreet for DENMAR HOLDINGS LIMITED .
Several projects also look to commence works onsite during 2023, including #TheHuntingdonEstate for Blue Coast Capital , #3SheldonSquare #PaddingtonCentral for British Land , and #CityofLondonSchool for #cityoflondon.
In addition, 2022 saw a strong pipeline of projects moving through the planning system with our work on four plots of #Phase4 of the #AberfeldyVillage delivering 277 homes in a wider regeneration scheme for EcoWorld London and Poplar HARCA , #CheniesStreet a circa 90,000sqft major retrofit scheme in the Bloomsbury Conservation Area, Camden, for Stanhope PLC , #CastleandFitzroyHouse for Capreon and Noé Group a whole urban block in Shoreditch creating circa 300,000sqft of flexible workspace, and many more.
As well as a strong London base coupled with projects in the regions including Manchester, Oxford, Cambridge, Birmingham, Sheffield, we have also broken into the international market with live projects in Copenhagen, Oslo, Bergen, Munich, Taiwan, and Buenos Aires. Additionally we in in discussion with emerging projects in both New York and Miami.
Consequently, our team has also grown to its largest and placed 57th in the #AJ100 Index of the UK largest practices by number of registered architects, up almost 20 places in only our second year of entering. Whilst size isn’t important, it does demonstrate how far we have come over the last few years, and is a marker of our future facing ambition.
2023 promises to be an equally exciting and challenging year, with many new projects commencing and multiple projects reaching conclusion on site. As we reflect we thank all of our collaborators, clients, consultants and friends for placing their confidence in our growing team, and we wish them all luck and prosperity for 2023.