M?nkeberg Training Center Re-Opens
James R. Collier, MSc, CPP
Founder and Director of Three Corners Risk Consulting, Protective Security, Threat Management, Personal Security in Complex Environments
After the inevitable COVID-19 enforced break, we were finally able to offer our Scenario Based Force-on-Force training again at the end of July. Despite some restrictions due to COVID involving distancing and hygiene requirements a group of highly motivated security personnel from Austria and Southern Germany joined ISP Paderborn and Three Corners Risk Consulting at M?nkeberg Training Centre for 3 days of intensive training covering a range of Close Protection skills.
Starting with the vitally important Safety Briefing and issue of protective equipment we then covered some background theory looking at case studies of successful and unsuccessful attacks on principals and introduced some aspects of behavioural detection to identify indicators of violent intent. We continued with standard situations including vehicle embus and debus, movement on foot and evacuation from, and intervention into, buildings.
Rounding off day one we ran some basic level one Force-on-Force drills to ensure all participants were familiarised with the training weapons (Glock 17T) and ammunition (Speer Force-on-Force?) as well as the protective gear and then reviewed and tested the well known "Tueller Drill" as well as some simple decision making drills to exercise the OODA Loop and identify hostile individuals in a group.
Day two was all about putting the theory into practice and the participants experienced ever more complex and dynamic situations that evolved from the standard situations practiced on day one. Reviewing the Force-on-Force practices on our CCTV system enabled the participants to receive objective feedback to enhance their learning experience. Finally each participant was put through a realistic surprise scenario that induced significant stress and highlighted many valuable lessons. Day two was rounded off with a Barbeque and a chance to discuss the days experiences (and compare bruises) over a beer.
The final day was spent on the live range to consolidate some of the lessons learned albeit within the limitations of a two dimensional environment, this reinforced the value of the training experience with Force-on-Force. Concurrent activity for those waiting to shoot involved a weapon handling ‘kata’ to practice all basic handgun manipulations from loading, dry fire and stoppage drills to tactical reloads and safety scans. In addition a simple movement drill, designed to break bad movement habits from the one-way range, was practiced.
The intense three days of training was extremely well received and we were impressed by the enthusiasm and professionalism of the participants which greatly contributed to the course’s success. For further details of training opportunities at M?nkeberg Training Centre for authorised personnel please get in touch at www.3cornersriskconsulting.com or www.isp-paderborn.de
Fire Prevention / Brandschutzbeauftragter, Close Protection, Freelancer, Waffensachkunde, Dozent
4 年Hervorragende Ausbilder, die einen immer ein Stück weiterbringen!
Gesch?ftsführer bei ISP - priv. Institut für Sicherheit Paderborn
4 年Wieder ein erfolgreiches Force on Force Training für bewaffnete Sicherheitskr?fte.??