LyRise February Digest

LyRise February Digest

Missed us?

Our February was packed and loaded, and we can't wait to share it with you in our good ol' tradition: our newsletter.

We hosted a webinar!

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Our CEO and Chief AI Officer hosted a webinar on the 27th of February helping our audience understand how they can use AI to leverage their company and maximize their profit.

The webinar took the attendees on a journey starting with understanding their business needs and how AI can help them all the way to choosing their AI candidate, what to look for, and how to manage your AI team.

Like the idea?

There's plenty more where that came from! Stay tuned for more AImazing webinars. (Get it? AI-amazing?)

Ready to be one of our AI experts?

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We launched our AI Expert Affiliate Program in February, and if you're an AI expert looking to expand your network and showcase your expertise to the AI world, then this is definitely your place.

Become one of our esteemed AI experts by applying here.

That's all for February... for now! See you in a month with March's updates!?



