LyRise Blog Digest - Week 3 Jan

LyRise Blog Digest - Week 3 Jan

Missed us? Here's what you missed from our blog last week!

We released a series of articles called "LyGuides" to help you understand everything about AI from A to Z.

So, if you work in the field, are interested in it, or just want to learn more, this series is definitely for you, and we made it to be easy and fun to read too!

LyGuide 1: Are Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning the same?

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You often interchangeably hear about artificial intelligence and machine learning, and a lot of people confuse the two, and we totally get it.

This guide will help you understand and navigate the differences between both.

Read it here.

LyGuide 2: Supervised and Unsupervised Machine Learning Techniques

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Supervised and Unsupervised are two of the most popular machine learning techniques, but what is the difference between them and how do you decide which one works for you?

This guide will break everything down and help you make your decision.

Take a look here.

LyGuide 3: Sentiment Analysis

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Sentiment Analysis is one of the most popular use cases for AI, but what does it mean, how can you use it, and when do you know if you need it?

This guide serves as your A to Z!

Read it here.

LyGuide 4: Language Transformers

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Language transformers are one of the most popular Natural Language Processing models. Created by Google in 2017, Transformers can help with tasks such as translation, language modeling, and dialogue generation.

Learn everything about them in our guide here.

LyGuide 5: Multilingual Language Models

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This guide has everything you need to know about multilingual language models in terms of how to train them, predict their data, and more.?

Being one of the most popular Natural Language Processing models, this guide will definitely help you get around and get started!

Read it here.

LyGuide 6: How AI is Changing the Workplace

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Come on, you’re telling me you didn’t see that one coming??

If you still haven’t implemented AI in your company, this guide will tell you every single reason you need to, and how it can help your business.?

Read it here.

And that's a wrap! Stay tuned as we share more articles to help you become the AI expert!



