The Lyrics From Billy's Forest Chapter 265...
Arroe Collins
Influencer. Movies, books, television and Podcasting. 1.6 million strong. Mobile DJ LA
October 5, 2021
Four months ago I sat in the forest writing about the first tropical storm of the season.?Miss Claudette was pouring sips of water into the several layers of what makes this collection of trees possible.?I caught a solo doe in between some of those layers.?She was gnawing on leaves from a fallen branch.?Nature doesn’t seem to be bothered by the atmosphere.?Maybe because all the other living things don’t walk into a grocery store to purchase water in a bottle. Their source of food isn’t cut up and wrapped for better freshness.?The animal kingdom.?Oh how it’s come to rely on the human’s mess or lack of consumption.?Starting first with the dog.?They beg because started it!?We can’t let table scraps go to waste.?I believe this tropical storm is washing our human scent off everything that’s been touched.?The animals know how to make something out of nothing.?Then again, that’s a judgement.?Just because I don’t see a box of candy nearby doesn’t mean what the momma doe is eating isn’t just as sweet.?The elegance of the dance.?Watching nature teaches the human ego to humble up.