Lynn Shull with Diversus Health
Donna Carlson
Connector | Cultivator | Catalyst -- my superpowers are connecting people to cultivate business networks that catalyze real results.
Lynn is changing the world, one monkey at a time.
It was when she was married to a man with mental illness that she found her own underlying anxiety disorder, that manifested as imposter syndrome. In 2020 she had the worst anxiety attack of her life -- she was in bed for 30 days. She couldn't eat, couldn't sleep. Once she started to build her own resiliency muscle, she started teaching resiliency classes. The process of teaching and sharing her story strengthened her own resilience through:
She created a toolbox of coping skills form breath to dance. I asked how she built the muscle. She said it was a slow build and she had to keep reminding herself:
"By the inch it's a sinch; by the yard it's hard."
So now she pours into herself and other through the mental health programs that Diversus Health offers:
Her main goal is for people to know it's okay to talk about what's going on in their head. There is a safe place to talk about it. For any additional questions or concerns, please call 719-299-2996 to speak with a Diversus Health Outreach team member.b You can also reach Lynn personally at [email protected]
If this inspires you to become part of a movement to bring employee wellness and mental wellbeing to the workplace, contact [email protected] about joining our Community Forum on Mental Health at Work. Our next gathering is September 12, 5-7 p.m., at COS City Hub in The Garage.
If you don't have the book yet, why not? Order Crazy, as Usual, on Amazon here.