Lynn Massachusetts Cheap car insurance quotes zip 1903

Lynn Massachusetts Cheap car insurance quotes zip 1903

Lynn Massachusetts Cheap car insurance quotes zip 1903

ANSWER: I might suggest one to try this website where one can get quotes from the best companies:


Car insurance for young drivers? I've just passed my test. How do I set up young driver's car insurance? ""

Is it possible to cancel my car insurance? I am a new driver and I have to pay around $135 a month. I am a guy by the way so this may be why it is so high. I have a job, but it's part time and doesn't pay well. I don't plan on driving the car often, just to school and work only 2-3 days a week and taking the bus the other days. I also do not plan on driving in the winter months. Is it possible to cancel my insurance while keeping my license from Dec. to March? My policy is under my parents and we have an extra car that just sits in the garage and it's the one I drive. Also, the insurance people said I could wait until January to lower my insurance rate to $110. I like the idea, but I don't want to wait hehe. Can I cancel my insurance then return to it a couple months later?"" ""

Why do people get life insurance? Not to be harsh, but why would I care about what happens when I die? That wont involve me at all because I'll already be gone, it's up to my family, not me!"" ""

Car insurance for a new driver? I will be driveing soon how much on average is car insurance for a new driver? ""

What type of insurance pays you a monthly cash benefit in the event you're injured and cannot work? A.) Automobile Insurance b.) Long Term Care Insurance c.) Disability Insurance d.)Life Insurance ""

Whole life insurance policies? I need financial opinions on whole life insurance policies and am afraid to ask an advisor for fear that he/she would try to sell me something. We purchased three whole life policies in 1991. I know now that most experts advise against them now because of the high premiums, and advise buying term and investing extra money elsewhere......but we have accumulated a lot of dividends over the years but we're at the point now that we are tired of paying the premiums and thinking about having the dividends pay for the policies until the dividends run out....and then of course we would start paying for the polciies again. Is this a mistake or should we continue to pay the premiums and keep thinking of it as an investment or more money if one of us dies prematurely? Another thought.....we will be having future college bills whereas we can try to get a student loan or borrow against these policies with an option to payback with interest or not pay back at all thus taking away from death benefit. What's your opinion on this?"" ""

If I have homeowners insurance do I have to have hazard insurance as well? I have home owners insurance already, do I need to keep paying hazard insurance? I live in New Mexico."" ""

If your auto insurance policy has you and your brother drivers and your brother is not dependent on you and he has an accident with a c? If your auto insurance policy has you and your brother as drivers and your brother is not dependent on you and he has an accident with a car owned by him can you also be dragged into a lawsuit? ""

How long before I need to tell my car insurance I moved? I am moving next Wednesday but my lease technically begins tomorrow. I am staying in the same state just moving to a new city. Just wondering what the legal timeline is in general. I know when you move out of state you have several weeks so just seeing if in-state timeline is the same. Thank you!!! ""

Is there any way to get my insurance to pay for my voice lessons? I would love to get lessons to improve my voice, but I was wondering if my insurance could help help pay for"" ""

Insurance deductible? Someone rearended me and damaged my bumper.and my car did not start after that.I have insurance and she does too.wil I have to pay for any thing at all ""


My parents took out a life insurance policy on me when I was a new born child. Can I access these funds? I am now 18 years old. I need money for a car, college, and life. How can I stop this policy? I don't think I'm dying anytime soon. In fact I was very disappointed when I found out my parents did this. Mom and Dad divorced when I was 2. I believe my dad is the main signer. I thought how could they do this? Shouldn't they get a life insurance policy on themselves in case THEY die? Chances are they're going to die before I am! Whats the deal? How do I access these funds? For all I know it's life insurance / college saving plan. Thank you for helping me out"" ""

Health insurance for diabetics in Ohio? I guess Ohio is one of 4 states which is not required for it's insurance companies to cover diabetes. I am a type 1 diabetic, and as of now I no longer have insurance. Does anyone know of any insurance companies who do cover diabetics in Ohio....I'm feeling kind of scared about not having insurance right now."" ""

What's the cheapest insurance company for a 21-year old with a 2000 ford mustang? My driving record new and unblemished. ""

Thinking about buying a house... Homeowners insurance? How does homeowner's insurance work? Is it part of your monthly mortgage or is it something you pay separately? ""

Where do i go to see a physician without any health insurance in California? Hi , I'm 21 and I don't have any health insurance, I want to see a physician so I can get more information on estrogen pills because I want to have smoother skin and look more like a girl than a man but i still want to keep my man-hood"""". Can anyone help?"""""" ""

How is money insured beyond the FDIC? I know that banks insure peoples money up to $100,000. But where do people that have more than $100,000 put their money so they can ensure they don't lose it during economic failure?"" ""

Dental Insurances in California...? I live in California. What is the difference between HMO vs PPO? Meaning there cost and coverage. I know that HMO has a very small selection of Dentists and PPO means you can pick from a larger selection, but I am asking about costy and coverage. I am in need of either Dentures, Bridge work, and eventually Dental Implants badly. 2 emergency dentists that I have seen have mentioned something about... if I have a PPO then they will cover everything, but when I ask them to explain, they tell me to look it up because they don't have time to explain it to me. I have tried to look it up, but I can't seem to figure out what they are talking about. What did the dentist mean by... they will cover everything? As in I will not have to pay anything out of pocket? One dentist even said that if I have a PPO then he can do the work while I wait for the insurance to start, pay him directly, then he will give me back my money when the insurance pays him. But what does that mean? All the PPO and HMO plans I see say that I would still have to pay 50% of the cost. I am unemployed so money is a huge problem, but with my current problems with my teeth, I can not go on interviews. What is the best Dental Insurance in California I can get to cover the most of the expenses of the work I need done??? Free clinics have a 1-2 year waiting list and won't handle problems like mine. Please help!!!"" ""

Car Insurance estimate for 18 y/o girl? Looking to buy my first car soon and curious as to what an estimate for car insurance each month would be? Im 18, a girl, no tickets, and the car would probably be your basic cheap first car ($1000-1500). My best guess is it would be around $150 a month or cheaper I'm hoping, any other ideas? Thanks for the help!"" ""

Im 18 how can i get affordable insurance? im a private contractor self employed"""" individual i dont make much at the moment im still covered by my parents but i want to checked out and im ebarassed to ask parents because i feel like i might have something they have enough bills and issues and id like to be responsible for my own actions and bare the consequences if i must but hopefully its nothing..."""""" ""

Court today for driving without insurance please help.? I got pulled over and got a ticket for driving without insurance but my car which I got pulled over in is no longer working so I haven't drove it no more and I completely forgot to get insurance for it but I've been driving another car that does have insurance. What can I do or tell the judge for this? I'm scared ive never been to court I don't know how it works and it's today at 9:15am! ""

Need help for home insurance? For home insurance, what is the difference between DP3 and HO3. thanks."" ""

What's a site I can use to see how much car insurance would be? I want to see an estimate ""

I hit a car in a parking lot and broke her head light. My insurance is trying to say my instance was lapsed that one and only day.? She is now saying I caused 1300 in damages..will I looser ca driver's license? ""

Car Insurance for youth? What car insurance company is usually cheapest for a new driver with a car in the early 90's (1991 Grand Prix) for liablity only. I would go on with my parents but the company they have forces me to pay on every car they own and its just waaaay to much for me since im just starting out in the workforce "

Lynn Massachusetts Cheap car insurance quotes zip 1903

Lynn Massachusetts Cheap car insurance quotes zip 1903

ANSWER: I might suggest one to try this website where one can get quotes from the best companies:

" I Have a terrible deviated septum. Would septoplasty and rhinoplasty be covered by insurance? In seventh grade I hit the left side of my nose extremely hard and now the nostril looks like its caved in. On the other side of my nose the cartilage is extremely loose and tends to fall down. I can't breathe out of my left nostril. Would a septoplasty and rhinoplasty be covered by insurance? I'm 16 and I cant run or workout like I used to because I can't breathe. ""

""Can I keep the check from the insurance, and don't repair my car?"" My car was hit by another car, and the other driver's insurance is willing to cover my repair cost. So I went to a body shop and got the estimate which is over 1k. That looks like a lot of money. I was wondering, if the insurance company agrees to give me a check, can I just keep the money and don't repair my car? Would the insurance company know? And since I left my contact info to the body shop, is the body shop going to chase me down? Thanks~!"" ""

Its about car Insurance? hi guys i was wondering ive recently looked at a car ad the cars insurance saids 15E its and 2003 ex police car 'volvo s80' at the age of 21 is that going to be expensive. ?????????? ""

Heath Insurance like Car insurance? I am sick of paying High prices for health insurance because of over-weight out of shape people who have all types of health problems! With that said, I believe health insurance should be more like Car insurance. If you are healthy and havnt been in Accidents then your insurance should be lower than people who are healthy, workout, eat right and dont smoke or do drugs. I no longer have health insurance because I cannot afford it. When I did have health insurance I never used it because I am healthy. Should people like me be paying less than others who dont care about their health?"" ""

Is United Mutual of Omaha Insurance graded benefit whole life insurance a good idea for 65 year old in bad Hea? Is United Mutual of Omaha Insurance graded benefit whole life insurance a good idea for 65 year old in bad Hea? ""

How/can I get my health insurance cheaper? I used to work at a motorcycle dealership. I had insurance with them and have since started my own business here in Lexington, KY. The cheapest health insurance we could find is almost $800 a month. It was with my old job with a program known as the Kentucky Continuation Plan. Basically you pay the entire amount of insurance instead of having the employer pay their half when you work for them. My wife has type 1 diabetes and we are always having to by medical supplies. My daughter, wife and I rarely get sick we just have to pay for the supplies which are outrageous!!!! Any suggestions on what we should do? BTW my wife is a student finishing here masters next year...."" ""

Can I transfer my government health insurance? I currently have health insurance under PA Access (PA COMPASS) and might have to move to GA..(I looked it up and it's GA COMPASS, so I'm thinking they're similar..) I was wondering if there is any way that the insurance is transferable, or will I have to cancel it and reapply should I have to move? If any one could give me some kind of advice or how to go about transferring it should I have to, that'd be awesome. Thank you!"" ""

Life insurance companies and mental health issues? Someone I work with is interested in buying a term life insurance policy but is afraid she won't get coverage because she has had some situational depression and has had a suicide attempt as a minor. Do life insurance companies dig up health information of as far back as your health records go (minors?)? ""

""How much is the fine when a cop pull you over and dont have licence,insurance and tags!? My uncle got pull over by a cop and gave him a fine without taking his car away(he got lucky) he didnt have a license or insurance and somebody stole his tag! he's not a resident or a citizen somebody know how much is that fine????he still have to go court but i wonder how much is going to be???? ""

Cancel Geico Insurance Online? Is it possible to cancel my insurance online? ""

""Ticket for no proof of insurance, because of no insurance card?"" I got pulled over tonight, and I didn't have proof of insurance. I have insurance, but I didn't have the card on me. I have to go to court, and will I get my license taken away if I show I have proof of insurance, and will I still have to pay a heavy fee?"" ""

How much content insurance do i need? my insurance company needs an answer asap. we close in 2 days. small bungalow with finished basement, approx 2300 square feet in total. Master bedroom spare bedroom, office, rec room, kitchen, dining room, great room, full bath, 2pc & 3pc bath, 3 flat screen tvs, usual appliances, all rooms furnished modestly. Would $50,000 be enough?"" ""

Wow does anybody else have insurance this cheap?!?!?!?!? I just bought a2005 Suzuki GSXR 600 Sportbike ( high powered). I got my insurance and They quted me $7.65 every 6 months for liability and 75.68 for fukll coverage, which I got. I know some people that are paying 800.00 every six months for this bike. I have been with the company (State Farm) since I was 16 and have nothing on my record. I am 25 now. Anybody getting this good of a deal???"" ""

Can people tell me how much they pay for their car insurance please? i have a 1996 vw polo and im 17. i know its different for all cars and people, but i just wanna know roughly what people in similar to my position pay please :) thanks"" ""

Buying a new/used car & insurance? In the state of Texas ""

Do I need proof of insurance to get a temporary plate for used car bought on other state before bringing it to my state? Documents required to issue a 30-day temporary tag: An Ohio resident must provide an Ohio address, present an Ohio driver license, an Ohio ID, or documentary proof of the owners SSN as per the BMV Acceptable Documents List. If the vehicle owner is not an Ohio resident, they must present a driver license or ID card from any state of the United States or province of Canada OR documentary proof of the persons Social Security number (SSN) as per the BMV Acceptable Documents List. A foreign nationa"" ""

Price on car insurance for student? Sorry my last question wasn't clear enough. I'm wondering how much money I would spend on a car insurance for my son who is a junior (16 y.o) and is getting his permit in th next week. If this helps, a car is a ford 2006 please help?"" ""

Can health insurance company drop you for no reason? My cousin was diagnosed with stomach cancer and the doctors said he needs stomach surgery or the cancer can spread to other organs making fatality certain. He had the same health insurance company for 2 years. Suddenly he started having severe stomach pains, indigestion, vomiting, etc etc. He went to gastroenterologist who misdiagnosed him with Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS). IBS treatments failed and he went to second gastro. A colonoscopy, blood tests, stool test, stomach ct scan, stomach x-ray, endoscopy and various other tests were performed. And then he was diagnosed with stomach cancer. Unfortunately the stage was so advanced that the docs said he needs stomach surgery immediately to stop the cancer from spreading. Just few days after that health insurance company mailed him letter that they are dropping his coverage. When he called them several times, nothing worked. Later cousin found that in the paperwork he signed 2 years back there was a clause hidden in very small font and buried in some corner which said, coverage can be dropped for any reason or no reason anytime"""". Cousin then talked to lawyer and lawyer said nothing can be done because he signed paperwork which had this clause. The lawyer then advised him that in future before signing any kind of paperwork he should consult a lawyer who can better explain what terms and conditions imply since they are in such tiny small font and buried in so much paperwork. My question is"" ""

Can I get liability insurance if I do a roll over? I'm currently financing a vehicle and I simply can't afford it anymore. I'm considering doing a trade in for a cheaper car. I would be trading in my car which has a higher value than the car. So there will still be a finance going on but it would be a rollover. Will the other technically be paid off meaning that I'd be able to get liability on it? I just need to lower my payments because it's too much to handle right now so even some ways that I can lower my payments or insurance would be nice. ""

Good individual insurance? My job doesn't provide insurance because it's technically not full time. I absolutely cannot be without medical insurance because I deal with things like depression, asthma, allergies, and back and neck pain from an accident (I need an insurance with very good prescription drug coverage, chiropractic care coverage, and mental health coverage-like therapy/psychiatrists). Needless to say I can't afford to NOT have insurance. I'm also overweight, so it's very hard to find affordable insurance for myself. Since February, I have been on individual insurance with CHAND, a high risk insurance division of Blue Cross Blue Shield of North Dakota. The insurance is pretty good, but I pay $260/month, which is way out of my budget. My question is this: are there any good and inexpensive insurances out there for me? I'm trying to save money for a second bachelor's degree (college) and a wedding. Can anyone help? Thank you in advance- I deeply appreciate it!"" ""

What is the vehicle code in california that requires automobile insurance? What is the vehicle code in california that requires automobile insurance? ""

""Can the republican congress get my insurance plan back, the One Obama said I could keep?"" Can the republican congress get my insurance plan back, the One Obama said I could keep?"" ""

Would Excavators insurance cover our damaged well? A few months ago we had some excavation work done by a licensed and insured excavator in our back yard near the well about 15 feet or so. He removed a lot of ledge and tree stumps and buried them to level yard. With in a week we got a terrible odor and bacteria. We have treated the well twice and the bacteria keeps returning w/ awful smells and our water tests are all over the place. We had great drinking water prior to work done. Because the bacteria has returned once again the well may be damaged and we are looking into that now. If the well is damaged does his insurance cover our damages? How do we find out??? ""

What is the california vehicle code for insurance? What is the california vehicle code for insurance? ""

Is there a type of car insurance where anyone who drives is covered? hey is there a type of car insurance or a plan of car insurance where anyone who drives the car is covered and not just the person who is under the insurance Thanks P.S. I also need to know how much it would be ""

Cost of Cancelling multiple 6-month car insurance policies in US? I am 18 years old, male, clean driving record, good student, going to college. I will only be going home for occasional weekends, and vacations, and I would like to be insured so I can drive my car (saturn 2000 sl) around. I don't want to pay for the high cost of permanent car insurance, but want to be insured when I need it. I looked up ways to get temporary (short term) car insurance and I basically found that if you are under 21, you cannot pay daily or weekly. I also found that US insurance companies generally offer policies that are at least 6 months. Since I want tthen you can only get 6month or 1 year policies. They suggest getting the 6 month policy and paying monthly, and then simply canceling the policy once I am done with it. Therefore if I did this, I would be buying and canceling many policies every year. I would maybe do this a few weekends every semester and also winter, spring, and summer break. So basically I want to save money by foregoing yearly car insurance, but instead would like to do what I stated above. The big question is: IS IT WORTH IT? Ordering, and then cancelling up to six to eight 6-month policies, each paying for the first monthly payment. Note: I currently have MetLife. Thanks!!"" "

Lynn Massachusetts Cheap car insurance quotes zip 1903

Lynn Massachusetts Cheap car insurance quotes zip 1903

ANSWER: I might suggest one to try this website where one can get quotes from the best companies:
