Markos Kern
???? Serial entrepreneur with passion for purpose, sports and gamification, Founder/CEO @ LYMB.iO
Welcome to? the LYMB.iO team
Our work is a big part of our lives and we all want it to be an awesome experience and grow in all ways. We’re very aware that things are done very differently here compared to a normal company. Many of those things come from the strong belief that we can do better and have the freedom to explore new ways. We’d like to align our thoughts with you on how we can make this the best possible environment for everybody spending their time, passion and creativity here to grow and build a fantastic company.
All the next principles explain where we stand for today. Some of them are the reason why we are here today. Please take your time and read them carefully, let us know what you think and what you’d like to add to the way we do things here. Yeah… it might feel a little “let’s talk about feelings” sometimes, but it’s definitely worth it.
Why do we emphasize these points so much? Many things of our work together are defined by a balance between two poles on a scale that might constantly change. Freedom and management, risk and responsibility, social responsibility and financial gain, many times our daily decisions are complex. It will be impossible to always define the perfect rules in a rapidly changing environment to find the best solution. This is why we want to focus on a few common principles and trust in you to make the best choice rather than a million rules to encourage our staff to always find the right point of? balance.?
These principles are the foundation of our community. They follow the principle of evolution. Everything that lives follows a basic logic of getting better, of seeking the greatest possible opportunity for development while overcoming external challenges. This is exactly how we want our individuals and principles to evolve over time.
We’ve also linked some articles and definitions here in case you want to dive deeper into some topics. It’s not a must, but so far it has helped many to gain clarity and understanding about others and especially themselves.?
We are all here to make a difference beyond just profitability. We care about making people have fun while making them healthier and happier through physical activity, stimulating education, and social interaction. We focus on transforming people's lives in positive ways so that we can grow as people and communities. And like all change, it starts with ourselves. So we also need to focus on ourselves to create the best possible version of ourselves and our company.
We always set our goals and values high and learn how to reach them by learning every day, growing together as professionals, as a team and as individual? characters. The change we want to bring to the world will not always be easy to achieve. This is why we not only have to excel at our daily work, but also lead in the way in how we shape our own community - this company - to reach new heights and focus on how things can be done better in a common future.
At the end, we should alway know why we do what we do when watching the smiles and reactions of the people around us.
Fairness within our team, towards clients and partners always comes first and we honor what we all built together. We never discriminate, exclude any person or opinion, just like we never condemn other ideas or focus only on negative effects of something.
We don’t believe in monitoring or micromanagement or telling you how to do things since we very much believe in freedom. This is why we want to trust in your integrity as a learning professional, as a responsible decision maker and as a person within a team and we’re willing to invest in each individual to grow.? We might give you a lot of responsibility right away, you might receive a lot of power at some point and you will be responsible for other people’s projects, budgets, time and even very important parts of their life. We won’t always have the right answer for any of these situations, but we need to rely on your moral compass, the ability to reach out once things get complicated or if? you're simply overwhelmed (everybody is sometimes).?
Integrity is something that builds over time and learning and growing are the main reasons we're here. In the end, we’re always ready to stand up in the right moment, always apply even measure, admit when we were wrong or even walk away from any deal if it's not the right thing to do. We all heavily rely on and carry big responsibility for one another, so let’s always be aware of what this means four our actions.?
One part where integrity will play an important role is the future of what we build today. Our future success will be built by everybody doing their? part, making many right decisions,? staying true to our values and by a million mini-successes over the coming years. This is where we need the passion and grit of the full team to work on the base.? Always be aware that your integrity, in every small and big thing, will always be seen as a role model and thus shape our whole company. This goes especially the more? responsibility for others you carry and the longer you’ve been with the company.? Because of this, any impact, negative or positive, will always flow back to you multiplied. And in the long term, it will define who we are and who we attract to further build this company.?
I know, this all might sound overwhelming, but it’s no magic once you focus on the long game and we very much believe in you.?
Some examples of what this means:
“Integrity is doing the right thing, even if nobody is watching “ C.S. Lewis?
Nothing makes our life easier than being transparent and open. We are open about what we do, what we plan to do and we never sell fluff. This goes for the relationships we build with clients and partners, but also within our company. Transparency is one of the best tools to reach truthfulness, understanding and trust.?
One beautiful term for this is truthfulness. Even more than honesty, it not just refers to telling the truth when asked, it also means speaking up at the right point in time to avoid situations to build up. Evasion, question dodging or simple ignorance always work against transparency. You’d be surprised, how many gigantic clusterfucks can be avoided simply through a clear transparency at the earliest moment possible.?
Treated right, transparency should never be something to be afraid of. There will be certain situations where transparency will not be possible or even hurtful. But even then, we can still find a way to be transparent with the surrounding elements and explain how this affects situations or point people the right way.
Transparency should always be present by nature, but it’s also your obligation? to specifically ask for it if any situation is not fully clear to you. We pride ourselves on being over-transparent, so feel free to take us up on it.?
Some examples of what this means:
“A lack of transparency results in distrust and a deep sense of insecurity.” Dalai Lama
People can rely on us as professionals in what we say, what we do, the outstanding quality of our products and the level of service we provide. We are here to help and everybody can rely on us to answer their requests in a positive manner.?
Reliability is a main factor to build trust and an organization that works well. We want to be able to? rely on you, but we’re also aware this is something that builds over time. So let’s manage this process well, especially in terms of the freedom and responsibility you will be granted here.
In terms of communication, everybody must always be able to rely on our word and that we apply even measure in all situations. Our employees can rely on our company and their colleagues to live a fulfilled life and plan a reliable future. This includes us providing a safe environment and a strong focus on growth, but always built on a solid foundation. Yes, we are a startup with very ambitious plans and a big vision, but reliability will always be our safe baseline to provide for our team an
their families. Families are the most important part of our life and in contrast to many, we actually encourage you to get kids. We all need to count on each other and you can count on us.
Be aware that reliability slowly builds over time, but can be lost much faster if situations did not receive the management and active communication that they deserve.?
Some examples of what this means:
“Reliability is the precondition for trust.” Wolfgang Sch?uble
4. FUN
Fun is simple and everybody wants to have it. We try to make things as fun as we can all the time, even if our work sometimes also demands things that are not easy.
50% of all fun is defined by our mindset to things and our will to shape our life the way we want. So let’s all work towards fun days, months and years. Be aware that actively making things fun is much more important than wanting them to be fun. So it is all our responsibility to actively participate in the process and shape it. If you pay close attention to our other values, all of them support a base that can be called a fun environment. A positive and optimistic approach to things works wonders. It’s so easy to fall into a spiral of negativity once you get started to think that it’s everybody else’s job to take care of this very important aspect, but not you. You’d be surprised what amazing wonders you yourself can initiate once you aim for fun.?
Some examples of what this means:
“Creativity is intelligence having fun.” Albert Einstein
We live what we preach and try to be a good example, especially to the younger generation. We actively look into the future and past to draw the right conclusions for our decisions. We are always the active drivers of progress in our projects and the shift in mindset we’d like to see in the world.?
Driving this change is also reflected in our daily work. In our daily routine, we also are the active drivers of a process, we ask the right questions, we send agendas, overviews, follow ups and we set ourselves reminders because we know we bring change and cannot rely on others to do so for us. We happily carry the responsibility to keep things rolling. We stay active in regards to our health and mental health and try to recognize harmful routines and break them in creative ways. If you struggle with motivation, it’s also always great to help another.?
Some examples of what this means:
“Lack of activity destroys the good condition of any human being.” Plato
We will never engage in or bow to any form of disrespect, injustice, arrogance or aggression, even if this means putting our values above certain opportunities.
We’ve long been looking for a better word here, but until now, it just gets the point over best.
We believe in respect and building a better tomorrow together as a community. We don’t like bullies, haters, or simply put - people that behave like assholes towards others. Not only do we not like them, we actively try to create a safe and positive environment, where toxic behaviour of any kind has no place. We all have our burdens and things can get heated, but we must all agree to work on ourselves with and for the people in our lives.?
Yes, things can get tough when the stakes are high, but there’s a fine line between emotional outages among friends and harmful behaviour. We rely on you and our team to sense the fine line between where "good buddies having a rough tone" ends and disrespect and toxic behavior starts.?
Some examples of what this means:
IMPORTANT: We also rely on you to sense where a real asshole needs to be addressed straight up right and when somebody might need help to learn and escape a harmful pattern. Sometimes people do not realize what they do, why they do it and where it comes from. You never know what a person has been through and especially if somebody is close to us, we should always be willing to put in the extra work and? take the time to help another person to overcome a crisis, grow and feel taken care of.?
“Values are like fingerprints. Nobody’s are the same, but you leave ’em all over everything you do.”? Elvis Presley