Lying Weaselly Scumbags and your Private Practice
Dev G Lall - The Private Practice Expert
Surgeon. Best-selling author 'Grow your Private Practice FAST!' Keynote speaker, business adviser and mentor to Consultants, GPs & Psychologists in Private Practice
No matter where you stand on the Brexit debate, I’m sure like me you’re sick of constantly hearing about it.
The maelstrom of bullshit and outright lies (remember the NHS dividend?) being vomited on our heads every day by self-serving politicians is frankly unbelievable.
Still, there is something that Brexit and your private practice could – in fact SHOULD have in common.
And that is…
You see in response to my post last week I received a slightly testy e-mail from a consultant who said he thought Facebook was a rubbish way to grow a private practice.
He had a point, of sorts.
Because yes, putting up all those social engagement posts is a huge waste of time and effort for little - if any - return.
(And that’s not the correct way to run a Facebook marketing campaign in any case.)
But done properly – and depending upon specialty - Facebook can be AWESOME at generating patients.
Ophthalmologists. Orthopods. Urologists. Cosmetic/Aesthetic surgeons, for example.
Why Facebook is good for certain specialties and not others is a conversation for another day.
But all I want to do today is to draw your attention to the headline from the Daily Mirror in the picture with this article.
“Theresa May blows £100 000 a week on Facebook Ads!”
Politicians might be slimy, weaselly, lying shitbags who will say anything to get your vote…
…but one thing they are NOT is stupid.
The reason they run those adverts on Facebook is…
…they WORK.
And when it comes to private practice, they could work for you, too.
To far more honourable ends.
Best wishes,
Dev Lall BSc(HONS) MB ChB FRCS(Eng.) FRCS(Gen. Surg.)
The Private Practice Expert
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