LWC Best Practices for Screen Flows

LWC Best Practices for Screen Flows

Ensure your components integrate well within the flow runtime engine and work as expected in this blog about Screen Flows.

Screen Flows, part of?Salesforce Flow, lets developers and administrators create user interfaces and tie them to Salesforce data using code or no-code tools. Screen flows allow developers to use Lightning Web Components (LWC) as?flow elements. However, building LWCs for a flow requires that you follow some best practices. Doing so increases the performance of your LWCs, and your component works better within the Flow runtime engine.

In this blog, we first dive into how state management works in the Flow runtime, and then share some state management and event best practices that you should follow when building LWCs for your screen flows.

Best practices for LWC state management in screen flows

The Flow runtime adheres to LWC state management design principles. It works best when the LWC components that it renders do not modify their own?@api?attributes and instead request that a change be made by firing?FlowAttributeChangeEvents.

This pattern is essential for two reasons.

  1. Components that allow their parents to control their?@api?parameters are more easily reused because they allow the application to control the state rather than the component’s own internal business logic.
  2. By firing attribute change events, the Flow runtime can maintain an accurate picture of the component state, which allows it to control inter-component interactions, such as conditional field visibility.

Using?Salesforce LWC’s linter rules?is an excellent way to ensure that your component does not modify?@api?parameters. Set up a linter that uses LWC’s linter rules in your development environment, specifically ensuring that the?lwc/no-api-reassignments?setting is enforced.

Below is an example of a simple text input component. It demonstrates how a?FlowAttributeChangeEvent?should be fired in lieu of updating the LWC’s?@api?parameter.

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Best practices for LWC events in screen flows

In the upcoming sections, we deep dive into best practices for flow events like?FlowAttributeChangeEvent?and?FlowNavigationEvent.

Attribute change event best practices

This section presents a list of?FlowAttributeChangeEvent?(see?docs)?Dos?and?Don’ts.

  1. Do not?modify?@api?attributes in the component. Instead, fire the?FlowAttributeChangeEvents?event.
  2. Do?fire the event in event handlers or in methods invoked within event handlers.
  3. Do?limit the event’s value parameter to the following data types:

  • String
  • Number
  • Boolean
  • JSON (for record types)

4. Do?ensure that the data type of the?FlowAttributeChangeEvent?value parameter matches the data type of the LWC’s?@api?parameter.

5. Do?react to changes to?@api?parameters by using a?get/set?pattern where appropriate. This is also needed to cross-communicate between components when you are using?reactive screen components (Beta).

The example below demonstrates using?get/set?to count the updates to an?@api?parameter vs. simply incrementing a counter before firing an attribute change event. It is worth noting that both the below patterns are valid but achieve slightly different results.

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In the above scenario,?this.changeCounter?will be incremented whenever the user inputs a change in the text input and whenever the Flow runtime determines that the?textValue?property has changed. This will consider component initialization and cross-component interactions when using?reactive screen components.

Note: an intermediate variable will need to be used to render updates from the set method. In this example, we introduce the?textValueToRender?for this purpose.

Let’s look at a code example where we increment a counter before firing an attribute change event. In this scenario, we do not use the?get/set?pattern.

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In this case,?this.changeCounter?will be incremented whenever the user inputs a change in the text input.

6.?Do?use anotationless or?@track?parameters to maintain a modifiable local component state.

The example below shows a color picker that presents the user with an input text box and some swatches. Note that the color picker component returns color to the flow, so only?color?needs to be an?@api?parameter, the?selectedSwatchId?and?inputValue?members are internal only and hence do not need any decorator.

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7.?Do?use a?get?method to combine multiple?@api?parameters together to construct a derived variable for the view.

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8.?Do?apply the same logic in the?set?method of every?@api?parameter that contributes to a derived member variable. This is needed for internal component state management for complex scenarios. This will ensure that a change made to any contributing attribute will cause the value to render correctly, regardless of the order in which attributes are set.

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9.?Do not?modify?FlowAttributeChangeEvent?parameters after construction. By default,?FlowAttributeChangeEvent?instances are?composed?and?bubble.

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10.?Avoid?firing?FlowAttributeChangeEvents?and?FlowNavigationXxx?events at the same time. The rationale for this is it can lead to race conditions. There’s never a guarantee that the LWC component has had time to render the updated values by the time we start the navigation process.

Navigation change event best practices

In addition to the?FlowAttributeChangeEvent, custom LWCs can fire navigation?events?to move between screens and pause or finish flows.

The intent of navigation events is to allow for custom LWC authors to include additional control mechanisms within their components. To that end, navigation events should be fired when reacting to end-user interaction.

Consult the list of?Dos?and?Don’ts?below when planning on using navigation events.

  1. Do?fire navigation events in event handlers (or in the method they invoke).
  2. Do not?fire navigation events outside of event handlers as it leads to a poor experience for the end user.
  3. Do not?fire navigation events in lifecycle handlers like?renderedCallback?and?connectedCallback.

The logic for skipping screens should rest in Flow Decision Nodes and should not be determined during the lifecycle of a screen. Additionally, navigation in a dummy screen can lead to poor flow performance.


We love it when developers create innovative solutions with Lightning Web Components combined with Flows. Following the best practices outlined in this blog ensures that your components integrate well within the Flow runtime engine and work as expected.



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