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Lviv National Medical University is one of the oldest European universities. We are proud to offer our medical, dental, pharmaceutical and postgraduate education programs. Danylo Halytsky Lviv National Medical University offers an intimate, collegial environment, which fosters human values and genuine learning. This is in harmony with the traditional idea of living and learning together Danylo Halytsky Lviv National Medical University (LNMU) is one of the oldest and biggest medical educational institutions in Ukraine. It is one of the leading medical universities of the IV level of accreditation. LNMU begins from the Medical Faculty of Lviv University, which was opened on November 16, 1784, according to the privilege of the Austrian emperor Josef II. In 2009 Danylo Halytsky Lviv National Medical University celebrated its 225 anniversary. 22 scientific schools actively function in the university. They are the schools: of obstetrics and gynecology, biochemical, hygienic, of infectious diseases, of history of medicine and pharmacy, microbiological, morphological, of neurology and neurosurgery, of oncology, of otorhynolaryngology, ophthalmological, of pathological anatomy and pathological physiology, pediatric, psychiatric, of dentistry, of internal diseases, pharmacological, physiological, of phtisiatry, of chemistry and pharmacy and of surgery. LNMU provides admission for foreign citizens to the undergraduate programmes at Faculty of General Medicine, Faculty of Dentistry and Faculty of Pharmacy. It also provides admission for Preparatory Course and Postgraduate Training. According to the License of Ministry of Education, Science, Youth and Sports of Ukraine АГ №582786 from 07.02.2012. the amount of foreign citizens for Undergraduate Education were 250 people, for Preparatory Course 100 people and for Postgraduate training were 150 people.

At 78 University departments, at the Institute of Clinical Pathology, in the Central Research Laboratory (CRL) and Laboratory of industrial toxicology are working 1211 scientists: 134 Doctor of Sciences and more than 620 PhD degree holders, including 113 full professors, 369 associate professors, 50 senior tutors, 662 assistant professors, 17 researchers. Among them there are 23 Members, 7 Corresponding Members of Academy of Sciences, 12 Honored Workers of Science and Technology,

7 Honored Workers of Education, 19 Honored Doctors, 1 Honored Worker of Physical Culture and Sport, 8 Laureates of the State Prize of Ukraine in Science and Technology.Training of specialists in LNMU is provided at 6 Faculties: Medical Faculty #1 and #2, Faculty of Dentistry, Faculty of Pharmacy (regular and correspondence education), Faculty of Postgraduate training, Faculty of Foreign Students – according to educational-qualificational level: specialist, master, and also in University Medical College according to educational-qualificational level – junior specialist.The annual university amount of students is more than 19100 persons, which includes 5426 undergraduate students (including more than 1000 foreign students), 62 students of Preparatory Course, more than 1500 internship doctors, 50 students of Master’s program, 70 students of PhD program, 70 Postgraduate doctors (Clinichna Ordynatura), around 11000 students of Faculty of Postgraduate training, 312 students of Medical College. Students of all Faculties study according to the credit-module system.

In 2011 the university conducted the first graduation of students who studied according to the demands of “Bologna” process.The University started providing education for foreign citizens from 1961. During 50 years over 2,500doctors and pharmacists – foreigners have got education here and have been working successfully as doctors and pharmacists in many countries of the world. Education is provided in Ukrainian and Russian, and since 1997 the teaching of foreign students in English has been taking place and is rapidly developing. Now 70% of University foreign students study in English Medium Program.University library contains more than 530000 volumes of textbooks, manuals and other relevant medical literature. Library has modern computer equipment. She has Internet connection and is connected with other scientific city libraries.University in the Member of International and European Associations of Universities, and also is the member of almost 70 another international organizations, academies, federations. University is included into Directory of World Health Organization (WHO) and into Directory of Universities of Central European countries. In terms of University activities LNMU has the leading positions in ratings of higher educational institutions and higher medical educational institutions of Ukraine (Scopus 2010 – the 2nd place among medical universities and academies of Ukraine).

Lviv National Medical University

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