Luxury Safaris Southern Africa: Where are they now? Jarred Vosges.
PG Geldenhuys
Founder, Investor & Coach fostering A-player capability through Growth Mindset. EO Member & Accelerator Scaling Up Trainer
2020 has been a rough ride for everyone. But for some, when life gives you lemons, you make some lemonade. One of these is our top tour guide Jarred Vosges, who has taken the opportunity presented by the pandemic to hone his passions for photography, personal work while still keeping the pot boiling.
Over the last few months, Jarred has helped me develop the Shoshin Walks product, and I am happy to report that Clive, Jarred and I will run our second trip this weekend to the Boesmanskloof. We have 18 guests excited to get out there and experience a hidden gem while doing some mindfulness work, let Lauren know asap if you still want to play on [email protected].
He has also kept himself busy doing necessary shopping work for Quench, thereby safeguarding some of our most vulnerable members of society.
But what has really been the win, has been moving forward with his photography portfolio. While on tour with our clients over the years, Jarred has developed an enviable portfolio of pics while honing his skillsets. He is now offering these pics for sale at, and supporting some cool charities in the process. All pic sales includes a 30% contribution to the following two cool initiatives: aims to provide Covid-19 relief to the people who need it most. This non-profit focuses on the residence in the most disadvantaged communities in South Africa. R480 can assist a household for two weeks. sets out to educate and provide care to disadvantaged children through the action of surf, getting them off the streets and into the ocean.
I am delighted in the way my team has responded with proactive behaviour in finding alternative sources of income and enjoyment, while also following their passions. Please share broadly and support Jarred in this new endeavour!