Art can be life-changing — for proof, look no further than Johannesburg’s Night of 1000 Drawings event. Since 2006, the annual, inner-city art exhibition has been raising funds for good causes such as childhood education and homelessness. And this year, Luxury Frontiers lent its support (and talent!)
Unlike other art exhibitions, the 1000 Drawings event invites artists of all levels to contribute works—be they doodles, sketches, paintings, photographs, etchings, or embroideries—so long as they’re in A5 format (148 x 210 mm). In previous years, well-known artists, illustrators, celebrities, and even tattoo artists have donated works. And now that Luxury Frontiers’ talented team has chipped in, the event can count interior designers, architects, project managers, and 3D visualization artists as contributors! From abstract line drawings to the pop culture-fueled creations, here’s how a handful of LF employees approached the assignment:
“I wanted to create something completely abstract with paint and just have fun with it,” says LF’s interior designer Idalina Silva, who created two works for the show. “Stand Out From the Crowd” is an explosion of blue paint globs, with a pop of red in its center, while “Dystopian Rose” is a origami-style flower constructed out of pieces of tape.
“Stand Out From the Crowd” by Idalina Silva.
“Dystopian Rose” by Idalina Silva.
Thando Nkibinde, LF’s junior interior designer, went in a more literal direction, composing a bright yellow sun beaming down on what appears to be a house and a church. “I wanted to capture a sense of place, belonging, and safe haven,” she says. “This sketch is a reminder that no matter where you are, the sun will always shine for you.”
By Thando Nkibinde.
Luxury Frontiers’ interior architect Nadia Ghillino was also inspired by the sun. “My first image depicts an abstracted sunrise,” she says, describing her geometric-style sketch, comprising hard lines and moon-like orbs. Her second image also embraced shapes found in nature: “It’s a string of birds at varying stages of flight,” she says of her ornamental drawing.
By Nadia Ghillino.
By Nadia Ghillino.
Meanwhile, Chantelle Slabber, LF’s 3D visualization artist, turned inward for inspiration. “I’m a geek at heart and love the character Pikachu,” she says, “So I wanted to draw something different!” Her crowd-pleasing picture, titled “Pikachu On an Adventure” depicts the Pokémon character, a tree-covered mountain, and planets in orbit, among other things.
“Pikachu On an Adventure” by Chantelle Slabber.
To bid on these masterful creations that will benefit good causes, visit the Night of 1000 Drawings site for news on the upcoming auction date!
A cross-section of the team’s creations!