Luxury apartment for sale in Munich Bogenhausen - seller accepts Bitcoin - the search for professional Real Estate Investments powered by Blockchain
Living room in "My Altbau Bogenhausen"

Luxury apartment for sale in Munich Bogenhausen - seller accepts Bitcoin - the search for professional Real Estate Investments powered by Blockchain

As the acceptance of cryptocurrencies rises to new highs and more and more people get into "it", it is to be expected that as a natural evolution real assets are being traded with Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies.

November 7th, Bloomberg reported that the Search Query ‘Buy Bitcoin’ overtook ‘Buy Gold’ as Online Search Phrase.

It is interesting that even the Weather forecast is not as interesting to the people as the Bitcoin price is. Gold seems to get out of fashion here too.

As the volatility in the cryptocurrency markets exceeds everything a "normal" investor in shares, bonds, real estate etc is used too, the demand for more conservative alternatives to hedge a cryptocurrency portfolio that appreciated >300% and more is expected to skyrocket. There simply is no way - as per now - to hedge a cryptocurrency portfolio with real assets without exchanging crypto to FIAT money - yet...

Again search queries like "Real Estate Bitcoin" show that people would love to have an option to connect both worlds to each other. Not only for residential but also as a real investment option in commercial leveraged real estate.

First steps are made in the residential space, as i.e. this luxury apartment in Munich-Bogenhausen is for sale.

The seller accepts Bitcoin and the German Notary-System makes it possible to acquire such an asset using Bitcoin too.

In the next months Digital Assets will hopefully receive regulatory rules that make it even more attractive for traditional investors and will open the floodgates to more investments using the revolutionary Blockchain Technology. To quote Mike Novogratz, “This is going to be the largest bubble of our lifetimes,” Novogratz said. “Prices are going to get way ahead of where they should be. You can make a whole lot of money on the way up, and we plan on it.”

We at |D|BHPERE are prepared to advise and look forward to launching a cryptocurrency based commercial real estate investment platform - powered with Blockchain Technology to disrupt the Private Equity Real Estate Fund Industry and transform into a Digital PERE Industry.


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