Lunch at Work - Options to make your week easy

Lunch at Work - Options to make your week easy

Generally lunch is one of the meals, which most people avoid, due to a small break during the shift. Or try to eat something fast and sometimes on the go, because you don't have time to sit and eat calmly.

Avoiding lunch time can be harmful to your health. If you don't eat your breakfast, avoid your lunch, it can raise up your blood sugar levels, due to the deficiency of nutrients. Then it can make you eat more than enough in your next meal, which is dinner. Going to bed stuffed is not a good idea, because it will disturb your sleep.

I was thinking about ways to help you improve your lunch meals at work. I am going to give you some ideas that I use myself every day.

What should I have at lunch? 

A healthy option for your lunch needs to be based on sources that will contain macronutrients and micronutrients. The important point is understand that your body needs certain amounts of calories which will give you the energy necessary to perform the activity as needed.

1o Carbohydrates - it is the main source of body energy. Always add to your lunch box complex carbohydrates as brown rice, pasta, potatoes, sweet potatoes, barley, buckwheat, etc. 

2o Protein - it is needed for a lot of functions in the body and gives you more satiety at lunch. This group of food consists of meats such as pork, beef, chicken, poultry and lamb. As well as vegetarian sources, like beans and pulses. 

3o Fats - dietary fat is needed because it will provide essential fatty acids and fat-soluble vitamins, which is essential for vital functions of the body. Good options for lunch are salmon, sardines, olives, avocado, seeds, nuts, olive oil for dressing. 

4o - Vegetables and Fruits - at least 3 portions of vegetables and 2 portions of fruit per day. You can have 1 veg for lunch and 2 veggies at dinner. Eat one fruit in the morning with your breakfast and other in the afternoon as a dessert. 

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How to prepare your lunch

So, now you know what you need to have in your lunch every day. I’ll give you some ideas about how to prepare your lunch:

  • Left over - the simple way is to make the dinner and bring the leftover for lunch. I usually cook more for my dinner and bring the rest to work to the next day. At lunch I microwave it and is ready to eat. Simple and nutritional food.
  • Cook for the Week - it is another option that I used years ago and still use when I’m very busy. Generally on Sunday I cook the food for the week days and freeze. The advantage of this process is that you can think in advance about the healthiest options. Making the Weekly Menu help to have more variety in your meals.
  • Cooking Methods - use cooking methods as boiling, steaming, baking, roasting. Avoid as much as you can fried food, generally it is fried with refined oil and is not good for your health. As well as add more herbs and spices to give flavors and will reduce the amount of salt in your food.

Eating out at Lunch, What to Choose?

If you are eating out, find places where you can have healthy options for your lunch. Where you can have protein, carbs, fats and vegetables. 

Avoid eating just salad every day, remember the more variety of food, more nutrients to the body. As well as avoiding eating sandwiches every lunch time, especially when they are made from white bread. Refined food does not give the nutrients your body needs and will raise up your blood sugar levels.    

Ideas for your Lunch

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Here I’m going to give you some ideas I usually make for my lunch box.

Simple things as:

  • Chicken curry with brown rice - I add some vegetables to make the curry rich source of nutrients.
  • Stew - I use carrot, parsnip, broccoli, green beans, sometimes add some lentils to make the sauce thicker.
  • Roast meat with roasted potatoes and vegetables - always prepare it the night before and bring it to lunch.
  • Quinoa with vegetables - it is really simple to make and feed me a lot. I use a mix of frozen vegetables, quinoa, herbs and spices, and cook everything together.
  • Barley - a really good rice substitute, there is one recipe that I really like called Peas Barley Risotto. Fast, simple and healthy option for your lunch and dinner.

I am Simone Holz a Nutrition and Health Coach, who is helping people to improve eating habits, having a balanced diet using all food sources available. Encouraging clients to get into a routine of exercise, enhances sleep patterns, use mindfulness techniques that will manage a lot of factors in their life that will promote a healthy lifestyle.

If you want to improve your lifestyle and don’t know how to start the process. I’m here to help and guide you in this journey.

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Rafael Bittencourt

Product Manager | PSPO | Gerente de Produto | Team Leader | Squad Lead | People Lead | CBPP | Coordenador | Professor | Autor e Curador líder do livro Transi??o para PO e PM

3 年

ótimas dicas, gostei bastante do seu artigo. Abra?os.

Great options Simone ????????


